
What Akufo-Addo Needs: A Rehab Center!

Thu, 8 Sep 2011 Source: Dailypost

It is now as clear as daylight to even the most undiscerning that after over forty years of being hooked to wee and cocaine, NPP flagbearer, Nana Akufo-Addo, is better suited (as a candidate) for a Rehabilitation Centre rather than for the Presidency of Ghana.

Born on March 29, 1944, which means he is currently 67 years of age, there is every indication that Nana Akufo-Addo started smoking wee and sniffing cocaine before the age of 24 which then means that he has been hooked on the dangerous grass as well as whitish substance for at least 43 long years now. Confirmation that Akufo-Addo has been smoking wee and sniffing cocaine from his childhood came from people very close to him, especially his cousin, Mr. Gabby Otchere-Darko and Dr. Kwesi Aning, a Security Analyst who says he is an advisor to Nana Akufo-Addo.

In an article headed GETTING HIGH ON LIES & WEE in the now defunct Statesman newspaper of February 4, 2008, Gabby Otchere-Darko hinted that Akufo-Addo started smoking wee in the 60s when he stated that ‘the majority of Ghanaians below the age of fifty have been exposed to wee use, one way or the other. Even if Nana Akufo-Addo, who grew up in the flower, liberal age of the funky sixties in both England and Ghana, had experimented with grass like many students do, what in modern PR practice informed the NDC they could win by tagging the man, who carries the tag ‘yenim wo firi titi, as a dangerous, hopeless, reckless drug abuser?”

Then also is the revelations attributed to Dr. Kwesi Aning by wikileaks which reveals that the NPP flag bearer does not only smoke wee but also sniffs cocaine.

According to the website devoted to publishing classified information, ‘about rumours of Akufo-Addo’s cocaine use, he “admitted that Akufo-Addo had used drugs in his younger days, but that now was “under control”. He said cryptically that “you can check with the German Intelligence on that.”

If Dr. Aning admitted that Akufo-Addo had used cocaine in his ‘younger days’ but was now “under control”, then it stands to reason that the NPP flag bearer had been sniffing cocaine for donkey years now. The fact that Nana Akufo-Addo has been on drugs for many years is reinforced in the accident he had on January 23, 1967. High on drugs, he drove his mother’s uninsured car recklessly and carelessly into the vehicle of a 41 year old man, Mr. Wodedzi. This means that by 1967, the NPP flag bearer was well known to illicit drugs.

The effect of drugs on a person, especially on his brain, is really scary. For example, a person high on wee can see things that do not really exist. This is what is known in medical term as memory intrusion. In the unlikely event that Akufo-Addo becomes President, what will be his reaction when he is high on wee and begins to suffer from memory intrusion since we have been told that he smokes “…a lot of marijuana…Even in the morning, there used to be a cloud around him and you could see that he was high?

With the NPP flagbearer so desperate to become President of Ghana, one will have thought that he will kick his addiction to drugs and if he wins a Presidential election, join the ivy league of Presidents who quit drugs to be come the number one citizen of their countries.

Unfortunately, it is obvious that for Nana Akufo-Addo, wee is so much a part of him that he simply cannot quit it, not even for the Presidency he so desperately wants to occupy.

If he is so desperate to be President of Ghana but is too hooked to drugs to give it up even for the sake of the Presidency, then the only place to take him to is a Rehabilitation Centre.

Friends, relatives and supporters of Nana Akufo-Addo will be doing him a lot of good if they are able to convince him to enter a rehabilitation centre where he can be weaned off drugs.

Columnist: Dailypost