
There Might Be A Revolution Within The NDC Soon

Sat, 24 Sep 2005 Source: Alifo, Eric Delanyo

By a revolution, I mean a popular agitation by the masses (especially the youth) that would compel the leadership and other decision makers of the party to sit up and do what is rational and necessary to get the party back on its feet. I am coming to this point because it appears to me that the various blocs within the party are not willing to put the party?s interest above theirs. More importantly, it seems to me that there is no single person or group of persons that could bring the feuding parties within the party together to resolve their differences and forge ahead in unity and with a common purpose. Most of us, ardent supporters of the party, are getting very tired now, but we shall not get frustrated and leave the party; we shall remain and cause a popular agitation across the country, among all those who have good intentions for the party. This is the only way we shall get back to power in 2008. It shall happen very soon if those who have the responsibilities to unite us and instill confidence in us remain adamant and continue to fight among themselves.

When the revolution occurs, it shall be something similar to the ?Wahala? match going on in the country presently. We shall urge all true supporters of NDC in the regions to stand up and move on the party executives from the regions to the headquarters in Accra. We shall encourage seizure of party property and possibly, take some of the problematic leaders as hostages. We shall make a very simple demand of them: they must act like rational and intelligent human beings and resolve all their differences within the shortest possible time and begin to reach out to those who have abandoned the party for various reasons. This is a serious call; I hope those who matter are listening. When we begin to think like this, it is because we think our leaders are failing us, and by that conduct, destroying our party. It does not matter who founded the party and who leads the party in any capacities now. All that most of us believe is that every influential member of the party matters very much. We appreciate their efforts of building the NDC, and we abhor their serious efforts now to destroy the same NDC they have built.

We cannot do without J.J. Rawlings or Dr. Obed Asamoah. We cannot let Professor Mills, Dr. Kwesi Botchwey, Alhaji Idrissu Mahama, Mr. Harry Sawyer and many others sit by and watch the party die. We cannot ignore the importance of Dr. Josiah Aryeh, Dr. Tony Aidoo, and others. We shall need Mr. P.V. Obeng, Capt. Kojo Tsikata, and many of their likes back. We shall fight to win back the hearts of Goosie Tanoh and his reform group. I do not think this task is unachievable; the leadership is just not exploring avenues to achieve this and it is about time we, the masses, shout aloud to tell them know that all of them, irrespective of their positions, are disappointing us. I wish I were in the position to begin this revolution in the next 24 hours; I am not, but I believe it shall occur soon if our leaders refuse to listen. I am thinking seriously of what I have to do to let it take place. I can imagine the possible consequences, but it is time we stepped up our efforts to make our NDC that formidable and admirable party it used to be in the 1990s.

There is no doubt at all that NDC, as a political party, is an honest organization, and better political tool than the current corrupt NPP. It is as clear as daylight now; all that remains for us to get back to power is our own organization of the party and mounting a vigorous and unified campaign towards the 2008 general elections. I think we must get up now and explore all possible ways to make our leaders listen to us. If they fail to listen to what is reasonable, we shall axe them out somehow and give ourselves a few years to rebuild the party. I will stop here for now and start to think further about what to do next to get my ideas across to those who can help push them to reality.

In the meantime ? since I know most people (especially our NDC leaders) will begin to dig around me to find who is behind this article ? I wish to volunteer a little information about myself. My name will appear immediately under the article. I was the first national secretary for the TEIN (the NDC Tertiary Education Institutions Network) when it was formed some time in 1993. When TEIN was going to organize a program on KNUST campus in 1993, the then UST SRC said it was against the school?s constitution because political activities were banned on the campus. We needed to cause that part of the constitution to be amended, and that required gathering several signatories from each of the halls on campus. The SRC thought it was an arduous task, which could not be achieved within the available time. I took it upon myself, drafted a resolution, and moved from one hall to another, and in two days, gathered many more signatories than were necessary. There will be more time in the future to talk about the rest of this and other events. For now, we want our NDC leaders to sit up or we shall revolt. If they sit up and do the right thing, all of us shall be winners. If they continue to do what they are doing now, all of us, including them, and the whole of Ghana shall be the losers.

Once this article is posted on ghanaweb, those who can print it must do so and send copies to NDC headquarters and, to any of those leaders who matter in the NDC, especially those who have been mentioned in the article. I know most of my friends will email copies to others and circulate it adequately. THE REVOLUTION IS VERY NEAR NOW.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Alifo, Eric Delanyo