
Trokosi, Ewes and the Israelites Pt 4

Wed, 29 Jun 2011 Source: Barker, Robert

This is the final article on the series, Trokosi, Ewes and the Israelites. In this article, I

will sum it all up by showing conclusively, beyond any shadow of doubt, that the Ewe

people are no other than the Israelites, we read about in the Bible.


Before we continue let me start by saying the name of my people is not Ewe but;


Ê?ê is pronounced “Erh-verh” or “Eyverh.” The plural form is, “Ê?êo,” that is Ê?ê

with ‘O’ at the end. Ê?êo is pronounced “Erh-verh-O” or “Eyverh-O.”

The reason for writing the name with these strange characters is because the name

contains a sound that is not in English. This being the case, there are no letters in

English to spell out the sound in the name. The following is my effort to help you get

the pronunciation right.

The “Ê” transliterates as, “Erh” or “Ey.” The “?” transliterates as “vav” or “vher” in

English. When you put it altogether it sound like Erh-verh or Eyverh. This is a

difficult name, and it is very hard to write this name in English and get the

pronunciation right. Because of this difficulty, the neighbours of the Ê?ê people

struggle with the name and end up calling the people “EWE,” instead of “Ê?ê.”

Because there are no characters in the alphabet to write the name in English, our

people in Ghana came up with this novel way to denote their identity. When our

people in Ghana and Togo see Ê?ê they automatically put in the necessary vowels to

come up with the proper pronunciation of the name.

Elsewhere in the world, for example, in the Scandinavian and Germanic languages in

Europe they have this sound in the language. In these countries when this sound

occurs in their language, the letter ‘W,’ in English, stands for the “vher” sound. This

means a name like William in English is ?ilhem in German and a Scandinavian name

like ?illy becomes Willy in English.

During the colonial era, the British introduced the European way of representing the

‘vher’ sound with “W” to West Africa. Therefore, in Ghana, which was a colony of

the British, because English is the national language, the people use the letter ‘W’ for

the ‘vav’ or ‘vher’ sound.’ Thus Ghanaians calls the Ê?ê people, ‘Ewe,’ instead of

Ê?ê. However, ‘Ewe,’ means a female sheep, and it is wrong to call the people by

such a name.

To help you the readers pronounce the name Ê?ê in English, ‘Erh-verh’ or ‘Eyverh,’

is the closest I can come up with. It may not be perfect, but it is close to the real sound

of how to pronounce the name. Don’t worry if you are struggling with the

pronunciation. To help you get the pronunciation right, go to the website that

accompanies this work ( There you can learn the proper

pronunciation of the name.

THE REVERSE EXODUSIn parts one and two of these articles, I discussed Fiashidi aka Trokosi and how it was

a custom that started in ancient Israel. I promised to follow that up with the story of

the Israelites’ reverse exodus back to Africa. That was four years ago and that article

would have been Part Three of the series. However, as you can see this article is Part

IV because I have chosen to skip Part III. This is because, since I wrote Part II, I have

gone ahead and finished the book on the subject. For those of you interested, you can

read the story of the reverse exodus in the book: “The Call to the Hebrews by Mawuli.”

It is the story of how the Israelites by their own free will, returned to Africa. It tells of

the Israelites' refusal to give up their idolatry and how they fled from God’s wrath and

sought refuge with the Egyptians. As a result for their intransigence, God used the

Babylonians to destroy ancient Egypt and drive unrepentant Israel further into the

African mainland. Thus, with the Sahara Desert acting as a natural barrier, it

prevented them going back and continuing with their idolatry in the Holy Land. Since

then, Africa has been their home until this day.

In fact, all that you read hereafter are extracts from the book: “The Call to the

Hebrews.” Therefore, don’t be too concerned when you come across statements that

mention specific chapters in the book.


Based upon the accounts of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, the Bible provides irrefutable proof

that Africa was the last known address of the bulk of the ancient Israelites. Armed

with this evidence, the next task is to locate them in the continent.

Even so, Africa is the second biggest landmass in the world, and populated by over a

billion people. Therefore, how are we going to sieve through this huge number of

people spread across this massive continent, to locate the Israelites?

Yes, the task would be difficult if we depended on our meager human strength.

However, it is not so hard if we allow God to guide us through his word the Bible.

Indeed if we care to look, the Bible does provide us with the clues to find the

Israelites. It tells us precisely where in Africa to look for them. For example, in Isaiah

30:1, we read.

"Woe to the stubborn sons is the utterance of Jehovah, [those disposed] to carry out

counsel, but not that from me; and to pour out a libation, but not with my spirit, in

order to add sin to sin." Isaiah 30:1 (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)

(Amplified Bible)

I am sure you are wondering: "How does that verse tell us where to look in Africa?"

Actually, it does. The clue is in the phrase: ‘pouring libation,’ also known as, the

drink offering. It may not be that obvious on reading it at first. However, when you

think about it, it is an important clue that narrows down the search in Africa.

Libation pouring was a big part of the culture and custom of the ancient Israelites. In

the book of Leviticus, part of the sacrifices offered to God was the drink offering.

Therefore, Isaiah 30 is telling us to find the ancient Israelites in Africa. We should

look for people who have the libation pouring or drink offering as part of their culture.

This lead from the Bible narrows the search to Central and West Africa. These are the

only places in Africa where libation pouring plays a big part in their culture.Thus, as you can see, by allowing the Bible to guide us, a little statement from it,

shaved about three-quarters of the African continent off the search. Without the help

from the Bible, it will be like searching for a needle in a haystack and in vain.

Even so, let us not forget the biggest clue of all in the Bible. This was the spiritual

condition of the Israelites when they fled to Egypt to escape the Babylonians?

According to the Bible, they were hardcore idol worshippers. They were so immersed

in idolatry. They squared up to God and boldly declared: “They will never give up

idol worship.”

15 Then all the men who knew that their wives had burned incense to other gods, with

all the women who stood by, a great multitude, and all the people who dwelt in the

land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying: 16 “As for the word that you

have spoken to us in the name of the LORD, we will not listen to you! 17 But we will

certainly do whatever has gone out of our own mouth, to burn incense to the queen of

heaven and pour out drink offerings to her, as we have done, we and our fathers, our

kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. For then

we had plenty of food, were well-off, and saw no trouble. 18 But since we stopped

burning incense to the queen of heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, we

have lacked everything and have been consumed by the sword and by famine.”

19 The women also said,“And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven and

poured out drink offerings to her, did we make cakes for her, to worship her, and pour

out drink offerings to her without our husbands’ permission?” Jeremiah 44:15-19

(New King James Version)

As you are about to discover, they meant every word of that stupid declaration.

Having thus been challenged to his face; the Deity also meant every bit of what he

said he would do to them, if they went ahead with their defiance. This standoff

between God and the sinful nation, laid the groundwork for the tragic consequences to

follow: A battle of wills that was to plunge the African continent and its people into

the pitiful state it is in today.

Meanwhile, now we are aware the search should include people steeped in idolatry. It

narrows the search down even further. The only people in Africa, who pour libation

and are hardcore idol worshippers are the Ê?ê people in West Africa. Voodoo, black

magic, the occult, Maame-water (Queen of Heaven), Juju you name it. They have it

all. People over the world, know Dahomey as the home of Juju and voodoo.


Any good detective will tell you. To track down someone successfully, you need to

know the name of the quarry. Now we have narrowed the search to the Ê?ê people in

West Africa. We need to make sure we have the right name of our quarry.

Given the fact Israel came into Africa intact and their identity not compromised in

any way, for example by foreign rule or slavery. Common sense dictates the Israelites

would keep at the very least, their name. That is, how people knew them in ancient


Most people you ask will say the ancient Israelites were the Jews.

In fact, that is the wrong answer!What most of us reading the Bible fail to realize is, because the Bible writers wrote in

Hebrew and Greek, it is necessary someone translated the Bible into other languages.

Thus enabling those with little or no knowledge of the original languages to read and

understand it.

How we say something from the Bible in English is not how the same word is

pronounced in Hebrew or Greek. Because many fail to realize this, we assume how

we pronounce Biblical text in our language is exactly as the ancient Israelites spoke.

If you were to travel back in time, meet the Israelites and mention names like

Israelites or Jews to them, they would stare at you blankly. They would have no idea

what you are talking about because those were not their names.

This means at the time they fled to Africa. Nobody knew them by those names.

Therefore, if we were to start looking for people in West Africa whose ancestry name

is, "Jews or Israelites," we would search forever but in vain. We would come up

empty handed. The same is true if we do a search for the lost tribes of Israel around

the world.

This is because ‘Jews’ or ‘Israelites’ was not the national identity of the people. Their

neighbours did not know them by such names either. In section two I reproduced texts

from Assyrians and Babylonians who conquered the Israelites and took them into

slavery. You would notice in those texts, there was no mention of any people called

Jews or Israelites. They referred to the Israelites by different names.

It is true that in the Bible, we read about Israelites. However, that is not their national

designation. “Israelites,” simply mean children or descendant of Jacob. If you recall

reading this in the Bible, God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. If he kept the name

Jacob his progeny might probably be Jacobites or something like that. However,

Israel is what God named Jacob so his descendants became the Israelites. (Genesis


Meet the Ê?ê aka The Hebrew

Without beating about the bush, the nationality of the Israelites’ is, "Ê?ê." To find the

scattered Israelites in Africa and anywhere else in the world, we should be looking for

people called, "Ê?ê."

I am sure you are sitting there thinking:

"He must be kidding. Everyone knows the name of the Israelites is Jews."

"No, I am not joking!" And you are wrong. The nationality of the Israelites is not, Jew.

It may be surprising to most people to find the literal word ‘Jew’ is not in the entire

original text of the Bible. There is no name like that in either the Old or the New

Testaments. The original Hebrew of the Old Testament uses the word ‘Yehudim’,

meaning ‘Judahite’. The original Greek of the New Testament uses the word

‘Ioudaios,’ meaning ‘Judean.’ Earlier translations kept these original names.

Unfortunately, the word ‘Jew’ has replaced them in recent times.On the other hand, according to the Bible, "Ê?ê" is the proper name of the ancient

Israelites, and the name started with Abraham, Genesis 14:13. Consider the following

examples. I have highlighted in bold the nationality of the Israelites:

And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew.

Genesis 14:13

In the verse, please note, Abraham is the first one referred to as a Hebrew in the Bible.


He answered, “I am a Hebrew and I worship the LORD, the God of heaven, who

made the sea and the dry land.” Jonah 1:9

13 When she saw that he had left his cloak in her hand and had run out of the house,

14 she called her household servants. “Look,” she said to them, “this Hebrew has

been brought to us to make sport of us! He came in here to sleep with me, but I

screamed. 15 When he heard me scream for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran

out of the house.” 16 She kept his cloak beside her until his master came home. 17

Then she told him this story: “That Hebrew slave you brought us came to me to make

sport of me. 18 But as soon as I screamed for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran

out of the house.” Gen. 39:13 - 18

15 I was forcibly carried off from the land of the Hebrews, and even here I have done

nothing to deserve being put in a dungeon.” Genesis 40:15

6 She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. “This is

one of the Hebrew babies,” she said. 7 Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter,

“Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?” Exodus


11 One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were

and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of

his own people.

12 Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in

the sand. 13 The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting. He asked the

one in the wrong, “Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?” Exodus 2:11-13

6 Hearing the uproar, the Philistines asked, “What’s all this shouting in the Hebrew

camp?” 1 Samuel 4:6

Ivri Means Ê?ê

I can imagine you are thinking. The verses clearly show the national identity of the

Israelites is Hebrew. By what stretch of the imagination does Hebrew become Ê?ê?

The answer is: The name, “Hebrew,” is the English translation of the name Ê?ê.

Earlier I mentioned if you went back in time, met the ancient Israelites and called

them Jews, they would stare at you blankly. They would have no idea what you are

talking about. However, if you said Ê?ê; they would respond readily.A Little Help from Your Internet Browser

The Israelites wrote their name in Hebrew with the letters ????. The letters IVRI

represent ???? in English. In the original tongue used to write the Bible, the word the

letters represent is pronounced Ê?ê.

However, if you were to type IVRI into a translator it will come up with the name

“Hebrew” instead of “Ê?ê.” So why is that?

Before I explain, let me introduce you to a simple formula you can use to test what I

have said so far.

In the shrines of the Fiashidi (Trokosi) religion, you’d stumble on the name Husuunu

(Hoseenu in English). Now I want you to stop reading for a moment and do the

following. Type the words, “God Hoseenu” or “Jehovah Hoseenu,” into Google or

any search engine on your Internet browser.

The result you would get is Psalm 95:6, which reads, "God our maker" or "Jehovah

our maker."

Why are you getting this result for Hoseenu?

What you are seeing is the Internet browser is taking the word, “Hoseenu” and is

translating it as, “our maker,” and further identifies it with Psalm 96:6. This shows the

Internet browser has a built in translator. The browser sees Hoseenu as a Hebrew

word and translates it into whatever language your computer is running. Thus in an

English Internet browser you get, “our maker.” Whatever language Internet browser

you are using will give you: "God our maker" or "Jehovah our maker," in that


When you read Psalm 95:6 in your Bible, you wouldn’t see the name, “Hoseenu.” In

most Bibles, Psalm 95:6 simply reads as; “The Lord (Jehovah) our Maker.” However,

when you type “Hoseenu” into Google, the Internet browser recognizes it as a

Hebrew word and where it is in the Bible. It translates it and gives you the meaning in

the search results, which is what you read in English for Psalm 95:6.

Now you know how your Internet browser can help with translation, you can repeat

the same experiment with IVRI.

Even so, you can’t just type “IVRI” into Google and get the expected results. You

have to give the Internet Browser some help on what to look for. Did you notice,

when searching for Hoseenu, I added, ‘God’ or ‘Jehovah’ to it? I did so to guide the

browser and narrow down the search. If I typed Hoseenu without ‘God’ or ‘Jehovah’

as qualifiers, the result would have been different. The same goes with IVRI. Simply

typing “IVRI” into Google isn’t going to get you the needed result. To help the

browser narrow down the search, you have to tell it to search for ‘IVRI,’ associated

with the Israelites. This way, the result you get is close to what you want.

So what name can we associate with ‘IVRI,’ to guide the browser? How about using

Abraham? After all he was the first person called Hebrew in the Bible. Type into Google; “Abraham was IVRI.” Notice I have replaced Hebrew with IVRI.

Now if ‘IVRI,’ means ‘Hebrew’ the result you should get even though you typed in

IVRI should be Hebrew. Try it and see.

I hope you got the expected results. If everything went right, the name Hebrew should

show up in many areas of the search result. This means the browser is replacing IVRI

with Hebrew to confirm that IVRI and Hebrew mean the same thing.

With that experiment out of the way, I will continue and explain why IVRI

(pronounced Ê?ê) somehow became Hebrew. A name, whose pronunciation has no

resemblance to the original name Ê?ê.

How IVRI (Ê?ê) became Hebrew

A direct translation of the name of the Israelites would read IVRI (pronounced Ê?ê).

However, in time, this true name of the Israelites took a backseat. What replaced the

name of the Israelites is a great departure from the truth. To make matters worse, the

name Hebrew comes from a double translation from the original name. Let me

explain what I mean by all of that.

The name ‘Hebrew,’ is the English translation of the name pronounced Ê?ê from

Latin. That means the first translation of the name of the Israelites into Latin was the

first step. This first step dropped and lost the proper pronunciation of Ê?ê. With the

proper pronunciation lost in translation, in came the second step, which is the new

Latin name’s translation into what we have now.

This is how it all unfolded. From the time of the Abraham until the time of Jesus

Christ, the world knew the Israelites as ???? (Ê?ê). In time, during the time of Christ,

two thousand years ago, the Roman Empire ruled the Middle East. Judea the home of

the Israelites became a province of the Roman Empire. The national language of the

Roman Empire was Latin; therefore, all the literature people wrote and read was in

Latin. Available Books not originally written in Latin were all translated into it.

Included in these translations were the Hebrew Scriptures. ???? (Ê?ê), translated into

Latin became, 'Hebraicus.' However, as you can see yourself, how you pronounce

Hebraicus is nowhere near pronunciation of Ê?ê.

Some years later the new Roman Emperor Constantine, converted into a Christian. He

subsequently changed the religion of the entire Empire to Christianity – the birth of

Christendom. For the next thousand years, Latin was the dominant language in

Christendom and the Latin translation of the Bible was the de facto book. If you did

not read Latin, you did not know what you were missing. Salvation was in the Latin


The reformation in Europe, led by Martin Luther changed the status quo. Before then,

only the small-educated minority who read Latin knew of what was in the scriptures.

After the reformation, translation of the Bible began in other European languages

including English. This opened up an unprecedented access to Bible information to

anyone who could read his or her local language.

However, there was a problem. All these translations were from the Latin version

instead of the original language. Therefore, instead of using the original name IVRI (Ê?ê), the translated Latin name

Hebraicus carried into the European languages, which included English. The name

“Hebrew,” is the result of translating the Latin “Hebraicus,” into English. Thus, the

name, "Hebrew" is the result of a double translation of the original name ????, (Ê?ê).

Had the translation been from the original texts with the name, ????, you’d never have

heard the name Hebrew. Instead the proper name Ê?ê is what people will know as the

name of the Israelites.

So there you have it! The proper pronunciation in the native language of the ancient

Israelites’ designation, commonly known, as “Hebrew” in English is “IVRI”

pronounced Ê?ê (erH-VerH).

You can check this information by the formula we used earlier to test Hoseenu and

IVRI. Type “Hebraicus,” with the qualifier, Latin, into your browser. The result you

should get is Hebrew. This should confirm to you the name ‘Hebrew’ is a derivative

of the Latin name Hebraicus.

Because most modern Bibles are direct translations or carbon copies of the Latin

translation, the result is all modern Bibles carry the name 'Hebrew.' Derived from the

Latin name 'Hebraicus.' Without the Latin name 'Hebraicus,' a direct translation from

the original Dead Sea scrolls


would read “Ê?ê,” instead of "Hebrew."

If we take those verses we looked at earlier and insert the right name. A direct

translation of the following from the original Dead Sea scrolls should read:

And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Ê?ê. Genesis 14:13

In the verse, please note, Abraham is the first one referred to as an Ê?ê in the Bible.


He answered, “I am an Ê?ê and I worship the LORD, the God of heaven, who made

the sea and the dry land.” Jonah 1:9

13 When she saw that he had left his cloak in her hand and had run out of the house,

14 she called her household servants. “Look,” she said to them, “this Ê?ê has been

brought to us to make sport of us! He came in here to sleep with me, but I screamed.

15 When he heard me scream for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the

house.”16 She kept his cloak beside her until his master came home. 17 Then she told

him this story: “That Ê?ê slave you brought us came to me to make sport of me. 18

But as soon as I screamed for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the

house.” Gen. 39:13 - 18

15 I was forcibly carried off from the land of the Ê?êo, and even here I have done

nothing to deserve being put in a dungeon.”Genesis 40:15

6 She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. “This is

one of the Ê?ê babies,” she said. 7 Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, “Shall

I go and get one of the Ê?ê women to nurse the baby for you?” Exodus 2:6-7

11 One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were

and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Ê?ê, one of his

own people. 12 Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. 13 The next day he went out and saw two Ê?êo fighting. He

asked the one in the wrong, “Why are you hitting your fellow Ê?ê?”Exodus 2:11-13

6 Hearing the uproar, the Philistines asked, “What’s all this shouting in the Ê?ê

camp?” 1 Samuel 4:6

So there you have it. The name "Hebrew," is the English translation from the original

ancient texts of the name ???? (IVRI) pronounced Ê?ê (erH-VerH).


Having established the proper name of the ancient Israelites, we are in business. The

race to find them has started. Or should I say; the race is over!

Of course, the race is over. We have been discussing the Ê?ê people throughout these

series of articles, so why pretend otherwise? Having read this far, now you know why

Trokosi aka Fiashidi was the focus of attention from the beginning.

Yes, the people in the area formerly known as the Slave Coast in West Africa which

comprise of the Ga-Adangbes, through to the people in Southern Nigeria are the Ê?êo

aka the Hebrews.

By extension all the descendants of the people from the former Slave Coast taken as

slaves to the Americas are also the Ê?ê aka the Hebrews. These include the freed

slaves relocated in Sierra Leone and Liberia. They are all Ê?ê.

As you are discovering, it is not just a coincidence the Ê?ê people have the same

customs as the ancient Israelites. The reason their customs mirror what is in the Bible

is because they are the ancient Israelites.


In the book of Jeremiah, the story of the reverse exodus tells us; the ancient Israelites

fled to Egypt to escape the Babylonians invasion of their country. However, they

planned on going back home after the Babylonians had left their country.

There was just one major problem with this plan. These were hardcore idolaters that

had no intention of giving up on idolatry. If they went back to Judah, they would

quickly overrun the nation with their idolatry. They will unravel everything God was

doing to bring them back to true worship. Therefore, God or someone had to do

something to stop them from ever going back to Judah in their idolatrous state. That

something meant ancient Egypt’s destruction because of her interference with God’s


If you recall in section 2, the prophecy of Ezekiel foretold Egypt’s destruction. Recent

discoveries of cuneiform writings of the Babylonian Chronicle confirm

Nebuchadnezzar did invade Egypt. Also, the funeral hieroglyphic of Nes’hor, a local

commander in ancient Egypt, also spoke of foreign forces that rampaged unopposed

through the country all the way to the borders of Nubia.

Ezekiel’s prophecy went on to say, the invasion would drive the Egyptians and their

dependents into the desert. Jeremiah, on the other hand, foretold God would scatter

the Judeans among the nations. Because these found themselves in the Sahara and

beyond, “the nations,” Jeremiah is speaking of, meant the nations in Africa. That being the case, it would be helpful, if there were anything in African history to

corroborate the Biblical story. What we need is information from sub-Sahara Africa,

which confirms that part of Ezekiel’s prophecy did happen as predicted. The good

news is; yes, there is such history!

Up step the Fulani people who live in the Sahara desert, to provide the necessary

corroborating evidence regarding the prophecies fulfillment.

The Fulani people are nomadic people spread over a geographical area that stretches

from the Atlantic Coast in the West to the plains of Sudan in East Africa. This means

they are in constant contact, or had come into contact at one time or another in the

past, with most ethnic groups in Africa.

In the 19


century, a quarrel with their cousins, the Hausa, spurred Usman Dan

Fordio to start a revolution that culminated in the Hausa/Fulani Empire’s creation.

Also known as the Sokoto Caliphate, it was one of the most powerful empires in subSaharan Africa prior to European conquest and colonization.

During an expedition through West Africa in 1824, the English explorer Hugh

Clapperton was the first European to contact the rulers of the Sokoto Caliphate.

Mohammed Bello the second Sultan made the following comment, to the English

explorer, about the people in the south, ee was at war with.

The inhabitants of this province (Yarba), it is supposed, originated from the remnant

of the children of Canaan, who were of the tribe of Nimrod (Nimrub). The cause of

their establishment in the West of Africa, was as it is stated, in consequence of their

being driven by Yaa-rooba, son of Kahtan, out of Arabia, to the Western coast

between Egypt and Abyssinia. From that spot they advanced into the interior of Africa,

till they reached Yarba, where they fixed their residence. On their way they left, in

every place they stopped at, a tribe of their own people. Thus it is supposed all the

tribes of Soodan, who inhabit the mountains, are originated from them; as also are

the inhabitants of Ya-ory.

The full account of the statement is in the Infakul Maisuri of Sultan Mohammed Bello.


If you are interested in reading more, the story continues at:


Columnist: Barker, Robert