




GhanaWeb TV




Sun, 17 May 2009 Source: Boakye, Elizabeth

Can someone help me to understand why Ghanaian governments do not patronise our air line 'GIA' on their trips abraod. Considering the amounts they pay to British Airways are they not helping the foreign airline to improve their services at the expense of GIA? These same governments hypocratically always appeal to ordinary citizens to help build the Economy/Ecomini. GIA may not be the only area. Our governments give contracts to foreign companies instead of helping the local companies to do better. All because of the percentage they would get in their pockets. How selfish most of our leaders are!

Isn't it sad to read that most schools in Ghana have no teachers when we have graduate unemployment forthey would rather be unemployed than to teach due to the appalling conditions in the service. Our graduates are doing meanial jobs abroad under untold and stressful conditions to send money home to help their relatives while our Governments encourage labourers from China and Asia to the country to enjoy the toils of our youngesters. Ghanaian governments are good at encouraging people abroad to send money home while they encourage our graduates to leave the country to lead stressful live abroad. There are no Greener pastures abroad these days if you don't have the right papers or even if you have so I would call on our young Graduates to wake up!

I am not a violent person but I have seen PRESSURE groups are a good way of changing policies and governments in the West. PEACEFUL demonstrations should be the weapon. DON'T sit and watch Bagbin and other M.P's who do not even documents before making comments decide your future. My heart beats when I think of how life would be for the next generation considering the type of people we have in the Ghanaian parliament. We have all witnessed the good and bad governance of the FIRST NDC and the NPP. The SECOND NDC should be put on their toes to put thing right. Enough of comparing things with the former government. Kuffour government spent so much on trips so what if the Mills government spent such and such. Ghana don't want to hear anymore of that. The country wants to move FOEWARD.

We are mostly christians in Ghana and the president is supposed to be christian so let ISAIAH 43: 18-19 guide us in our struggles. Our YOUNG GRADUATES, WISEMEN/WOMEN and all ELITES in the country WAKE UP!!! PRESSURE GROUPS!! PRESSURE GROUPS!! and PRESSURE GROUPS!!! We all owe it to the next generation! In all this we should be DISCIPLINED and PRINCIPLED for money is not the end of the world. At the moment we have too many LIARS, ROGUES and MATERIALISTIC M.PS for all we hear is snatching cars, sending matcho men to harass other citizens watching the youth forming ethnic groups which is not HEALTHY for our ONLY COUNTRY. ”

Columnist: Boakye, Elizabeth