
Who did the feasibility studies of our Ghana Black gold?

Sat, 13 Dec 2008 Source: Bolus, Mercy Adede

Feasibility studies are the vital element needed to decide Ghana way to an economic transformation. As a well conducted study will prove a good investment and offer a sound basis for decisions, clarification of objectives, logical planning, minimal risk and above all a successful, cost–effective project.

Knowing that the feasibility study is pivotal, as it is a reconnaissance of the whole area of the Black Gold project proposal. It was a study presenting a balanced picture incorporating all aspects of possible concerns for such a project.

However, the question is who actually project managed this magnificent discovery? This was already being discussed over 20 years ago!

Was it this the current Government or the previous?

Why did the nation forget to reward this person with gold awards ceremony with the President awarding himself one before even thinking of others?

My question is who actually is behind this discovery which is going to transform Ghana into an economic success country.

Who is this person?

Should Ghana build a statue to honour his name?

This is debatable however the next Government would need to seriously consider how Ghana could reward this person.

Please feel free to share your comments.

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede