
What Lessons are there to learn from Yaw Boateng Gyan doing a Runner?

Mon, 17 Sep 2012 Source: Adofo, Rockson

Once upon a time, a notorious party came to power in Ghana and begat crooks. One of the crooks turned out to be Yaw Boateng Gyan, the National Organiser of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC). Yaw hatched a plot to send many Ghanaians opposing the NDC party to their early grave. He is an ardent believer in power begets power. He was of the intention to exercise his current power to attain more power come December 7, 2012 elections. Nonetheless, man proposes but God disposes.

A snitch in broad daylight exposed Yaw's vices in planning and committal under the cover of darkness. Someone in the meeting thought Yaw's views as diabolical as they stood surpassed logic and hence, needed to be exposed. This would allow caring Ghanaians to take preventive measures to safeguard the interest and lives of those on his hit list. A serious treasonable offence as his plots were, the NDC government with the probable tacit support of the National security have allowed Yaw Boateng Gyan to slip through Kotoka Airport to enplane in Accra and arrived safely in Canada.

I have said a lot about the NDC hypocrisy in this regard so I will narrow my write-up to the lessons to be learnt by those he had employed and was going to employ to execute that dastardly activity. I will start with probing or rhetoric questions. To those in his employ to go out and kill, I ask the following questions. Did you have passports to enable you escape out of the country if the going became tougher as it is now evident with the escapee Yaw Boateng Gyan? Did you have any safe home abroad to run into if the occasion had obliged your escape? Although he had promised you peanuts (small amount of money) as compensation to your family if you died carrying out his wishes. Was that amount worth the risks you were taking and could that money guarantee your wife, children, siblings and relatives any decent living? Was any member of his immediate or extended family among those he had tasked to proceed on that notorious mission? If the answer is in the negative, did you query to know why? Is Yaw Boateng Gyan's life with that of his family worth a million times that of yours? Do you evil executioners value your lives at all? Would Yaw Boateng Gyan run away if his intended diabolical mission were in the best interest of the sensible majority of Ghanaians?

I require all those lowlifes he recruited to be judges of their own after scrutinizing the few questions posed. Yaw Boateng Gyan has gone into self-exile not because of suffering any political persecutions but because of his evilness that has backfired on him. He will not have any peace of mind in Canada even if he surrounds himself with equally NDC bigots.

Please make available some of his tapes to me or other interest groups. We shall ensure they reach the desks of Presidents, Prime Ministers, parliamentarians, Human Right organizations and other foreign interest groups. We need to expose the cruelties in perpetration by the NDC government and party.

Do Ghanaians expect such people without credible policies but aimless intimidations with the cruel tendency to inflict fatal pain and injuries on fellow Ghanaians to rule them?

May God Almighty forgive us our sins? The shameless Yaw Boateng Gyan has proved himself a person without hard balls dangling in-between his legs. Probably his manhood and balls had shrunk when he stealthily made his way through Kotoka airport to the plane that flew him out of the country. This is how coward he became after all his silly bravado.

I will hold the NDC responsible for his successful escape, as criminal bigots as the majority of them are. He ran away because the Finance and Economic Planning Minister, Dr. Kwabena Duffor, had waded into the call for his arrest. He made false allegations against the Minister on his intercepted voice recorded tapes.

Yaw Boateng Gyan "you ain't seen nothing yet" –(you haven't seen anything yet)

I call on all Ghanaians to join me campaign for the successful election of Nana Dankwah "Obuggie" Akuffo-Addo and the NPP. The NDC have nothing better for Ghanaians but poverty and pain.

Sources radio UK 96.30 FM, over to you! You can locate Sources radio online on Channel all your political views to your friends worldwide by phoning in to Sources radio.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson