
What A Primitive Statement!

Wed, 8 May 2013 Source: Tawiah, Francis

Tsatsu can shout at Addison since he taught him.

General Secretary of the NDC Johnson AsieduNketia is of the opinion, counsel for the petitioners in the ongoing 2012 election petition Philip Addison deserved to be intimidated with primitive attacks like ‘shut up’ from the "ancient" lawyer TsatsuTsikata since he is not content with his cross-examination.

According to AsieduNketia, Addison is always influenced by his colleague lawyers around him to raise unnecessary objections. Which is termed In Parliament as heckling. Unfortunately AsieduNketia could not differentiate parliament from supreme court. From his confused state he said, "I am not a lawyer, but I am not sure whether the court allows such behaviour from Mr Addison to interject in Mr Tsikata’s cross-examination. I wonder why he AsieduNketia DID "NOT SHUT" UP, if he was not sure of what he was talking about, but rather reduced himself to the ground level by comparing parliament to the supreme court.

TsatsuTsikata who lost every control and pounced on Addison in an open court proceeding to “shut up” when "he was at the end of his Latin"(totally confused) and Addison on the opposite side interrupted his cross-examination of the 2012 election petition star witness, Bawumia on Monday.

To crown the whole NDC concert show as usual at the supreme court, let by `BOB TsatsuOKALA`, Johnson AsieduNketia, aka ‘General Mosquito’ said to the surprise of the entire universe, ´lawyer Tsikata has every right to ‘shout’ at lawyer Addison for the reason that he taught him at the law school.` What a sensational primitive statement!

FRANCIS TAWIAH (Duisburg - Germany)

Columnist: Tawiah, Francis