
Vote For CPP For A Better Ghana

Tue, 9 Oct 2012 Source: Abroni, Thomas

*Family Man*

Dr. Michael Abu Sakara Foster, popularly known as Dr. Abu Sakara, is a

specialist in Agriculture and Rural Development (Development Agronomist).

Dr. Sakara is a family man, he is married to Mary-Lily Kafela (MBA), an

economist and Business Administrator. They have four Children aged 29, 26,

23 and 22. Their eldest daughter Miama Weppia (MSc) is an economist who now

works as an Executive for an international Bank based in Ghana. Seidu

Sakara (MSc), their only son, completed with distinction an M.Sc. in

Information Technology and Business at the London School of Economics and

now works for an international Oil and Gas company and is based in Ghana.

Yomba Biba (BSc.) the third born has completed a degree in Biology and

Business at the University of London, Queen Marys’ College and is on an

internship year in Ghana. The last born Alexia-Michelle returned from

London School of Arts and is on an exploratory year in Accra. Dr. Sakara

and his wife are now settled in Ghana focused on the real estate

development and farming. He is also the Executive Director of an

international consulting firm for Rural and Agricultural Development. Dr.

Sakara maintains links with his extended family in Bole-Mankuma and

Kpembe-Salaga and also his in-laws who hail from Kasem- Nankani in

Navrongo. His sense of family and community is a strong driving force for


*Affable Personality*

Dr. Sakara is an open approachable person whose character is firmly

grounded on Christian principles of conduct in his private, social and

professional life. Dr Sakara maintains a wide network of friends and

associates from his international professional life and also from his

connections with different communities in various parts of Ghana. Dr.

Sakara’s broad international exposure makes him at ease dealing with a wide

diversity of peoples of varying social and religious backgrounds. He just

at ease with small scale farmers or Presidents of nations.

*International Outlook with Indigenous Roots*

Dr. Sakara’s ancestral roots are Guan and specifically Gonja in Northern

Ghana. His paternal roots are in the Kekulasi clan from Bole. Kekulasi

occupies a position of great honor and privilege in Gonja as Wurbinaah.

Kekulasi is inextricably linked to the seat of the Yabungwura (King of

Gonja) as Chief Councillor and Custodian of the kingdom’s secrets. Kekulasi

has oversight of the royal mausoleum at Mankuma that houses the remains of

all Yabungwura’s after Ndewura Jakpa, founder of the Kingdom. Dr. Abu

Sakara was born to a teacher and politician, the late Mr. S. S. Sakara, son

of Keulasi Wura Bamatu Borkma I. His father was popularly known as Teacher

S.S. Sakara, an Ankora man. Dr. Abu’s late father was a District

Commissioner and Member of Parliament for Damongo-Daboya Consitutency; and

also later a Regional Secretary of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) for

Northern region. Mr. S. S. Sakara, a contemporary and close ally of of

Imoru Egala, was a staunch and dedicated supporter of CPP. He played a

major role in political mobilization of support in the north of Ghana

pre-independence and subsequently in all CPP governments until his death in

1986. He was renoun for his good humor, humility, honesty, integrity, hard

work and competence.

On his maternal side Dr. Sakara hails from the house of Sunbung, one of

three traditional ruling houses of the Kpembe Division or Gate. Abu

Sakara’s mother, Hajiah Abiba Isaah, hails from Eastern Gonja, she lives in

Salaga when she is not with her son in Accra. Hajia Abiba Issah was also an

accomplished business woman – a whole sale trader in food commodities. Dr.

Sakara spent his early life in Kpember with his mother and grandmother. His

maternal grand uncle was the late Yabungwura Doshi I.

Dr. Sakara imbibed from his father values that underpin Nkrumahist brand of

scientific socialism as a political philosophy and learned from his

mother’s achievements respect for entrepreneurial thrift.

*Highly Qualified but Pragmatic Practitioner*

Dr. Sakara began school in Kpembe Primary school, East Gonja at age six

years and then moved to Sawla Primary school for a short period. Thereafter

he came back to school in Salaga untill the 1966. After the 1966 coup Abu

Sakara was sent to study and live with friends of his father Mr. and Mrs.

Foster, evangelical missionaries. He entered Yendi Secondary school as a

pioneer in 1972. Under the stewardship of the Fosters he later went to

study in the united Kingdom where he obtained his first degree in Soil

Science from the University of Reading. Dr. Sakara trained for a year as a

research Scholar at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in

Nigeria. He gained postgraduate training with the UK’s Overseas Development

Administration for his Masters degree and then worked as an Associate

Scientist in Mexico at the International Center for Maize and Wheat

Improvement. He completed His PhD at 27 years old and took up appointments

in Southern, Eastern, Central and West Africa consecutively.

*Proven Professional with Tangible Achievements*

Dr Abu Sakara’s work experience as an Agronomist spans over 29 years of

International Agricultural Development work in Africa and the Americas. Dr

Sakara has worked in several countries like Ghana that are all trying

similar economic development interventions to achieve prosperity and good

governance. The variety of results obtained and variations in management of

the interventions make for instructive comparison that is highly relevant

to Ghana’s situation today and in the future.

Dr. Sakara has applied his profession in the development of rural

economies. His speciality is on technology and institutional reforms for

improving productivity of the small scale farming sector. During his career

Dr. Sakara has visited to over thirty (30) countries on four continents and

been stationed on long term assignments in five countries. Dr. Sakara has

engaged with several international organizations and was the World Bank

Liaison person for his last employers, the Nippon Foundation. His

versatility enables him to relate with peoples of any standing in society,

from the high level policy makers to to ordinary people, especially small

scale rural farmers most of whom are women.

*Diasporan Experiencc of Successful Return to Ghana and Service to Community


Dr. Sakara has planned and carried out a gradual process of resettling his

family in Ghana over the past 15 years. Dr. Sakara resigned his

international position in May 2008 and returned home to focus on building a

new life in Ghana for himself and his family. He has now started a private

consulting firm and also supports joint business investments with his wife,

Mary-Lily Kafela –daughter of the late Mr. Alexander Tigenoah (MD for

Garnypharms Medical Supplies Ltd). Together they have jointly invested in

several types of business of which the successful ones that have remained

are MLK properties Ltd and its City Apartments in Accra and other projects

in Accra. Dr. Sakara also acquired land for a farm up north and has been

progressively making investments in it. He has so far established about 100

acres of cashew plantation and is ranching cattle on the farm. His

intention is now to focus on developing an agro-processing industry that

has a comparative advantage in that ecological niche. Dr. Sakara has

mobilized capital among his associates to form Buuwuloso One stop Rural

Bank based in Damongo. The rural bank serves a few Districts in Western

part of the Northern region.

*Mature Politician but Young outlook -Political Experience*

Dr. Sakara’s is committed to rebuilding the CPP to provide Ghanaians an

alternative choice to the two dominant parties. This will hopefully free

the country from the antagonism between the two major parties which seem to

be mired in the politics of acrimony to the detriment of the country. Abu

Sakara’s current and past efforts are firmly rooted in the belief that

Ghana’s democracy will benefit from a process that depolarizes the

political landscape to produce a more mature constructive opposition that

emerges an an alternative third force in Government.

Dr Sakara has supported parliamentarians in four constituencies in northern

Ghana since 1996 and participated in two election campaigns. He has also

been an active member of the Patriots whose efforts were aimed at

rebuilding the CPP. Dr. Sakara contested in the 2007 congress and won a

position as the first National vice chair person of the CPP. He has been at

the helm of affairs of the generation change that has rejuvenated the CPP

to become Ghana’s foremost party in ushering in the successor generation of

leaders since independence. The 54 year old Dr. Abu Sakara is the

Presidential candidate for the CPP in 2012 general elections. The CPP is

lead by 51 year old Samia Nkumah daughter of the founder of CPP and Ghana’s

first President.

Dr. Sakara considers it a privilege that it is his generation’s turn to

take on the mantle of responsibility to move the vision of the founding

fathers from political liberation to achieve economic emancipation.

Columnist: Abroni, Thomas