
We Are With You, Dr. Kwabena Adjei.

Mon, 14 Jun 2010 Source: Mohammed, A.R.A

Let me open this article by emphasizing the fact that I am not a card bearing member of the NDC neither am I a card bearing member of the NPP. I am only an objective observer and participant of the political culture and landscape of the country.

And nothing has touched me and awoken me from my lackadaisical and clumsy observation of ghana’s politics than the utterances of the Rawlings at the celebrations of the June 4 uprising in Tamale some days ago. I have heard Rawlings on FM and read some of his outburst against Atta Mills and the current NDC government. But what I personally saw on june 4 2010 really moved me to tears. I just could not believe that this was the Rawlings that I had admired all my life.

He was the man tearing down his own party with the most STUPID, SENSELESS, VENOMOUS AND OUTRAGEOUS reasons I had ever heard. All I could here was, “Moral high ground” “Prosecution of corrupt officials of the last administration” amongst others.

I don’t really know what has become of this man. I have heard people say that the innocent blood which he led his bunch of block headed idiosyncrats to spill in Ghana is visiting nemesis on him. That their souls and spirits are constantly haunting him. If one is to dismiss all these things and petty talk and gossip, then what is really wrong with this otherwise fine gentleman who would otherwise had occupied one of the highest places in African and indeed global politics if the history of the Africa and the world is told one day.

By the things that Rawlings is currently doing, he is erasing all the good that had accrued in his name. I want to believe that if Mr. Rawlings and for that matter anybody should draw a balance sheet for Rawlings deeds, actions and inactions, his bad deeds would either be catching up with his good deeds as a result of the rate at which his unpopularising himself or would far outweigh his good deeds currently. And if he doesn’t take time he would be at the worst side of history.

And back to the June 4 utterances in Tamale. I do not honestly know what Atta Mills has done to Rawlings to deserve the unfair treatment that he receives from the latter. He lashed at the government so much that if I had left the place in time, I would have shouted at him thus: STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, IT IS NOT FAIR. These words were gushing out of me as vomitus does a patient severely hit by Malaria or diarrhea. I had run out of the park just in time to prevent them from getting out of my mouth.

And let it be known to the Rawlins’s that Ghana would not sit down for him to take us for a ride again. Let Rawlings know that we are gradually sick and tired of him. Let Rawlings know that if he continues this way sleeping dogs may be awoken and the consequences may be too dire for him. Let me remind Rawlings that pretty pretty soon, the indemnity clause may be revoked. And if that is done, I he, Rawlings should know that the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT in the Hague will not too small or too big to hold him. Let him know that the indictments currently being hung around Charles Taylor’s neck could be hung around his without any additions or subtractions.

And now to Kwabena Adjei and other FEC members of the NDC. We, the observers of Ghanaian politics and lovers of peace are with you in your verbal chastisement and castigation of MR. RAWLINGS. It high people stand up to Rawlings and tell him in the face what is right. Rawlings is not the only MAN in Ghana. Dr. Adjei, we are with you and we support. Take all the necessary action in accordance of the laid down rules.

If Rawlings wants hell to break lose in Ghana, so be it!!!! He would certainly reap what he sows. We are wide awake this time round, and will meet him boot for boot if he tries anything sinister.

Mohammed A.R.A

Columnist: Mohammed, A.R.A