
Tribute to GhanaWeb media for giving the public a balanced reportage

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Wed, 2 Aug 2023 Source: Musah Ibrahim

Article 21 clause (1) subsection (a) of the 4th Republican Constitution of Ghana states clearly and I quote: "All persons shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, which shall include freedom of the press and other media." Unquote!

This constitutional provision guarantees the rights of every Ghanaian citizen to be able to express themselves freely. Our governments and state institutions must be seen promoting this freedom more than any other institution, but that has not always been the case.

Sometimes our governments manipulate state institutions to suppress information from individuals and organizations which oppose them. Some heads of state media houses are afraid to accommodate anyone who criticises an incumbent government because they would be fired if they welcome them.

Our governments normally trumpet their achievements and keep silent on their failures. It is the right of every concerned and responsible citizen to point out the flaws in any governments.

Although it is disappointing to find private media entities which are affiliated to political parties deny their opponents space to express their views or opinions, it is very much appalling when incumbent governments hijack state institutions to behave in similar manner.

It is against this background that I champion the course of GhanaWeb which gives us a balanced reportage. GhanaWeb publishes articles without discrimination. They give us information from their reliable sources. They offer us space to corroborate their stories or reject or correct them. In fact, I have followed GhanaWeb on many occasions and noticed that they comply with the ethics of journalism.

Whenever we find a foul language on GhanaWeb, it is from us but not GhanaWeb. We 'desecrate' the space made available for us to share our views with bad words.

Let us look at the headlines of some of the articles which are published on GhanaWeb portal, and you will definitely agree with me that GhanaWeb has been treating everybody without fear or favour.

"John Mahama's legacy of corruption rages on", by Ernest Kofi Owusu-Bempah.

The above writer chastised the former president, John Mahama, and NDC supporters were furious at his criticism.

"President Akuffo-Addo's regime is a glorified failure: Ghana deserves better", by Dr. John-Baptist Naah.

This writer also denounced the Nana Addo-led NPP government and NPP supporters were not happy.

"The Evolution of the Bible: Embracing the future with technology", by Nana Kofi Bobbie-Sarfo.

This must be from a Christian writer, writing from the Christian perspective.

"Ashura - The Day Imam Hussain (a. s.) and some of his companions were brutally massacred", by Musah Ibrahim.

The above title tells the story about how the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was brutally killed.

I can go on and on to tell you more about many publications on GhanaWeb to buttress my points, but the few ones I presented may suffice.

The GhanaWeb media, undoubtedly, has contributed tremendously to promote the freedom of speech and expression. Its effort in this direction has gone a long way to enhance our democratic dispensation.

Columnist: Musah Ibrahim