
The uprisings in the Arab world: Nkrumah is justified

Sun, 6 Mar 2011 Source: The Emperor

For the past month or so, the Arab world has been the focus of attention. In Egypt, the thirty year reign of Hosni Mubarak was forced to a close. Tunisia went through the same experience. Yemen followed suit. Who would’ve expected Bahrain to crumble? Currently, Libya is in crisis. A civil war seems imminent! Quite recently, Sayf al-Islam, Muammar Gaddafi’s son, told the world that there would be rivers of blood in Libya. I guess his father, after four decades in power, has no intention of leaving whatsoever. Like most of you, I followed the uprisings in these aforementioned countries with great interest. By now, most of you are wondering, which country would be the next in line. I am sure of it! A few days ago, I was informed by a colleague that Morocco might stand up and be heard. Well, I wont be surprised if it does come to pass. So, let’s wait and see!

Having said this, the uprisings in these aforementioned Arab countries aren’t coincidental. Please, let’s be clear on this! There are a lot of things going on behind the scenes. Things foul and corrupt of nature. I am hundred percent sure of it! Sometime ago, I was watching a documentary on You-tube. The documentary, in question, was about the New World Order. I believe that most of you are well informed about it. So, I wont waste any time by going into details. Anyway, I gathered some extraordinary information, whilst watching the documentary.What I learned was that the New World Order, contrary to popular belief, isn’t a fallacy. It’s real! The purpose of its existence is to control the wealth of the world. To be precise, the resources of the world. They would be brought under one umbrella. The umbrella would be in the hands of the king-makers of the world. Those with power to appoint or dis-appoint rulers, of course!

Remember, not all rulers are appointed by their people. As y’all know, some are puppet rulers! But then, you knew. It’s no secret! That said, who are these king-makers? Well, some call them the International Bankers. They control the business in Wall Street and the likes! These elite group of people are very powerful. They are from the West! Right now, some misguided individuals are applauding the uprisings in the Arab world. Some are calling these uprisings the people’s uprising for democracy. Revolutions! But, are these uprisings truly from the people, or is the West behind them? The West is definitely behind these various uprisings. Don’t be fooled! This makes these various uprisings coups d’état, not revolutions. There’s a difference between a coup d’état and a revolution! Personally, I call these various uprisings a take-over. A take-over by the West and for the interests of the West!

The notion of constituting democracy in these aforementioned Arab countries is a fallacy! The main objective is to set up puppet rulers who would give them easy access. Nothing more, nothing less! Remember, all these various uprisings were orchestrated by the International Bankers. Under the auspices of the New World Order, of course! Dear reader, as you read this, plans to stir up the people of Venezuela against Hugo Chavez are under construction. In 1989, the Western-backed- student-uprising was supposed to topple the Communist Party in China. Obviously, the Western powers that be wanted in. It failed! As a result, the Communist Party was able to implement its socio-economic policies successfully and undisturbed. Today, China rules supreme. The Chinese resisted western imperialism at all costs! As of the moment, many western countries are in queue for China's help, including the mighty United States. Guess who is laughing at who?

Years ago, Dr Nkrumah wrote a book about neo-colonialism. In the book, he warned us against neo-colonialism. Western neo-colonialism, to be precise. Many people thought, from reading the book, that he was only referring to the neo-colonisation of Africa by the West. How mistaken they were! Today, the various staged uprisings in the Arab world have justified Nkrumah’s warning. Indeed, no country is safe from western imperialism, western take-over. Unless, of course, we unite and do what the Chinese did. Resist! Remember, the trouble in these aforementioned Arab countries didn’t begin until the troublemakers came in. The western neo-colonialists!

Welcome 2 the new Age of Consciousness!


The Emperor

Columnist: The Emperor