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They are just provoking confrontation!

Koku Confront File photo

Wed, 12 Oct 2016 Source: Eric Bawah

By Eric Bawah

When defeat is staring you in the face, the only alternative left is for you to provoke confrontation. By doing that, the obvious loser simply just wants to turn the apple cart upside down so that a winner is not declared. This is exactly what the NDC intends to do in the run-up to the 7th December elections. They don’t want to debate issues but love to attack personalities with the hope that such personalities will respond so that the politics of distraction will take the center stage.

Koku Anyidoho is leading a pack of NDC attack dogs to execute this agenda. They insult, vilify and go down the gutter all in an attempt to woo the NPP to go down to the gutter with them so that Ghanaians will not be able to chose between the wheat and the chaff. In the Akan language, such a person is called ‘Otofour”. An Otofour possesses the spirit of the devil and when he is about to die he will make sure he or she puts his hands on the shoulders of persons close to him and go down the grave with them. Otofour always refuses to die alone.

Take Asiedu Nketia, for example. This man who was born to a palm wine tapper has become what he is today because of the Rawlingses. I remember when Madam Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings challenged the late President Mills in the run-up to the 2012 election, Asiedu Nketia decided to take the fine lady to the cleaners. It was then that one of the supporters of Nana Konadu revealed that Kimathi, the son of Rawlings used to give his discarded coats to Asiedu Nketia to wear since he was always seen in tattered clothes. She even said the Rawlingses used to give him bags of rice and sugar anytime he visited Seikwa, his village.

Until Asiedu Nketia opened his mouth to tell Ghanaians that the NDC made Dr. Bawumia, as far as his education is concerned, some of us did not know the exploits of the astute economist as far as his education is concerned. Dr. Bawumia came out with the schools he attended and the dates he completed and topped it up with when he landed a PHD at a time the NDC was not formed. He challenged Asiedu Nketia to come again but the Seikwa village champion chickened out. The man has no shame in his lexicon when it comes to lying through the teeth. When Bawumia was drinking from the fire hose of education overseas, Asiedu Nketia was the Manager of Badu Rural Bank where life was very difficult for the palm wine tapper’s son.

With less than two months to the general election, the NDC should better wise up and stop the personality attack because Ghanaians can read between the lines. Instead of giving answers to Dr. Bawumia’s 170 points of fact, they have resorted to personal attack. I am happy Dr. Bawumia is not like Asiedu Nketia and the man has simply refused to go down the gutter as Asiedu Nketia wants him to do. They say if you are in the bathroom and a mad man comes to snatch your clothes, you don’t go out naked to chase the mad man in an attempt to collect your cloth. This is exactly what Dr. Bawumia did to Asiedu Nketia (Or is it Salifu Keita as being rumored in town? The rumor mill says the man has his roots in the Ivory Coast)


You remember when moron called Mugabe or Salifu Maase started his madness at the Montie Radio, I had cause to write in this column that the guy and his hired half-wit panel members were destroying the electoral chances of Mr. Mahama, who they say they are working for? This ex. convict called Salifu boy came out from the Nsawam prison and started his tomfoolery again but nobody tried to stop him. The sages say if an elderly person sits unconcerned and allow children to eat python meat, when it comes to counting persons who ate the python meat, his name would be included. The management of Muntie radio should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this crook to hoodwink them. The guy did not make it in the UK and has seized the opportunity to get his share of the booty while the sun shines.

The guy will surely run away when the kitchen becomes too hot. About week to the launching of the NPP Manifesto, Mugabe and his panel members took Nana Akufo Addo to the cleaners for drinking Calypo, a locally produced drink. When the picture of Nana Addo drinking Calypo went viral, people started to question the motive of Mugabe and his cohorts. As usual, Nana Addo did not comment on the issue because he did not want to suffer fools so gladly. If they thought they did that to provoke confrontation, it backfired so badly. Suddenly Ghanaians’ appetite for Kalypo was aroused. When I was browsing the facebook, the day after this Salifu guy tried to tease Nana for drinking Kalypo, I saw several pictures of different types of people from the truck pusher to the lecturer posting pictures of themselves drinking Kalypo. I busted into an uncontrollable laughter when I saw a certain octogenarian lady happily drinking Kalypo.

The day of the Manifesto Launch came and I decided to grace the occasion with my angelic eyes to watch and lo and behold, the whole foreground of the Ghana International Trade Fair Center turned out to be a Kalypo Jamboree. I saw lawyers, traders, medical doctors, petty traders, farmers, drivers, ministers of the Kufour administration and a cross section of society drinking Kalypo. I met a group of enthusiastic young men and women dancing and singing to a newly composed song which went like this; “Nana drinks Kalypo, but Mahama drinks akpeteshie”. When I heard the jama song I asked myself: “You see how Salifu Maase is using his ‘konkoma’ to spoil the highlife of Mahama?

The NDC and Mr. Mahama, for that matter, should not take the motto of the NPP for granted. It was not for nothing that they chose: “The battle is the Lord’s” You see, if you think you know how to fight instead of leaving the fight for the Lord to fight for you, you will lose the fight. From the days of Joshua, David to Gideon, the fight has always been the Lord’s. Nana Addo and the NPP know very well that come 7th December, the Lord will raise His mighty hand and Ghana will be rescued from the grip of the looters of the national coffers and Ghana will be free again. Hear David speaking to Goliath before slaying him: “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear and with a shield ; but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of host, the God of the armies of Israel whom thou has defiled”.

The truth is that the war chest of the NDC as December 7 gets closer is overflowing with monies stolen from Ghanaian people. The bloated contract sums, the Woyome Judgment Debt, the SADA loot, the GYEEDA loot, among others, are there for them to use. That is why you see huge billboards of John Mahama in all the nooks and crannies of the country. In fact, that is why you see the flashy campaign pick-ups running up and down the streets of Ghana. To top it up, the first lady, Lordina Mahama has built her own warehouse at the Flagstaff House where all manner of goodies are stored, awaiting distribution to villagers for votes. But still the battle is the Lord’s, Insha Allah!!

The NDC fears defeat in the upcoming general election because of the way they raped Ghana with serrated manhoods. They have so much skeletons in their cupboards and do know very well that the day of reckoning is beckoning. The wise ones among them, once in a while travel down memory lane to see what happened to Sippah Yankey, Ibrahim Adam, Tsatsu Tsikata, Kwame Pepra, Victor Selomey etc and they do know very well that if the party loses power, some of them will find themselves in similar situations. That was why Madam Dzifa Ativor warned the people of the Volta Region that if they failed to vote massively for the NDC and gave way for the NPP to come to power, she and Fiifi Kwetey would go to jail. What has she got to fear?

Before the NDC came to power in 2008, Mr. Rawlings had warned the NPP that when the NDC came to power, many NPP Ministers will go to jail and advised the Kufour administration to expand the Nsawam Prison. Eight years down the line, not a single NPP former minister has gone to jail even though many of them were hauled to courts of competent jurisdiction. That is the difference between the NDC and NPP when it comes to corruption. On several occasions, Nana Akufo Addo has told Ghanaians that he has never been corrupt; he is not corrupt and will never be corrupt. On the other hand, Mr. Mahama has never been heard making similar assertions and when he was interviewed by the BBC and the journalist asked him whether he has ever taken bribe, the best answer that he could give was “As a person or president.” This answer speaks a lot because barely a month after that interview, the Ford Expedition ‘wahala’ came knocking on our doors. And the albatross is still hanging on the neck of Mahama. Indeed, the battle is still the Lord’s.

Columnist: Eric Bawah