Martin Amidu appeared before Parliament
The madness of men cannot be contained especially when they know they are culpable for grave issues that border on treason and a pernicious resolve to cause the suffering of over 28 million Ghanaians, as well as all those who inadvertently find themselves living within the system.
The gross betrayal of “Honourable” thieves and their ilk can also not remain in the state of incognito camouflaged by quasi-loyalty to GOD and country when they were milking the nation parasitically like a persistent plague of rippling consequences. Those that are guilty can now feel the heat of the Special Prosecutor’s office, more so that his facial expressions during the vetting qualified to be the ultimate purgative at all. They have no one to blame but themselves!
Welcome Honourable Martin Amidu! Please disregard the cynics who claim that you cannot do the job because you have skeletons in your wardrobe. I am certain that you are as clean as a plain A4 sheet and as pure as the savannah honey from the depth of Builsa land. Wo y3 pure! Eheh, I wanted to say, do you hear me, Mr Martin Amidu? Ok, you see, a baby with sharp teeth mistakenly proffered with the title of “honourable” has all of a sudden become a bishop of some sort. Eiii 3ny3 easy koraa! Hw3333, af3 na kr)fo b) mpae!
I saw a screenshot of a message that Bishop Okudzeto Ablakwa posted on his facebook timeline. It talked about forgiveness and purity of heart, and all the pious traits normally associated with GODfearing people. I never expected that a cheat, political charlatan, uncouth character, and downright corrupt person (as many do allege) can even begin to exhibit piety. How? If he should want to chart that course, then it would only be expedient of him to prudently shed the wolf’s cloak and adorn that fabric of honesty, patriotism, and submission to the laws of the land.
Besides, at least, before he is exposed by the special prosecutor, he should immediately relinquish to the State all the property (locally and internationally) that he wrongfully acquired, including fuel tankers, stations, and many others. These are allegations floating in the public domain. Some, it is said, have been certified to be true.
For all those who care to know, he was called to service by the late President Atta Mills. At that time, it was alleged that he could not even afford pioto (underwear) and his chalewote (slippers) were half worn out. In a short period of time, he became the affluent cash man in town, driving in luxury vehicles loaded with money, and so on. One time, his driver stole GHs20,000 (twenty thousand Ghana cedis), apparently thinking that the amount was too small to be noticed. But Bishop Okudzeto Ablakwa noticed. Eii, y3n fa sika di agr) o!
The Special Prosecutor, Honourable Martin Amidu is not going to witch hunt anybody. All he is going to do is to retrieve moneys unlawfully stolen from the State, and where the extreme necessity arises, prosecute the culprits to serve various jail terms to deter all those who are making love to the idea of causing financial losses to the State, including persons from our government, the NPP. In fact, he has the blessings of the president to take on people from his administration who may be suspected at one point or the other of any malfeasance cum misfeasance!
But on the laughable shocker of an arrogant Okudzeto Ablakwa, attached is what His Imminence the Bishop posted on his facebook timeline. That is for the perusal of all those who care to question what it is that Bishop Okudzeto Ablakwa fears, hence his apostacy at this time.