
The unrottable tongue of Arikana Chihombori-Quao

H. E Arikana Chihombori Quao.jpeg Dr Arikana Chihombori-Quao

Thu, 17 Aug 2023 Source: Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr.

The first thought that flashed through my mind, almost immediately, after I read what appeared to me to be a hurriedly written and poorly edited press release, reporting the wisdom-pregnant admonition or admonishment of Dr. Naomi Ruth Barber King, described as a distinguished Civil Rights Leader and Revered Matriarch of the family or clan of the brutally slain but historically immortalized Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was the equally distinguished and globally renowned Ghanaian-married astute and revolutionary Zimbabwean-born, Tennessee-based Family Care Physician, Mrs. Arikana Chihombori-Quao (See “Civil Right[sic] Leader, Matriarch of the King’s[sic] Family, Dr. Naomi Ruth Barber King, Urges ECOWAS to Adopt Peaceful Approaches for Resolving Challenges in Former French Colonies” 8/13/23).

And the simple reason was that the 63-year-old former African Union’s Permanent Representative to the United States of America (2017-2019), was reportedly fired from her post, in Washington, DC., because she would not play possum or the good, old erstwhile colonial-era “Most Obedient Servant” to the latter-day neocolonialist leadership of the Western Imperialist Nations, in particular to France, which continued to wantonly and savagely exploit its Nominally Independent Francophone African countries, all in the lurid and morally depraved and rancid name of mutuality of interests.

At any rate, at the time of her very rude and inexcusably scandalous removal from the Washington, DC office of the AU’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United States of America, there had almost spontaneously flared up a firestorm of protests from the leaders and the members of the intellectual and the professional classes of several African countries and the African Diaspora demanding the immediate reinstatement of the longtime resident of the southern US State of Tennessee, where she had also schooled and trained as a Family Care Physician and studiously and diligently practiced her trade for nearly three decades. But predictably, such vehement demands were all to absolutely no avail.

And the obvious reason may very well have been the stark and patently pedestrian, and outright embarrassing, fact that even as Sincerely Yours prepares this column for publication, the bulk of the managerial budget of the African Union is very likely underwritten by our so-called Western Partners, even as the leaders of the various Continental African Countries blindly loot our direly needed financial resources and stash them away, under various aliases, in the banking institutions of the same Western countries whose leaderships routinely pretend to be our next-to Divine Providence benefactors. Such Bretton-Woods-like support, of course, invariably comes with very tightly rigged strings attached. But the latter equally significant subject is not what Sincerely Yours intends to talk about in this column today.

Rather, what we really intend to presently discuss revolves around the old morally philosophical and globally famous maxim which says That: “Truth repressed for however interminably long, will rise up again and again in perpetuity.” You see, until I watched one of her very thought-provoking and memorable YouTube lecture series on the perennial and the systematic and the wanton exploitation of Continental Africans by the Aryan-West, I had absolutely no comprehensive knowledge about what has today become known as Francophonie or the Francophone Alliance, which is decidedly no alliance at all, but a series of slavocratic agreements that was unilaterally imposed as a precondition for granting the former France-colonized African countries their Nominal Independence, which was issued in Paris, en masse, sometime between 1958 and 1960.

In the aforesaid agreement, for only one inexcusably dehumanizing example, parcels of forcibly occupied African Territories, now redesignated as constitutionally Democratic Republics, would be trading almost exclusively with their mythological “Ancestors from Gaul,” or the Father Country, as their first and foremost choice of preference. In addition, all the commodity and mineral exports of these mineral-rich countries would be marketed in France, with the proceeds therefrom being deposited in French-owned and/or controlled banking institutions and thereafter invested in the French economy, with periodic loans and other “financial aid packages” accrued from the humongous profits made from these exports “generously” and “charitably” plowed back to these viciously and wantonly extorted and systematically and deliberately impoverished African producer nations of the erstwhile Overseas Departments of the French Republic.

To hear Dr. Chihombori-Quao, who is also a very successful entrepreneur, both right here in the United States of America and in her home country of Zimbabwe and several other Continental African Countries, tell it like it really is, as the savagely slain African American Human and Civil Rights Muslim Minister Malcolm X would have pointedly put it, is a real eyeopener that would almost instantly inspire any African-descended listener to take up arms and go to war with France, rather than slavishly participate in the sort of lamebrained and harebrained racially suicidal and genocidal and totally unprovoked War of Aggression being proposed by some members of the NATO Alliance, France being the foremost instigator, and being apparently docilely mulled over by the evidently clueless leaders of the so-called Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union itself. Arikana Chihombori-Quao is simply mind-blowing in her analysis of the proverbial Horse-Rider relationship between Africans and the European World.

The foregoing is precisely what Dr. Ruth Barber King, the Martin Luther King, Jr., relative soberly and heart-wrenchingly counsels against, when the Venerable Matriarch of the Atlanta, Georgia-based legendary and globally renowned family makes the following Chihombori-Quaoesque morally and philosophically compelling and historically well-informed observation: “As these practically hostage African colonies awaken to the enduring repercussions of the France[-extorted] treaties that have been instrumental in shaping their [grossly mis-]perceived sovereignty, the hitherto socioeconomically blindsided Continental Africans have finally come to an inevitable awareness of the imperative need for a paradigm shift, with a morally and a politically searing focus on the imperative need for a renewed commitment to the welfare of the people.”

And to cap it all up, Dr. Naomi Ruth Barber King eloquently and glowingly concludes: “When individuals stand up for righteousness and are prepared to make [the necessary] sacrifices, victory becomes an inevitable outcome.” In other words, what the razor-witted and morally foresighted relative of the legendary African American Human and Civil Rights Spearhead is saying here, albeit not plainly or in so many words, is that the recent Nigerien coup d’état that ousted the government of President Mohamed Bazoum, may very well be a Crispus Attucks-like clarion signal for the beginning of Continental Africa’s Ukrainian War of True Independence of the African Mind, Spirit and Soul. Now, LET US ALL, WITH ONE VOICE, SAY “AMEN!”

Columnist: Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr.