
Thomas Adjei May Be a Sadomasochist

Sun, 29 May 2016 Source: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.

Garden City, New York

May 21, 2016


It is not the sort of domestic violence story that I would ordinarily spend any remarkable amount of time either reading or writing about, because there is clear evidence here that the alleged victim is merely playing a victim. He is a pretender who appears to actually enjoy playing a victim, perhaps in hopes of garnering the sort of sympathy he clearly does not deserve from the general public. Indeed, one comes away from the Thomas Adjei story fully convinced that the latter subject/protagonist is either psychologically unbalanced or simply a clinical idiot (See “Pastor Caught ‘Bonking’ Married Woman” New Crusading Guide / 5/20/16).

Well, for those of our readers who may either not have heard or read about the man, Thomas Adjei is the managing-director of an Osu-, Accra, based advertising firm who claims to have caught his estranged wife flagrante delicto or in the red-hot act of sexual intercourse with the pastor of her church. We are given the name of the church as the Apostolic Good News Church International; and the name of the “bonking” pastor, who is also the Head Pastor and Founder of the Apostolic Good News Church, is Apostle Douglas Akwesi Amanor. And so I guess one could safely say that Apostle Amanor was just passionately delivering the proverbial good news to Mrs. Mina Adjei, when the latter’s decidedly jilted husband literally walked in on the two lovebirds.

But, of course, as it is invariably the case with every two-sided story, it is not as simple as depicted here, because it also well appears that this was not the very first time that Mr. Adjei had walked into either the bedroom which he claims to share with his estranged wife or any other place of rendezvous, for that matter, and found Mrs. Adjei sharing her holy gourds and chalice with another man. In other words, it well appears that Mr. Adjei is a self-victimized and self-pitying cuckold in the medieval Chaucerian sense of the world. Which, of course, is just another longwinded way of saying that the character of Mr. Adjei could readily have been anticipated by Sir Geoffrey Chaucer in his evergreen classic, The Canterbury Tales.

At any rate, what intrigues me the most about this story is the decision by the cuckolded man to have his estranged wife and her pastor-lover arrested for engaging in what well appears to be consensual coition. Indeed, as even one of my Akyem-Kukurantumi relatives, an astute lawyer by the name of Maurice Ampaw recently observed about the same subject, one cannot simply cause the police to arrest and prosecute one’s wife and another man one just accidentally encountered engaged in torrid consensual coitus embrace. The fact of the matter, according to Cousin Ampaw, is that these “illicit” lovebirds are decidedly two consenting adults, not minors, who have voluntarily decided to share carnal knowledge of one another.

What further complicates matters here, though, is that the evidently “sadomasochist-voyeur” – call him “Peeping-Tom” – Mr. Adjei claims to have vacated his “hideout” on the morning that he allegedly walked in on his estranged wife and her lover. In brief, what the foregoing means is that the jilted husband had committed the lurid act of “premeditative-peeping.” Put another way, the purportedly accidental walk-in was no happenstance at all. It well appears to have been carefully choreographed and stage-managed with the earnest complicity Mr. Adjei’s sister-in-law; at least one of them. There definitely must be something psychologically amiss with Mr. Adjei by way of credibility, because the same man who claims to have espied his wife in “very compromising positions” with several men in the recent past, also claims within the same breath that whenever he confronted his estranged wife on the question of fidelity, Mrs. Adjei riposted that her husband had absolutely no evidence to prove his accusation.

You may have also noticed, my dear reader, that I have deliberately skirted around Apostle Amanor’s angle of the story because incidents involving adulterous affairs or relationships between Ghanaian men of the cloth and some of their female congregants run all too riotous and rampant in our part of the globe to be reckoned as nothing other than the norm rather than the exception or an aberration. To be certain, the aberration is the man of the cloth who is not known to illicitly consort with at least a couple of his women congregation members. Even celibate Ghanaian Catholic priests of the highest status rabidly resent being left in lurch on this account. A quite remarkable number of them are even known to have fathered children by members of their flock.

It is also inescapably clear that Mr. Adjei, by going public and viral with his story, simply aimed to vengefully expose Apostle Douglas Akwesi Amanor than spiritedly attempt to win back the decidedly lost love and fealty of his estranged wife, assuming any of these two salient conjugal ingredients ever existed between them. The jilted and cuckolded man claims that walking in on Mrs. Adjei and Apostle Amanor felt like the surreal adulterous scene on the silver screen. Actually, if he wants to learn the truth, it was rather his decision to make such an epic laughing stock of himself, by so boorishly and scandalously resorting to the media, that seemed like a matinee horror movie.

Needless to say, whatever he might have been thinking when he decided to take his charade to the world-wide web media, knowing full well that he had two kids by his estranged wife, definitely was bereft of common sense. Else, he could have quietly and respectably filed for divorce and wisely moved on with his life and spared his children and relatives such dirty and indelible shame.

*Visit my blog at: Ghanaffairs

Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame