
Why do you wait until election time to act, dear Member of Parliament?

Parliament House FotoJet(10) Parliament House FotoJet(10) Parliament House FotoJet(10) File photo of some MPs in Parliament

Mon, 28 Oct 2024 Source: Victoria Kyei Baffour

It is that time of year again when our Members of Parliament suddenly become active in our constituencies, fixing roads and addressing issues.

Is it a crime for me and other Ghanaians to vote for someone we barely know to represent us? This question haunts me every election year.

Why would someone like me, or any other Ghanaian, wake up at dawn, join a long queue from 5 AM, just to vote for you?

This should show you the immense trust and hope we place in you, dear MP.

Before we vote, you give us countless reasons to support you. But what do we get in return? Lies and broken promises.

After sacrificing our sleep and voting for you, we are left with disappointment. What else could it be?

You promise us clean drinking water, good roads, quality education, and healthcare.

But what happens to these promises once you're elected?

Dear Honourable Member of Parliament, why do you wait until another election cycle to start working for your constituents?

Are you taking us for granted? What do you think of us?

Is it a crime to believe your campaign promises and vote for you?

Don't you think Ghanaians deserve better than what you offer after being elected?

Oh, dear MP, your constituents need you after they vote for you.

They need your help continuously, not just during election years.

They need schools for their children, good hospitals, better roads, jobs to prevent migration, and sometimes even startup capital for small businesses.

Dear MP, your constituents are in need. Enough with the promises. Act on them now, not just during election years.

A time will come when your constituents will wise up. They will realize that you have been taking them for fools.

Dear MP, do not wait until election time to act. Your constituents need you now!

Columnist: Victoria Kyei Baffour