
Was Dr. J.B. Danquah Really A Patriotic Saint?

Sun, 10 Mar 2013 Source: Sangaparee, Clement

Ex-Prez. J.A. Kufour – Was Dr. J.B. Danquah Really A Patriotic Saint?

Ghana’s biggest opposition party, the NPP led by the Asante Akyem politicians have made it very difficult to see them in the mould of NATIONALISTS but in the image of people ready to carve their country up for themselves come what may – they would be angling for a government of IRON. Therefore, if you lie to a child, you have abused the minds of MANY GENERATIONS TO COME. Tell the children the TRUTH for it is the ONLY WAY TO SET THEM FREE. All members of the National Liberation Movement with “Mate-meho” as its local name which later became the United Party (UP) and which the NPP represent today have NEVER SPOKEN THE TRUTH since that tribal party was formed in 1954. One such tall liar is Ex-President J.A. Kufour who shamefully described the late Dr. J.B. Danquah as a “Patriotic Saint” and had even wanted to name the University of Ghana after that C.I.A. Agent and nation wrecker as well as a tribal warlord. The ideology of Dr. J.B. Danquah and Dr. Busia were the same just like today’s NPP which falsely believe that the ELITE ARE BORN TO RULE THE WORLD IN ANY NATION, and the MASSES SHOULD HAVE BEEN BORN AS SLAVES who are only useful during elections where they would vote for their masters period but must never be allowed in governance at all. So what they (NPP) want and have never been able to say it openly is that they (NPP) representing the Elite in Ghana, must always be in government and not any other political party or group. They argued blindly that since Dr. Nkrumah was a poor goldsmith’s son, with some “Ntafo” referring to the Northerners in his government and the CPP was also voted into power mostly by the ordinary people, Dr. Danquah and Busia considered the CPP government illegitimate and dangerous to society and hence must be destroyed JUST as the NPP is doing to the grassroot NDC government led by Prez. Mahama that won the general elections in 2012 by beating the tribal warlord on war path leading the NPP who is now breathing fire and brimstone to NOWHERE. You see, grey hairs are signs of wisdom, but if our grey haired statesmen like Ex-Prez. Kufour and scores of some crooks in cassocks could stand on political platforms and behind the Pulpits in their commercial Churches to feed the youth who form 80% of Ghana’s population with FAT LIES as described above, then Ghana’s future is very bleak indeed. Lies put up as propaganda remain lies no matter the political persuasion of the liar, and that explains why the NPP gurus always ran for cover whenever I take them on since 1992 to date.


In November 1957, a Commission of Enquiry, headed by a British Judge J.Jackson found serious ABUSES OF POWER BY THE AKYEM STATE COUNCIL, in terms of its willful promotion of the NLM (Mate-meho) as the SOLE POLITICAL PARTY OF THE STATE. In its findings, the Jackson Commission accused Nana Ofori Atta II of FAILING TO BEHAVE as an IMPARTIAL STATESMAN. He was also accused of using COERCION TO BRING OTHER CHIEFS INTO LINE TO SUPPORT THE dreaded NLM by force. In such cases, those chiefs were compelled to swear Oaths in support of J.B. Danquah and the NLM. Further more, the Commission found an abuse of power in the appointment of J.B. Danquah as Twafohene, and in the financial manipulation of the state council in favour of J.B. Danquah and the beastly NLM. Well, in the abundance of water the Fool becomes thirsty.


During the Commission’s sittings, Danquah openly denounced the AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNMENT with IMPUNITY by saying that THE PEOPLE OF AKYEM WERE NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAWS OF GHANA (See the Report of Jackson Commission 1958) what happened during the elections was that the people of Akyem Abuakwa REJECTED all the five NLM (Mate-meho) candidates including J.B. Danquah in the 1956 general elections. Now, because of the Jackson Commission’s Findings, Nana Kena II called a meeting of a section of the State Council at Kukurantumi on June 13th 1958, at which time Nana Ofori Atta II was deposed as the Omanhene of Akyem Abuakwa and Nana Kena II was rightly appointed as Regent (see Simensen 1975).

It would be recalled that Nana Ofori Atta II ruled with iron hands as he ordered his sub-Kings to evict all Kwahu traders who did not own their houses in the country and all the Kwahu traders were subsequently thrown out of their stores. Furthermore, Ofori Atta turned down an appeal by a forty member delegation of the Kwahu traders, and some Akyem landlords who showed sympathy with the evicted Kwahu traders were summoned to Kyebi for questioning, and Dr. J.B. Danquah echoed Ofori Atta’s lamentation that “Mother Akim Abuakwa is being dismembered SLICE BY SLICE LIKE bread on a breakfast table and future generations might have to rent from strangers their own ancestral land-This is nonsense because you can find thousands of huge buildings belonging to some people from Akyem Abuakwa in Accra. This the most wicked murderous man that Ex-Prez. Kufour have described as a “Patriotic Saint” by building his statues all over Accra, the seat of government. Why didn’t Kufour build Danquah’s statue at Kyebi since he was a tribal warlord from that town? Again, it will be recalled that one NPP M.P/Akosa shamefully stood in Ghana’s Parliament during Rawlings administration and stated that “Ashanti must break away from the rest of the country and go and find development partners abroad to come and develop Ashanti Region since Rawlings’ NDC had neglected the Ashanti Region. He was an apology of a Member of Parliament who went to parliament by default just as Ex-Prez. Kufour became President of Ghana by default. Was it not the NPP leaders led by Kufour who told Rawlings that we don’t eat roads, so He ust come and remove his asphalt roads from Kumasi. Was it not Kufour who pardoned NDC former ministers of NDC when they have finished serving their terms in prison in 2008? The evil that men do Lives after them. I am done I shall return when the need arise.










Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement