
We have been neglected by Atta Mills

Sun, 25 Apr 2010 Source: Smith, Mawuli

We Ewes have been neglected by Atta Mills

I have been analyzing and quietly Observing Atta Mills government since it came to power. I believe, after much analysis that Atta Mills has neglected the great Ewe people. I find it disappointing that no brilliant Ewe has been appointed in his government but, only average Ewes that had no success outside of politics. We Ewes are a great people of Israelite origin and, we have been persecuted for long enough. It is about time Ewes with PhD’s and other degrees get some appointments instead of guys who failed at everything they have done. That is to say, these clowns are creating the impression that Ewes are incompetent morons.

For the last 2 decades we Ewes have been the backbone of the NDC. Through thick and thin we have supported the NDC. I am tired of being told to stay below the radar and, to try to not make the NDC seem like a Ewe party. My question is: What is wrong with being a Ewe party? The people who say this, Ewe’s included, are just playing into the dirty politics of Ghana. We Ewes, formerly of British Togoland, have contributed a lot to Ghana and, have the right to openly demand to be represented or overrepresented in an NDC government. John Atta Mills by neglecting Ewes insinuates that we are only good for delivering our vote to him but, our most brilliant, our erudite people, have no leadership skills. I beg to differ!

Now, just because, the Ewe vote is guaranteed does not mean you can neglect the region. For example, you have neglected both Northern and Southern Volta since coming to power. We need better water, better schools, better roads, better health care and other things. I see no move on these areas by this administration. All I see is a lot of talk with very little action. For example, the party announced that it was going to re-evaluate the economy and, factor in aspects of it that were not currently included in the calculation of it. I personally found this to be a brilliant Idea which would capture the true state of our economy instead of the shrunken figure posted by the IMF. Sadly, after I heard the news once, I never heard it again! Where is the action on the idea?

Therein lays my problem with the way things are going. Nothing seems to be happening and, around where I am from people’s situation is getting worse and, people are dying young. When is the change going to come for us? We are more than just a home base. We expect change in our lives also. We expect equality and, we expect to be overrepresented in the leadership of the party since we are the majority in the party. Lastly, we expect to be represented by our best and brightest and, not the opportunist that have surrounded you. These guys are useless and, are better suited for campaigning for leadership rather than actually attempting to be leaders.

Overall, so far I will grade Mills at 30 percent. WE need you to take action and, bring the change we voted for or, some of us will simply not go vote in 2012..

Mawuli Smith

Columnist: Smith, Mawuli