
We’re a nation in mourning

Tue, 9 Jun 2015 Source: Asiedu, Emmanuel K.


Emmanuel K. Asiedu

We’re a nation in mourning – grieving for our fellow citizens who died as a result of the Accra floods and the horrible fuel station fire that brought us all to dismay and tears on June 3rd and 4th.

We are a disgruntled people confused by the “lack of commitment and strategically planning and execution of common safety procedures by our leaders and people in authority.

Today we are joined together in prayer for the souls of our fallen compatriots and for their grieving families.

Today as usual, many promises have been made by people in authority with voices sounding like the problems will be solved by sunset tomorrow.

It’s so sad and a dreadful pity to think that over fifty years of independence and the many academics and intellectuals that our nation has produced, we still lack the ability to govern ourselves and to bring peace, stability and prosperity to our people ( Lack of patriotism, vision and commitment).

Today, the average Ghanaian has once again been reminded that he/she is a nonentity and that he/she must survive by his/her own means.

Today, the average Ghanaian on the street has once again been reminded that unless he/she risks his/her life to travel dangerous terrains to faraway lands, he/she will never know let alone enjoy common basic facilities, essential infrastructures and basic needs that others take for granted.

Today in our distress, Ghanaians are again reminded that we have a long way to go to have a national identity when everyone is known and accounted for.

And today too, as a nation, we are reminded that the attitude of “I don’t care because it’s not directly affecting me” is a really bad attitude.

Today as well, we are reminded as citizens of our nation that we are the government, the eyes of the government, the hands of the government, the brains of the government and the executioners of government policies.

Today, our leaders and people in authority are reminded that, perhaps they should consider the average Ghanaian on the street, the orphans – people who do not have anybody to protect and speak for them, the underprivileged and think of how to protect them.

Today, as a people, we’re reminded that, learning to speak the English language and being able to boast it doesn’t solve problems.

Today, we’re reminded that degrees alone doesn’t solve problems but with patriotism, vision and commitment … and the fear of God.

Today we’re reminded of a simple, precise and clear message: learn Great Africa - learn. Learn to accept and appreciate what has been entrusted to you. Praise and adore your children and give them the best and be assured that tomorrow you will reap with joy.

Have you ever wondered why no one respects you?

Have you ever wondered why everyone takes advantage of you and your children?

Have you ever wondered why your children are suffering and despised everywhere?

O Great Africa when will you learn?

Until the day you will understand the prophecies of the prophets

Until the day you would adhere to your creator’s message and be fair to yourself, to your women and children, O Great Africa you will never find peace.

Learn to respect your elderly and listen to the words of your children

Give a thought to their wisdom and encourage your women

And you will abide in love, prosperity and peace.

Columnist: Asiedu, Emmanuel K.