
To what extend do Ghanaians rate themselves as an independent country?

Tue, 23 May 2006 Source: Bolus, Mercy Adede

 Since 1957 Ghana have classified itself as an independent country having free themselves from colonial power. The struggle for independence was not just our late President Kwame Nkrumah but that of our community leaders, chiefs and the general public. Ghanaians are politically astute

 The freedom of being in control was seen as a positive move to our development, strategic plans and implementations to be followed suite. Ghana made headlines news in internationally in the 1957 with it?s new found fame and potential global opportunities, as it was the first African country to see the need for being independent instead of dependant on global loans as props.

 The beginning of our own transformation started off, however with the same expectation left behind by the colonial rule Ghana expectations are even higher than the Government.

 Reflecting to history one could see that in the well developed world, people where sent outside their boundaries to pinch ideas from the other worlds and bring back home to help with their transformation in all areas of their Government. For example in Agriculture, methods of building, methods of Governing, law and order, education, cultural heritage and art and crafts. It is these long-term visions that have made certain Europeans countries very successful than others.

 Why bother to invent a new wheel when when the hard work have already have been explored by others , thus saving valuable time, money and instead improve on the wheel already designed by others to brand it one?s own brand .

 Did we learn these tricks from our colonial rulers? Perhaps one thinks.

 I don?t think so.

 While China actively grasping of the latest information technology , innovations and inventions very fast hence improving the ideas already shraed globally and branding it to be their very own, Ghana is rather proud buying foreign goods with foreign labels whilst slacking off the achievements of our own made in Ghana products. We appear to be a country ready to receive and sell other people products for them for a token profit. How could we become a market leader of any product when the quality of even the chocolate we produce differs from the cholcolate marketed across the globe. What any Governemnt need to ask itself what we are market leaders in and have we patent those brands to protect our right and future generations?

 Ghana is becoming a market leader in all areas what has Ghana got to compete in this competitive market. Government needs to look around, there is practically nothing mush?

 Government have come and gone and new Government has never followed up their strategic objectives left behind to that take control. Ghana Government has not had that aptitude of progressing from a previous Government. Thus building on development their predecessor has started off.

 New Government always have that thought that they are in control currently so what could do ever whatever they want without doing a comprehensive audit what has happen in the past and what is the best way forward if we have any to do that same job.

 Surely, a systematic audit of each Government department would expose any deficiencies and additions of a different ways could be explored instead of knocking each other?s competencies like two male dogs chasing a female dog.

 It would be best practice to have a smooth transition of power knowing that Ghana belongs to all of us so whatever implementation goes on affect everyone when one is in the government or not.

 This means giving due respect to the out going Government and bottling one one?s feelings. As changing of Government is like a relay run. To an ordinary Ghanaian it is only a formally of changing a baton for a race.

 This process would ensure and enhance a smoother transition and bring harmony in to the country.

 The facts are that, these above-mentioned do not appear to happen and various Governments, which have taken over power, do not learn from previous Government and chose to reinvent the wheel again. By doing so worsen the public expectation and put on an added strain of stress and painful transitions.

 As a result of these shortcoming Ghana may classify itself as an independent country but are we though?

 Ghana is still under the command of the IMF, and other powerful nations unable to fend for themselves.

 What do Ghanaians see in the media our President going to very country under the sun with a begging bowl to feed us Ghanaians?

 Yes this would happen because the strategic planning is still lacking?  Even India and China are also loaning us money and are coming to Ghana to invest. Which countries is going also going to reciprocate any investment.

 The facts are that people who love receiving all the time are looked down on. Ghana is now a parasitic country, which is always willing to receive loan and seen in the media to being like the Oliver Twist look alike.

 Is it not about time we start being what we are an independent country?

 Our filim industry is also lacking given that the filming industry start off in ghana in the 1942-5. Have we given the youth that opportunity to be more creative? Offering fimimg opportunites at Senior Secoundary Schools to attract more people on board rather than a close organisation? Programme are still very basic and we do not appear to use the media as effective as we could. For example, wild life programme showing off the wild games, birds in Ghana so that the youth would value the natura, cultural heritage, home make over programmes, insight to the rural living, involvement of the church both chirstianity and moslem with community development.

Programmes of the integration of a true community spirit and the Government objectives and targets

By this feature programmes of ordinary people living a normal life and succeeding against the odds to inspire others rather than showing foreign programme that most would only dream of.

The progress of our pottery at Vume and perhaps encourage a free marketing skills programmes on TV to these group and others through the media.

Garden programmes once a week to encourage the nation of thinking that even a mini garden adds a beauity to a home and the techniques needed.

Explore the wealth of our history in planning programmes to educate the youth and other youth in other countries. Such programmes could be sold off to many copuntries learning about ours there by making a huge profit.

A programme of life?s journey and the trials of life in general.

 Ghana is blessed with peace, the mountains, waters, tropical rain forest and the friendly people good enough to do business with the world.

 Thankfully is bringing all Ghanaians together to share ideas to build our country to be an independent one as currently we not.

 As one mature in years one do not see what we have to celebrate next year Golden Jubilee? Pathetic!

 Go to our villages and you would find children still being educated in mud classrooms with no roofs and the world are laughing at us.

 Is there any open a creative colleges and innovations centre, which is widening participation to encourage and entice the drop out of schools who currently are the country?s nightmares the hawkers to go?

 When these creative centres are dotted all over the regions and villages and are up and running then we could kick the hawkers off our streets. This is when the Minister of Tourism would confidently say that we have done our best for these group of people and really kick them all off our street.

 These are the areas of concerns that Governments need to have short and long term visions on and work very closely with the various communities to protease identified needs rather in building Palace for the next seat of the Government.

 How could a teacher teaching pupils in mud classrooms in the village jubilee during any celebrations when their basic needs have not been half way meet by various governments?

 These are the realities of life. If as Ghanaians the general public does see any progress made by the individuals as well as the Government addressing the services. These groups of people children and families, the weak and feeble, disabled group, psychiatry patients, the elderly with no children need a sort of a basic service to get by.

 Currently, Ghanaians have a lot to do to proudly stand tall for being a true Ghanaian.

 What does the future holds for these children when Government Minister take their own children out of the country to enjoy the benefits of the struggles the developed countries have laid for their citizens. Do these Ministers or Presidents engaged in these practices sleep at night with the sincere thoughts that the poor and vulnerable are enjoying their lessons in the mud classrooms?

 Ministers, Governments and the general public please rethink again?

 Recently there were just pictures of the inequalities Ghana Government offer its children. Rich children going to good quality schools while the very poor and vulnerable who our various Governments claim to help perish.

 Does the Government go to the developed world with their begging bowl with the concerns of the poor and vulnerable children or the rich and privileged children of Ghana?

 No! The trend is always now and in the past a Government goes to the rich nations with the plight of the very poor and vulnerable people. However, when the loan goes through the priorities suddenly changes.

 Surely, if the community leaders, chiefs and Ministers of very regional, district are involved in the decision making unit from the onset they are more likely to ask the relevant questions which concerns their community. By this they would ask about the accountability of the money spent and on what services the money was spent. I would wish the countries that offer these loans seek to see the decision-making unit before even releasing any money to ensure that proposal and promised were adhered to.

 Community leaders and chief need to fight hard and be more vocal to demand services that money have been given for through loans etc and make sure that they have people among them whether the people are in Diaspora or within the country and demand these services.

 Boarding schools, colleges and Universities could serve hotels for tight budget travellers and the Governors of such institutions could aim in charging at least $5 ?10 a night for bed and breakfast meaning the student are offered a bed with mosquito net. (Mosquito nets used by the military personal with hook instead of the ordinary one which need poles) plus offered rice water with milk, freshly baked bread and a cup of tea. The travellers would need to leave the premises each day at 12 p.m. form the renting bed and breakfast is from 2 O?clock PM ? 12 noon. Accommodation may needs to use cost effectively to ensure a maximum usage of premises. These ideas would make school to be self-financing, maintaining the beautiful grounds, replacing breakage etc. Advertise on the Internet and link up with local reputable transport owners with seat belts and arrange the tours yourselves.

 Organiser of such schemes would earn good pocket money during the school holidays thus becoming independence and proud of your achievements. Let?s face it if you have 1000 travellers using your school for three months you would offer employment to local population, earn a significant and everyone gain something. Universities and boarding schools around cape Coast, and any other national parks and reserves may consider trying this out. Link up with the British High Commission to inspect the building to at least Ok it for you. Have a book to log all bookings and maintain good sanitation throughout and be accountable to each other.

 Sadly, many of our rural schools lack the basic services such as good adequate schools with better roofing, toilets facilities with was basins, libraries and computer libraries, a big summer hut to serve as a dinning hall, play grounds with adequate playing equipment. Sports facilities career counselling service and museum in the communities. Everyone that read this article needs to link up with the appropriate community leader to act and help communities.

 To claim an independent status, it would be helpful to start addressing these issues head on now.

 Does our Ghana Health Service have annual child protection training or a multi-disciplinary training and policies for the police, teachers, nurses, doctors and others working with children and families?

 How could our future generation be protected from slave labour, child labour, maidservants, prostitution etc?

 It is only when all these areas of grave concerns are fully addressed would Ghana claim the victory of being independent as currently we are still in bondage?

 In Sweden the King sends his children to his local schools but in Ghana Ministers rather send their children to foreign schools in foreign lands. Why?

 If the President of Ghana were able to send his grand children to a local school then when would be proud to classify ourselves as an independent country offering creativity; innovation, opportunities to everyone as this would see Ghana a great nation to join with their jubilee celebrations?

 Currently children and families, the elderly and the vulnerable are detained in hospitals if they fail to pay their hospital bills. Though this is unacceptable the various systems set up by the various Government that have lead to a situation like this.

 Sanitation is still poor all throughout the country with a periodic cleaning day. If community leaders are officially given such responsibility with an incentive to developed a community service to benefit everyone many would welcome a regular cleaning once everyday or even once a week. The government may need to set the communities against each other and trophies could be offered as an annual event to present to the cleanest community. The Minster of the region could present awards or the trophy. Currently there is nothing for the community to aspire to. Hence we have cities, towns and villages who fail to maintain an adequate sanitation which becomes a total disgrace and humiliating to any Ghanaians who bring tourists into a given community.

 There is no tourist information centres in every town, museum, adequate sport facilities and the inequalities in health still continues.

 There is no proper street management and road safety enforcement until very recently and the death tolls still rises.

 There is no traffic light operating at all Ghana major round about and just the ordinary Ghanaians public sometimes takes control in directing when push comes to shovel. The traffic around Tema Motor way and others do desperately need traffic lighting system. Surely, Ghana has diplomats all over the developed countries. There should be a system or a link that our diplomats could filter any information for develops via the Mission. They may need to link with our Highway Authorities the benefits of having proper street management system with traffic light about 24 at all major round about to ensure road safety? This is what the developed countries did and today we are here enjoying it. We must not get too carried away here and look to helping our own back Government for a better Ghana.

 What the Government may need to do is to enhance the free ideas GhanaWeb have made possible and delegate someone in any Government department to print off all the comments made by various people. They then need to try and work closely with those people through the Minister of the Diaspora?s. Perhaps pay their plane fares and invite them to come home for a 2-4 weeks and work with the Government. The Government would see that many would love to do it for free or a token fee instead of the Government bringing in foreign consultants who know nothing about the trials of Africa as reading things from books is rather different from a reality.

 Ghanaians acknowledge efforts of the Government however one feel the Government needs to be 10 more years to proof itself capable to even think of claiming that independent status before we could celebrate a Golden jubilee.

 Currently the divide between the rich and poor is too significant and unbearable to claim that independence status or are we ready to claim that victory. Kwame Nkrumah and the big six shouted Freedom Freedom? With due respect to our late President Kwame Nkrumah and his team that dreams of freedom and tribulations have still not reached the vulnerable among our nation!

 Though many we still say Ghana is really an independent country it may be worth to consider re-word the ?independence country?? to become an ?inter -dependence country? being we are still relying on loans from foreign countries to significantly help prop up our own strategic objectives to survive within economic the global world.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede