
Why The Alliance fot Attacking Government (AFAG) Demonstrated

Mon, 16 Aug 2010 Source: Sangaparee, Clement


The Alliance fot Attacking Government (AFAG) is a vicious political pressure group with its leadership drawn from the NPP now in Opposition. When the NPP is NOT in power, then whoever is in power must be UNDERMINED and this has been their stock in trade since 1951 to date – 2010.

AFAG, the political pressure group was formed in 2009, just 5 days after Professor Mills was sworn in as President of the Republic of Ghana, and their main aganda is to undermine the Mills administration and make it unpolar to enable them grab power in December, 2012. They lie bad.


The country’s administration DID NOT support the JUNE 4 uprising in 1979 under the AFRC and DID NOT want to co-operate with the revolutionary government of the PNDC in 1981 either Progressive Forces wanted to see all the leading members of the Danquah Busia tradition and its junior ones to get the taste of the BITTER TORTURE and INJUSTICE they had UNLEASED on others during the era of the National Liberation Movement (NLM) “Mate-Meho”, from 1951 – 1956, and then from 1966 t0 1969 when these vicious tribal politicians were over thrown on January 13th 1972. To those Progressive Forces, the notion that members of the Danquah / Busia tradition could walk freely in Ghana all the time without being arrested and tried for GENOCIDE committed between 1951 and 1956 where innocent men, women and children were killed with guns, matchets, bombs and grenades in Kumasi and Kyebi was unpardonable and intolerable. Those innocent Ghanaians were all killed on the instructions of Dr. K. A. Busia who was the Commander of the Ashanti Political Murderers in Kumasi and Dr. J. B. Danquah also the Commander of the Akyem Political Murderers at Kyebi. No wonder that the 2008 general elections clearly EXPOSED these two regions as being the strong holds of the Danquah / Busia tradition which the NPP represent today. Even the NDC penetrated the Eastern Region and won 40% of the votes cast at the backyard of Nana Akuffo Addo.

After losing the 2008 general elections, they (NPP) are not even ashamed but are even trying without success to campaign for votes against President Mills one and half year old government and govern this country again with their tribalism, lawlessness, arrogance, selective justice and political favouritism once again. They lie bad. To quote, the NDC National Chairman, if President Mills Does Not Succeed, No one succeeds in this country – period.

Therefore the so-called Alliance for Accountable Government which is a political presure group formed to under mine President Mills will NOT succeed in destroying the NDC because their vicious agenda is too glaring and Ghanaians would NOT buy it apart from the DAZED members of the National Pick Pockets (NPP). What happened to the office of Accountability under Ex-president Kufour’s NPP government from 2005 to 2008? AFAG should NOT throw dust into the eyes of well meaning Ghanaians because if they were able to govern Ghanaians very well with honesty, patroitism and fairness, the NPP would have been given another mandate to continue with their “good works” but because they MESSED up the country’s economy embezzling billions of Ghana Cedis, dollars, pound sterlings, euros etc. Ghanaians rightly booted them out. AFAG must compare Ex-president Kufour’s one and half years in office to President Mills’ one and half years in office and they will realise that the NDC under President Mills has performed far better than what the NPP did in one and half years under Ex-president Kufour’s NPP government. Those who claimed to be dying in Kumasi during the so-called AFAG demonstration were the very people whose general behaviour like tribalism, corruption, dishonesty, arrogance and cocaine dealings led to the defeat of the NPP. So they must stop crying over spilt milk after all dead men / women does not talk or cry, so if they intentionally decide to die, because of dirty politics, Ghana has large tracks of land to bury them all.

Somebody must complain of High Tariffs and Not the NPP’s AFAG members who are so dazed that they continue talking to themselves when walking, eating, driving or sleeping even without mobile phones because they are all dizzy and have become very crazy for losing the general elections in 2008. Allow President Mills to deliver Ghanaians from poverty, ignorance, disease, tribalism, corruption and nepitism to ensure a Better Ghana for all Ghanaians no matter your tribe or social status in this country. AFAG is an integral wing of the NPP and not a Non-political pressure group in Ghana.

The AFAG / NPP gurus were responsible for destroying Ghana’s economy for 8 years Ghanaians saw that they were selfish rascals who could not be entrusted with political power again to misrule Ghanaians, so they booted them out. The AFAG / NPP members claimed to be so-called owners of Ghana, and the heartless SOLICITOR ADVOCATE GENERALS of Ghana’s Political Scene. They would have made over 5 million Ghanaians to go MAD through cocaine in halations, injections and suiffings all in the name of property owning democracy if they had won the 2008 general elections. Just one and half years after being rejected by Ghanaians AFAG / NPP members organised their party supporters to wear red head gears and arm bands and demonstrated in the streets of Kumasi on 9th June, 2010 to protest against high electricity tariffs and water bills by the NDC governement. This is very shameful on the part of AFAG / NPP members.

You destroyed Ghana’s economy for 8 years and the NDC government with Professor Mills as President of the Republic of Ghana is FIXING IT, why these demonstrations by AFAG / NPP? The answer is very simple: it is jealousy and envy because the President has started distributing the free school uniforms, the free exercise books, the one term National Health Insurance Policy as he promised to do and remembered all those who voted for him when he was campaigning for votes in the 2008 general elections through his DOOR to DOOR policy that was why he visited the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital and later visited Abossey Okai Spare parts dealers and some markets in Accra. The President will deliver the goods so let’s all help him to succed or no one succeeds in this country. Apologies to Dr. Kwabena Adjei National Chairman of the NDC.

Watch these AFAG / NPP terroist very well. Why did Abaifaah Karbo, the NPP National Youth Organiser state that Ghana will turn into Afghanistan if the NPP did NOT win the 2012 general elections? Does NPP members think that they are the ONLY people fit to rule Ghanaians? High Electricity Tariffs, Yes, but No political threats for when that happens Abaiffa’s head will go first.

Many Ghanaians were not surprised when the NPP National Youth Organiser threatened that Ghana will turn into Afganishtan if the NPP lost 2012 general elections because Akenten Appiah Menkah and all the leading members of the NPP were prepared to plunge Ghana into a civil war in 1992 when the late Professor Adu Boahen Flagbear of the NPP lost the Presidential elections to Jerry Rawlings NDC but they (NPP Gurus) were advised by the late Otumfuo Opoku Ware II of blessed memory to stop their plans. As for the NPP, people must die whether it wins or loses elections.

The Danquah / Busia tradition which the NPP repesent today is a violent tribal grouping whose members teach tribalism from Father to Son and from Mother to Daughter since the party’s foundation in the 1950’s. In their political campaigns for Presidential and Parlimentary elections, violence is always used where innocent people had to die in their hundreds whether the NPP wins or loses the elections. Here too, they teach violence from Father to Son and from Mother to Daughter, but Ghanaians told them finally in 2008 and 2009 general elections that Ghana is NOT the personal property of the NPP as they always claim falsely. So when will God wipe off these fire eating infidels from this country to enable well meaning patriotic Ghanaians live in perfect peace? Their forebears are already burning in Hell and they will follow suit. Don’t forget that they even have God fearing male and female crooks in cassocks in that violent party since the 1950’s up to date 2010. They also teach their congregations about the “Noble ideas” of the blood soaked NPP since I once attended a church service in 2006 during Ex-President Kufour regime and I had to leave that church for home without paying collection as the preacher who was in charge started insulting Rawlings with unprintable even though this was NOT even qualified enough to polish the shoes of Rawlings or his wife. This explains why no man of God or woman of God ever condemned Akenten Appiah Menkah who shamefully revealed in the Africa-watch Magazine – June, 2010 edition that the NPP was planning to plunge Ghana into a civil war in 1992 when the late Prof. Adu Boahen lost elections to Rawlings in that year and that it was the late Otumfuo Opoku ware II who stopped the NPP from plunging the country into civil war.

They are involved in the Non-Governmental Organizations – the so-called NGO’s that pretend to be Non-Governmental. They are all liars, it is a cover up, otherwise why did every body keep quiet when it was published that the NPP was organizing to plunge Ghana into a civil war since June 2010 when Africa-watch broke the news? The women’s group including FIDA remained silent but in case of civil war in Ghana by the NPP, God forbid, it is women and children who will be RAPED and KILLED in their millions. Anyway, has Appiah Menkah ever gone to church, does he know that he was created by God, to even think of plunging Ghana into civil war because of political power? Does he think he will live to tell his story if civil war should erupt in Ghana? Or was he cut out from a tree? Let him watch Hotel Rwanda a documentary about the civil war in that country for 100 days. The Ghana Bar association (GBA), The Christian Council, i.e. Ghana’s clergy, the T.U.C NETRIGHT, our Traditional Rulers and Civil Society Organisations including the Media all failed to condemn Appiah Menkah and his NPP’s evil and devlish intension, why?

However, if such an uttereance had come from the mouth of J. J. Rawlings, all Hell would have broken loose in this country. Are we being fair to our Future generation or we want them to copy our EVIL DEEDS? Are we telling the Youth who are our future leaders to plunge the country into a civil war when their political party lost general elections? Mr. Appiah Menkah needs a medical check-up. Big shame unto this EVIL thinking man let him come again!

Aluta Continua!


Clement Sangaparee

United Cadres Front

Obuasi C/O Box 32


All Media Houses



Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement