
Game of political discrimination: The plight of a Konkomba voter

Idle Polling Officer Special Voting Polling station [file photo]

Thu, 16 Mar 2017 Source: Nyamekye Nnebini

By: Nyamekye Nnebini

Konkombas according to the 2010 Population and Housing Census is the second largest ethnic group in the three northern regions of Ghana which has been vehemently challenged by Konkomba scholars as not true. Konkombas are the second largest ethnic groups in Brong Ahafo and Volta regions.

Mostly hardworking farmers as their occupation who mainly cultivate yam, cassava, Guinea corn, maize among others are spread across Eastern, Ashanti and Greater Accra as well where Konkomba market is sited. Konkombas contribution to the agriculture sector and other sectors of the economy is invaluable beside their good numbers.

With 8 seating MPs (4 NPP , 4 NDC) Konkombas are also the determinants of MPs fate in Gushiegu, Zubzugu, Mion, Salaga South, Pru West and East, Atebubu, Sene west and east, Kintpo South and North, Nkoranza North, Offinso North, Karachi West and East, Krachi Nchumuru, Nkwanta South, Jasikan, Kpando, Akan, From plain North and South among others.

Konkomba voter is only valued during the electioneering and are competed for like gold in a free mine. All sort of human beings are deployed given wild promises in exchange of votes. Politicians begin to link their histories in one way or the other to wind the valuable tomb of a konkomba voter.

Political representation

Successive governments rode on the great numbers of Konkombas inuring to their benefit. Right from the time of Rawlings through Kuffour, Atta Mills, John Mahama and of course Nana Addo. Konkombas have been completely left behind in the political compensation and sphere. They are mostly not recognised despite their numbers. Political appointments does not correspond with the great demographic advantage of the ethnic group.


Konkombas are bitter and apprehensive after the formation of H.E Nana Addo 110 cabinet with only one Konkomba (Hon. Dominic Nitiwul). Konkombas felt they have not been treated well despite the overwhelming support the party enjoyed during the last elections especially in constituencies where konkombas dominate.

The political gimmick of tickling the Konkomba voter has over stayed its relevance hence the need to pay them for their efforts. Konkomba voter felt betrayed when not even one person among the 60 deputy ministers announced today. The portfolios for Chief Executive Officers of paracital and government agencies have so far not witnessed the recognition of Konkombas who vehemently defied all odds to catch the attention of the president by the trend of their votes.

The Konkomba voter taking inference from this game of political snob is enough reason for Konkombas to take advantage of their numbers and price it for a befitting value. Democracy as they say is the role of the majority but it turns to be opposite for the poor and neglected Konkomba voter. We may be seen unimportant today but four years is just like blinking of an eye. "A word to the wise they say is enough" time for Konkombas to come together and use our numbers for political inclusion.

Columnist: Nyamekye Nnebini