
Why The Need For A New Political Party?

Mon, 21 Aug 2006 Source: Ampofo Ofori

On 1st July, 2006, there was a Press conference in Accra at the Teachers’ Hall, announcing the formation of a new Political Party with the name NATIONAL PARTY. In the press statement, the Executive Chairman of the Party Mr. Ofori Ampofo in his address, said that the Ghanaian political system needs cleaning and that the National Party has been formed to carry out the needed cleaning with no ambiguity.

The national Party revolves around some personalities from the following associations, The Save Ghana Now Association, The Ghana Leadership Union of Dr. Kwaku A. Danso, The Trade Congress Party of Tonny Toku, and The Social Democratic movement of Prince Aidoo. These groups have membership all over the world, in and outside Ghana, and are poised and determined to move into Ghana to make our political system work for the interest of all Ghanaians. We have our doors widely open to welcome other groups, associations, and all Ghanaians to walk in and let us for once, with selflessness and dedication save our country, Ghana. The cost of not doing this now will be too high for future generations and many will not be able to return home one day as foreigners settle in Ghana and take away opportunities from the future children due to current strategic economic disadvantages.

There must be the emergence of selfless, concerned, dedicated and sincere leaders at this time in our Political history. Leaders who would lead by example, be a source of inspiration, encouragement, and be able to empower the people for greater and higher goals. We must completely overhaul the administrative system inherited from the 1950s. We must be creative and innovative in our quest to solve our problems from our own back yard. We must create a culture of Planning, Productivity, Punctuality, Preventive maintenance and putting away money (long term savings) in our national character, and then gradually build on these positive attributes to eventually move away from the habit of reckless borrowing, to economic self reliance

We believe there are people with equally good intentions, who have returned home to join the old political elites, but because they could not influence them for change, they have joined them to loot the country. We know some of these people, who and what they were before they joined the old Political elites, and we have heard all about their Political activities and wealth today. This is why we believe a completely new political party is inevitable and in the best interest of an era of a new beginning.

After the press conference on July 1ST, the following political giants from the Diaspora, Professor Nti Asare, Professor Steve Panford, Dr. Kwaku A. Danso, and the Executive Chairman of the National Party, Ofori Ampofo, together with the local Ghanaian selfless executives, toured most parts of the Country interacting with the people on the streets and the suburbs, and on radio Talk shows, with call in questions. The sad news is that, there is about 65% voter apathy throughout the country, evidenced by the low turn out to review their voters register at various centers throughout the country.

Voters and Ghanaians in general are disillusioned and have no confidence in politics and our politicians. This is the result of years of political deceit, selfishness, greed, and the display of affluence at the expense of the majority of the people. Our team was given a rousing welcome everywhere we visited, and there were strong expressions by the citizenry on the desire for a new political force for change. The blatant statements everywhere we went was that, quote “IF IT WERE NDC and NPP, THEN WE ARE NOT GOING TO VOTE AT ALL” unquote. With the DFP, the question in the minds of the people throughout our tour was: “How different are they going to be from the NDC?”

However, the predominant questions to us were: how different are we going to be from the existing political parties? What is the guarantee that we are not going to fail the people as the other parties have done over the several years? Our answer to them was that we are going to eliminate all the wasteful expenditures in the National budget (such as the use of ostentatious cars and vehicles) through careful disciplined financial monitoring, and do whatever it takes to detect and punish corruption, so we can create enough savings to start with. We are opposed to all forms of privileges to Government officials that we suspect irresponsibly runs well above 80million Cedis a month per one official of state, including salaries. They are enjoying it due to weaknesses in the colonially-established system, and we will abolish them as a first step in trying to salvage the economy of the Country. That is what will make us different, because of our resolve to go by our words; and surely we will not fail them.

We advised all disillusioned voters to endeavor to make sure their names were in the voters register, and also make sure they vote in 2008 since their votes are their power for the change they yearn for. Fellow Ghanaians, there are some dedicated and selfless individuals in Ghana who are prepared to team up with a completely new Leadership whose hands are not tainted, and are dedicated to the development of our country. The leadership of the National Party has set itself to the challenges facing our Country, and invites our citizens to visit our web site to learn more about the Party, at

We invite every Ghanaian, especially those in the Diaspora interested in moving back home and interested in serving their country in any capacity, to register and join us, and indicate their respective areas of expertise. Let us go home and in dedication, sacrifice for today and the tomorrow we may not see. While we toured round the country educating the people, Dr. Kwaku A. Danso and myself Ofori Ampofo were battling malaria from mosquito bites, but we never gave up because, as I told Dr. Danso, some missionaries died years ago from malaria sacrificing for our country, so even if we suffer the same faith, we would be making history because we would have planted a seed of hope for others to enjoy the fruits of our toil.

Do not think about the impossible. There is nothing impossible in this world and there is nothing impossible in Politics. Registering a Political Party in Ghana is very cumbersome and expensive, however, we are 85% through with the processes, and very soon, God willing, there will be the birth certificate of the Party of the Century. The Party of the people, By the People, and for the People and Ghana’s salvation. Be proud to be part of a good, noble, sincere, selfless, and dedicated cause for change.

The road ahead for the National Party is very challenging, and will be rough indeed, but with determination, we would be able to carve a tunnel of hope through a mountain of despair. It is the collective effort of all concerned and well meaning Ghanaians that will win our cause, and free our people from economic enslavement. LET US THEREFORE CONTRIBUTE FINANCIALLY, MORALLY AND SPRITUALLY TOWARDS OUR COUNTRY’S SALVATION.

We have set up a Foreign Account with the Barclays Bank of Ghana. Accra. Our Account Number is 1021393. Transfers should be in Dollars Only. SWIFT CODE, (BARCGH) We will like to acknowledge your donation. Please notify us of all transfers. ACCOUNT NAME; REDEEM GHANA NOW. (NP)

We have only one God given Country, and that is Ghana. We must therefore in our lifetime while we can, do our best for its development, for generations to come and enjoy; when we will be long gone. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and the rest made America for today's Americans to enjoy. United Kingdom and other developed countries alike. We are all benefiting from the sacrifices of others.

Kwame Nkrumah and others have come and gone. They belong to the noble part of history, and we should recognize them as such. They did their best but so far that has not been enough for today's modern way of life. For those in the Diaspora, We cannot go and settle home because prevailing conditions are not favorable to our acquired standards of living. If we want to write articles, on Ghana web, SAY IT LOUD ON COMMENTS COLUMN, and think our politicians will change things for the better in Ghana, we are deceiving ourselves because they would wish that we don't even come back to compete with them in our own country. They are only interested in our remittances. We need to move into Ghana by force regardless of the prevailing circumstances and force our way through to make it better. This is a Country call, others have done it, so we can also do it; and we should not fail.


Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Ampofo Ofori