
Volta Aerotropolis and Integrated Research Park Project

Sat, 2 Mar 2013 Source: Klatsi, Joe

Based on the proposed 10 region airport construction to accommodate growing need of air transport in Ghana and the West African sub-region, Volta Region Development Agency (VRDA) should take advantage of the proposal and work with the central government and other stake holders to blend current and future development plans with the airport to shape business location and urban development of the 21st century as highways did in the 20th century, railroads in the 19th and seaports in the 18th."

What is the meaning of Aerotropolis?

Aerotropolis is aviation linked urban form consisting of an airport surrounded by acres of light industrial space, aviation science research center, office space, retail stores, hotel accommodations, restaurants, schools, medical parks, entertainment, recreation, single and multiple-family housing etc.

The Airport should be planned in such a way that it gives researchers access to sophisticated labs, test equipment and an array of machines for light aeronautical and non-aeronautical business to support the growing population.

On the drawing board, VRDA should make plans for a professional, corporate education center and Aerotropolis Authority to effectively coordinate and manage activities for profitability.

The project should be a big picture one and done in phases. It can be a twenty years’ time window project and done in modules. Consistent work will get it done. It should be the people’s project. I meant a bottom up project. The government cannot do everything.

The project if done properly will attract domestic and foreign investments in all aspects of the economy to give the youth the much needed opportunity for profitable life.

Research and application of magnetism for example can help create portable electric generators production for each home(s) to free up VRA electricity for commercial use. Magnetism is free like air so it should explore to relief suffering. Research in Electric cars, electric aeropropulsion and other applications should also be the focus to future development to build human capacity. Reliance on hydrocarbons for energy is not sustainable. We are all aware that, human mind can be molded to do anything. No mysticism in electricity production using magnets. As a matter of fact mysticism is the point where knowledge meets ignorance. Past hundreds of years of mysteries are now science and current mysteries will be future science. It is only Open Minded Skepticism (OMS) research and courage to apply findings that can open the flood gate for a better future human experience.

We should employ OMS (thinking outside the box) to redefine everything around us for prosperity.

The above subject matter if done properly will provide the needed infrastructure to increase people’s decision space for profitable life. This is doable. It is a question of collecting and applying organized data (low entropy data).

The success of Volta Aerotropolis and Integrated Research Park Project can be duplicated across Ghana and the West Africa region.

By: Joe Klatsi, MSc.AE, FAA A&P Tech. (Aviation, Aerospace and Subjective Science Researcher)


Columnist: Klatsi, Joe