
Who is Victor Smith? NDC Stop The Embarrassment!

Mon, 12 Jan 2009 Source: Okyere Bonna

According to General News of Friday, 9 January 2009, there was some pandemonium at the Osu Christianborg Castle, the seat of government, in Accra on January 8, 2009, the day President Atta-Mills officially assumed office, having sworn the oath of office on January 7, 2009.

The news said that one Victor Emmanuel Smith, former aide to ex-President Jerry John Rawlings, led a group of soldiers in a typical coup d'etat fashion to seize the keys to vehicles parked and others that had gone there to refuel. The question we need to ask is: Who is Victor Emmanuel Smith? And whose orders was he carrying out? Perhaps Victor Smith had good intentions to safeguard all these expensive cars that the previous regime had ordered for the 50th Anniversary like the BMW 7 Series that drove President Atta-Mills to the swearing-in ceremony on Wednesday. However, the way he carried his services was wrong and needs to be condemned in a democracy and a Republic. There was no need to be hostile in handling such issues, especially when there was a transitional team in place. This is an embarrassment to our democracy and our new president, as well as the ruling party.

It is appalling for NDC to start in this mode. According to the News report, Castle sources described the episode as a rough and near-violent one which attracted a small but scared crowd when Mr. Smith and the soldiers stormed the premises at about 2:30pm and after a series of inspections, demanded the full list of all official vehicles there and started the seizure of car keys. We don’t want to believe that NDC is still the PNDC and for that matter a military regime. Perhaps, we need to remind the NDC that they were voted into power by the people through a civil and democratic means. In case some of them are still day dreaming, they should be reminded that the dark days of PNDC WAS OVER IN 2000 and that NDC is not a military junta. After all, NDC came to power through the ballot box and not by the barrel of the gun. Therefore, things must be done decently this time, just like in a democracy where the laws of the land are respected. The dark days of the 1980’s, when fear and intimidation ruled are over. They stopped in 2000 when President Rawlings changed status to Republicanism. In case an example of civil government was needed, one is not far fetched. The proceeding regime could provide a good example here.

It is believed that during Kufour’s administration, there was corruption and nepotism, which the party is paying for now, but at the same time democracy, decency and peace were honored. What on earth was Mr. Smith thinking if he himself had not had his eyes on one of these BMW 7 series? To think that the officials would loot these luxury vehicles is not a good excuse since it was simply impossible for one to steal a government vehicle and get away with it because it could not be licensed as a private vehicle without raising eyebrows. Let people like Smith be educated on using the laws of the land and the security apparatus of the state to safeguard national interest without individual whims and caprices.

Yes NPP could be accused of nepotism and corruption but one thing is clear: During Kufour’s era there was freedom of the press and freedom of movement. Nobody got missing; the media could operate independently and peacefully somehow. No president’s aid or attaché ever led a group of soldiers to intimidate anyone. Let alone in a typical coup d'etat fashion to seize the keys to vehicles like it has just been announced. According to the News report, some of the soldiers who accompanied Victor Smith were in uniform while the rest were in mufti and were believed to be members of the defunct 64 Infantry Battalion, popularly called the Commandos - a specially trained militia loyal to ex-President Rawlings. We the people of Ghana have great respect and admiration for our New President and Vice-President and we pray the party soldiers accord the nation the same. Give President Atta-Mills his respect and peace of mind to administer the laws of the land justly without such intimidations.

We would not be forced to believe that the honorable office of the President is being usurped. Nor would I want to believe that Dr. Atta-Mills, in particular is party to this nonsensical act. So if I may ask again: Who is Victor Smith and what audacity does he have to order the Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Nana Bediako, in charge of Castle Security, to go to the Castle and account for all vehicles in his custody?

Indeed, if Mr. Smith would like to justify his actions on the grounds that since all the official vehicles at the Castle belonged to the state, there was absolutely nothing wrong with him going to the Castle to take stock of them, then it would also be absolutely right for NDC to ensure that non of these luxury state vehicles end up in any individual’s home. A state property must remain a state property and well maintained. By this very act Mr. Smith had suggested to the new President, how urgent it is to ensure that all officials declare their assets now and after office.

At this juncture a word of advice would be necessary for NDC foot soldiers and or cadres: Please do not embarrass the president! Let him have and extend the trust and respect he deserves from the people who voted him into office.

There is no doubt in my mind that President Atta-Mills will not put his feet down or educate his party following and weed out these saboteurs. Let NDC accord to the opposition party the same respect they received from Nana Akuffo Addo and the NPP for the sake of peace and progress! For if they don’t President Atta-Mills may not be able to make a dent in our ailing economy. It is critical that the hierarchy of NDC allows President Atta-Mills to exercise his oath of office. He must and should be his own man and lead but not be led by selfish and aggrieved individuals of the party. This is not a military regime and the earlier the NDC GOT THIS THE BETTER IT WOULD BE FOR THE FUTURE OF THE PARTY AND THE NATION.

Long live the President! Long live Ghana and May God bless us all

Okyere Bonna ( Secretary Ghana Leadership Union

Columnist: Okyere Bonna