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Whether Reset or Upgrade: Who will have the free will to execute their vision?

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia John Dramani Mahama Bawumia And Mahama  Dr Mahamudu Bawumia John Dramani Mahama Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia (left) and John Dramani Mahama

Tue, 3 Sep 2024 Source: Awudu Razak Jehoney

There is no denying that December 7, 2024, will go down as the most unforgettable and significant day in Ghana’s history. The day will present

Ghanaians the opportunity to participate in arguably the most important

elections in the history of the country.

Any decision made on this day will have a far-reaching consequence on the future directions of this country. It will affect the current generation as well as the generations yet unborn. Realistically speaking, this election is between the two major political parties, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) who are being represented by former President John Dramani Mahama and Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia respectively as their candidates, no disrespect to the other candidates.

While former President John Dramani Mahama of the NDC is a proponent of a “Reset” of the current state of the country, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

of the NPP is on the trajectory of “Upgrade”. In their respective views, these

divergent trajectories are the antidotes for Ghana’s current sorry state. It is

therefore imperative to evaluate the two candidates and ascertain which of

them will have the free will if elected, to execute their vision.

Mahama is an in-and-out politician who has risen through the ranks of his party to the highest position in the party and the country. Currently, he has no political god-father within the NDC who could direct and constrain his willingness to implement his ideas if elected.

In contrast, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is an academic whose route into politics is different. He was brought in by President Akufo-Addo, and

therefore, he naturally owes allegiance to President Akufo-Addo and his inner

circles, and cannot boast of such clout within the NPP. He has a political god-

fathers who are currently working hard to ensure his victory in the December 7, elections.

In the event that Dr. Bawumia becomes the next president, there is a very high possibility that he will be subjected to manipulations and directions from and by his political god-fathers to protect their personal interests. The entire Akyem-Abuakwa Ofori-Panyin house has an insatiable interest in the upcoming election.

A victory for Dr. Bawumia will be a welcome relief for them. For so many reasons, it will suppress the stench of any rotten fruit in their basket, and it will also present them the opportunity to continue calling the shots in Ghana. With all these possibilities, if Dr. Bawumia intends to implement his ideas and programmes, they will be subjected to the approval of his political godfathers. He will have no free will to do things in his own way.

Moreover, Dr. Bawumia will not have the vehemence and impertinence to

prosecute members of the current government even if he intends to do so

with a clean heart. He will be frustrated and if he dares, they will make Ghana

ungovernable for his administration as happened to the late President Dr.

Hilla Limann.

In a nutshell, Dr. Bawumia may have a very good intention, but he will be at risk of being controlled and directed to serve the interest of his political god-fathers, consequently, he will not have the free will to implement his policies if they are at variance with the ideals of his political godfathers.

Conversely, John Mahama has near absolute control of the NDC, even though

he will consult with his cabinet. he has no one who could constrain or

manipulate his free will to implement his policies and ideas. There is no one in

the NDC who can manipulate, direct, and control him to serve or protect their

interest. He will be independent of influence by any group of people or clan.

John Mahama can prosecute members of the NPP and the NDC who are found

to have engaged in any corrupt activity. He will not be looking over his shoulders and be apprehensive about upsetting those who put him in the presidency, except the voters. As a result of these, his decisions will be independent of manipulations and control from his bosses, because he has no bosses within the NDC.

Assuming both candidates may have genuine intentions and convictions in

their respective trajectories whether “reset” or “upgrade” as the ideal path

through which Ghana will achieve sustainable growth and development, there

are factors that will mitigate Dr. Bawumia in his resolve to implement

his vision. These include acceding to the whims and caprices of his political

godfathers and protecting their interests in order to have peace of mind to


in reverse, John Mahama will not face any of such obstacles in implementing his ideas and policies. He will be his own man, make decisions has none.

In view of the above reasons, and on the balance of probabilities, the former

President Mahama will have the free will to implement his resetting agenda

which in my view is what Ghana needs at this critical juncture. The NDC

flagbearer has experience and commands respect within the NDC while Dr.

Bawumia will be at the mercy of his masters and will be compelled to do their

biddings willingly or unwillingly.

The 2024 elections are a crucial one. The outcome of the elections will be the

most significant one with huge ramifications on the socio-economic and

the political development of Ghana.

Therefore decisions must not be based on party affiliations, tribal lineage, love, or hatred for a particular candidate, but must be based on the future of Ghana.

Ghana needs a president who will not be constrained by obvious mitigating challenges from his bosses. We need a president who will be his own man and deliver without fear or favour and that is John Dramani Mahama.

Columnist: Awudu Razak Jehoney