
Undiplomatic, lacking finesse

Fri, 24 Jun 2016 Source: Daily Guide

President John Mahama does not like American cars, especially the Ford brands. He appears to have scheduled a series of cheeky responses to the Ford Expedition saga.

What he did not include in his obscene response was whether when such products originate from a neighbouring country, his dislike changes to the contrary.

Ghanaians, we can bet, should be ready for more such cheeky remarks from a president noted for abrasive responses to his compatriots’ concerns when these border on his wobbling integrity.

We find the brusqueness in his response as incommensurate with his status as not only a president, but a one-time MP with many years to his credit as a representative of the people of Bole.

A president should be mindful about both his body language and remarks, given his status not only in his country, but in the comity of nations – the face of our country to put it alternatively.

Our president can hate American cars but displaying such disdain verbally in the public space in an IT driven age is to state the least undiplomatic and inappropriate.

The Yankees might not respond out of their deference for diplomatic niceties, but they cannot ignore the goof entirely. Certainly their impression of the president is anything but good.

We would have preferred that the president resorted to a more acceptable way of responding to the concerns of Ghanaians about this car saga instead of the stubbornness he appears to be displaying.

The source of the expose about the Djibril-donated vehicle is not a politician. We have however, observed the president’s efforts at heaping the blame for his integrity predicament on his competitors. Indeed, it took a journalist to unearth what is now haunting him like the other nightmare.

Presidents have come and gone and so would the tenure of the man who leads now draw to an end one day. That is the way of political administrations and life. Ghanaians deserve respect from their leaders, unfortunately this we find lacking in our president whose penchant for hurling subtle insults at his competitors is gaining obscene notoriety.

Decency is the most preferable in this game of showcasing what a politician has up his sleeves and not unnecessary name-calling.

It is interesting to observe our president point at God as the anointer of leaders his remark, “if God says you cannot be president you cannot be president,” especially sounding cynical and pedantic.

We do not need him to lead us to God. There are many genuine men of God in town and we do not need the spiritual services of a politician of his pedigree. His Excellency, we have had enough of the innuendos and vitriolic.

Ghanaians would definitely turn to the appropriate constitutionally mandated bodies for a resolution of the matter under review. Until that is done and the verdict given, avoiding such below-the-belt remarks would be the most appropriate way to go. American cars are not bad; we challenge the president. Is there anything wrong with the Expedition brand?

Columnist: Daily Guide