Remembrance Day is known in Ghanaian military sphere as Eleven-Eleven
Remembrance Day (known in the Ghanaian military sphere as Eleven-Eleven) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth member states since the end of the First World War to remember members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty.
Remembrance Day is observed in Ghana and most countries on 11 November to recall the end of hostilities of First Word War on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally came to an end "at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month", in line with the armistice signed by the warring factions.
The service of remembrance in many Commonwealth countries generally includes the sounding of the " Last Post", followed by the period of silence, followed by the sounding of "Reveille" or sometimes just "The Rouse" and finished by a recitation of the "Ode of Remembrance", the " Flowers of the Forest", "O Valiant Hearts", " I vow to thee, My Country " and "Jerusalem" often played during service.
Services also include wreaths laid to honour the fallen, a blessing, and the national anthems.
The central ritual at cenotaphs throughout the Commonwealth is a stylised night vigil. The Last Post was the common bugle call at the close of the military day, and The Rouse was first call of the morning.
One of the symbols which characterises the celebration of Remembrance day is the Poppy. The Poppy is the enduring symbol of remembrance of the WW1. It is strongly linked with Armistice Day, but its origin as a symbol of remembrance lies in the landscapes of WW1. Poppies were a common sight, especially on the Western Front.
As part of the commemoration, artificial poppies are sold to raise money to support ex-servicemen and the families of those who died in the conflict. I, therefore, urge all Ghanaians especially civilians to rally behind our ex-servicemen and show them some love by purchasing more poppies this year. Especially as we battle this global pandemic of COVID19.
The Poppies can be purchased at all offices off the Veterans Administration, Ghana (VAG Offices nationwide).
I personally thank all servicemen for their sacrifices. And to the fallen heroes, may you continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.
I have always had a passion for the military since childhood. It is still my boyish dream to be able to serve my country one day if Allah wills.
These are the thoughts of a boy dreaming to become a soldier for God and Country.
We Shall Remember Them!