
When did any candidate’s CV become a legitimate excuse for NDC’s incompetence?

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Mon, 17 Oct 2016 Source: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.

Some SOB who just happens to be an Anlo-Ewe – and they are almost always Anlo-Ewes – emailed from South Africa, tooting his horn (like I cared) and accused me of harboring a level of “obscene hatred” for Ewes that boggles his imagination.

Of course, like all the rest of them, he thinks Chairman Jerry John Rawlings and Capt. Kojo Tsikata are the best thing that ever happened to the Akan people of Ghana. Which was why his second question was about what these Trokosi kleptocrats, butchers and troglodytes had done to me to make me so hateful of Ewes, as if to suggest that yours truly went to bed every night scheming about how to launch a war against the Trokosi ultra-nationalists.

But what raised my hackles was when this Senior SOB also noted that my articles on Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings, who has been criminally squatting on my Nsawam-Adoagyiri ancestral lands for quite a while now, indicated that I have a pet aversion for the Ewe people and all things Ewe; and also that I seek some healing for my hatred of all the good things that these Trokosi Nationalist Butchers, including the writer himself, I suppose, have done for Ghana.

Now this is rather funny, because if I harbored any hatred towards any ethnic group in Ghana, I would have since long devised some retaliatory measures in definitive solution for the same. Well, I have a Ghana mission all right, but that mission is very simple – and it is to use my pen and laptop to ensure that the most aggrieved Ghanaians and prime targets and victims of the Trokosi nationalist butchers never go to bed with both eyes closed.

Those who know me quite well are fully aware of the fact that I have my kinsmen and women, too, for that matter, among the Ewe. But this fact in of itself ought not to be made into a facile pretext for stolid amnesia. But, of course, this is not what I really want to talk about tonight.

Rather, what I want to talk about is precisely why Trokosi nation-wreckers like Mr. Fiifi Kwetey think and believe that, somehow, the gross administrative incompetence of the Mahama-led National Democratic Congress (NDC) could be cavalierly wished away by making the curriculum vitae or résumé of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the three-time presidential candidate of Ghana’s main opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), the central electioneering agenda of the 2016 general election (See “ ‘Liar’ Akufo-Addo Must Come Clean on CV – Fiifi Kwetey” / 10/11/16).

There is no gainsaying that Mr. Kwetey is the most underqualified and under-educated Ghanaian to be appointed to at least three cabinet portfolios in our time. If these times were 1947 or even 1957, we could readily excuse such fraudulent act of criminality as the makings of Britain’s systematic colonial policy agenda of intellectually denuding the African.

Even so, under absolutely no circumstances can the father of Mr. Kwetey, that is if he actually knows his father, be compared to Nana Akufo-Addo in terms of both academic and professional achievements, much less a clinical intellectual and professional basket case like his son.

If, indeed, there are any gaps in Nana Akufo-Addo’s CV or vita, what makes Mr. Kwetey and his associates presume to be more intelligent than the more than a full-half of the Ghanaian electorate that has/have been voting consistently, and consecutively, for Akufo-Addo since 2008?

As I wrote the other day, if Mr. Kwetey had paid sedulous attention to what the South Korean Ambassador to Ghana recently had to say about his untenably amateurish management of the affairs of the Transport Ministry, the former NDC propagandist would not have mustered the chutzpah to attempt to impugn the academic credentials and professional integrity of Nana Akufo-Addo.

But, of course, this is Ghana in 2016, and we all know what became of us to enable clinical cretins like Mr. Kwetey to be ranked among the movers and shakers of Fourth Republican Ghanaian society. Indeed, if Nana Akufo-Addo has chosen not to list his brief enrollment and attendance at Oxford University, what business is it of the Transport Minister’s?

Did Mr. Kwetey’s father or grandfather sponsor Akufo-Addo to Oxford University? Or does Mr. Kwetey have any evidence pointing to the fact of Nana Akufo-Addo’s having attended Oxford University on a Ghana government scholarship, like most of the Trokosi nationalist parasites?

I also don’t see how Mr. Kwetey can compare a Ford Expedition Thief like President John Dramani Mahama to Nana Akufo-Addo and feel comfortable with himself and be clear in his conscience about the same, that is, if Mr. Kwetey really knows what it means for anybody to be described as a conscientious personality at all.

And yes, I call President Mahama a thief, and a mega-thief for good measure, because the man clearly and criminally breached the trust of Ghanaian voters and citizens when he covertly used the very executive position for which he was already generously salaried by the Ghanaian taxpayer to scam and humiliate us all. And then to have Fiifi Kwetey muster the nerve to talk about Trust, with a capital “T”!

Needless to say, whether Ghanaian voters decide to return the irredeemably bankrupt Mahama-led government of the National Democratic Congress to power, rather than the far more progressive and development-oriented Akufo-Addo-led New Patriotic Party, would squarely depend on the performance records of these two major political parties, and not any gaps that Mr. Fiifi Kwetey claims to have found on Akufo-Addo’s CV.

I mean, isn’t the man a genius for securing a front-row seat among the company of first-rate Ghanaian trial lawyers even without an earned law degree?

Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame