
The truth about tithing and tax your pastor won't tell you

Tithe 13 Payment of tithe. File photo

Mon, 1 Mar 2021 Source: Daniel Baah

Malachi 3:10 is a famous quotation that comes into play when anybody attempts to criticize paying of tithes. Let me set record straight that I am in no way opposing the payment of tithe. But the million-dollar question is how modern churches go about stampeding people into the payment of the tithe? (or better put Christian TAX).

Some go to the extent of publishing records of members who are in default. So if this is not "tax" then what other proper name fits it. Funny how some Christians cannot prudentially contribute 10% into their own social security but contribute 10% of every income to churches.

In my opinion and knowledge from reading the scriptures, tithing is a form of giving whether to church or charity or needy neighbour. But it is a shock to me why Pastors are silent about tithing to widows and needy but stressing on tithing to the church house. Giving is good and brings many blessings to the giver. To me, I have witnessed many blessings in my life whenever I give "WILLINGLY" not under mandatory 10% as some churches do these days. Tithing is biblical and it is also biblical that we give the tithe to help the poor and needy in society. But churches today will tell you that giving your tithe to help a struggling neighbour to feed or a poor widow cannot substitute tithe. FUNNY RIGHT?

Let's briefly look at the etymology of tithing. Abraham tithed to the high priest Melchizedek after his success in war but take note he did that voluntarily (willingly). The Israelites continued the practice in the mosaic era to tithe to the Levites as a tradition. Do we have levites in our churches today? Christians propose that they are not following the mosaic law hence not tithing the Mosiac tithe but instead the Abrahamic. Fair enough, where is the Melchisedek of our time? Theologists compare Melchisedek's position as a high priest to Jesus who is our high priest today. So technically we are to tithe to Jesus which I very much agree with. So how can we give our tithe to Jesus? The answer lies perfectly in Matt 25: 35-40. " 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'' Let me leave the issue of tithe here to your own judgment and veer into the issue of churches paying tax to the government.

Should churches pay tax to government?

Tax to government is biblical and very well enshrined in the new testament. (Matt 22 15-22). But is funny how churches vehemently opposed paying tax to the government which Jesus endorsed in the NT but strictly forcing tithe on people which was an OT practice and very rarely stressed upon in the NT.

Maybe your anger on government misuse of tax funds by corrupt political figures makes you oppose this idea. What if the Christian Council can collect these tithes as tax and channel it into projects in the rural areas where kids write on stones and have no structures to study inside? Look at the following rough analysis which will shock you.

86% of Ghanaians earn 16000 GHS or more /year whether employed/self-employed or gifted by other people. (

Divide this by 12 months which is equal to GHS 1,333 /month

so roughly 86% of Ghanaians will be paying GHS 133 (10% of 1333 GHS) as tithe every month.

As at 2019, Ghana's population stands at 30.42 Million. Multiply 30.42 million by 86% by 133 = 3.88 Billion plus GHS per month.

So you see? The Christian Council can be sitting on 3.88 Billion every month? How many rural schools can we get from this? how many orphan children can this amount support? How many windows can this amount support? How many schools under trees can we eradicate with this per month? I bet you that if the Christian Council can mobilize this amount or even 70% of it every month as tax and supervise its disbursement to all regions, we won't overburden the government with everything that goes wrong in the country. Besides there will be nothing more fulfilling than seeing your donations touch lives as is supposed to instead of financing the lavish lifestyle of a so-called "man of God" when the people of God live in abject poverty. In fact, Jesus will be very much happy that the rich are giving back to help the poor.

In conclusion, the next time you bark at the government for doing nothing with your tax ask where your tithe goes.

Columnist: Daniel Baah