
Why legalizing same-sex marriages!!?.

Mon, 29 Jun 2015 Source: Hardi, Ibrahim

Of late there has been renewed debate on the question of allowing same-sex marriages in most countries but Almighty America has taken the lead in legalizing same-sex marriages. The discussion has centered on various aspects including civil rights, genetic pre-disposition and religious perceptions. Whether homosexuality and same-sex marriages are acceptable in God's eyes. The traditional belief in Judaism, Christianity and Islam is that God forbids homosexuality, and therefore same-sex marriages as well. The scriptural references to marriage always imply a union of a man and a woman, e.g. Genesis 1:27-28; Mark 10:6-9, Quran 7:189, etc.

I think it is very funny when a human being will do all sorts of things to change the natural way of things but by it still end up proving that God was right all along. Gay men and lesbian women say they do not approve of being in a relationship with a sex different from theirs, but their actions prove they are liars.

Firstly, look at a gay couple. In such a relationship you will find one of the two will acquire the mannerisms of a female. The weaker of the two in some instance may wear make-up, female clothes and apparel. He will acquire female mannerisms and habits such as female tone of voice, way of laughing, body language and movement. This will be vice versa in a lesbian couple. One girl will don a tougher attitude and will be more domineering than the other, initiating things in the relationship as a male would.

In essence then we can safely conclude that the gay population do acknowledge that a relationship is no fun if both of them are alike. I bet it's just no fun being in a same-sex relationship so they have to pretend one of them is a female or male. By their actions then they acknowledge that God was right after all when he made humans male and female.

Secondly, consider that gay or lesbian couples who are really settled want to have a child. They adopt some poor baby from somewhere and say they will raise him/her up to be open to same sex relationships and the intermarriages of the sexes. They do not feel complete by themselves but understand the blessing that comes with having a family.

So then we can say they acknowledge the institute of family that God created. By bringing children in their lives they are saying that nature is right, the relationship that works best is the one where the fruit of having children is present. And where do they copy this from? Isn't it God who made humans male and female and told them to populate the earth? Would a man really copy a behavior or way of life that he does not approve of? If not then aren't they saying that they acknowledge the way God made the world and that it is right.

If by their actions they are saying that God is right then why do they do it, what is it that motivates them into initiating same-sex relationships? For by their actions they say they know the natural order of things, of how things should be done. If they know the truth and approve of it by the way they form their relationships then am I wrong in assuming that their pleasure is in merely perverting the natural order established by God?

So then they don't do it because they feel the relationship between male and female doesn't appeal to them. Otherwise you wouldn't find one of them pretending to be of a sex other than what he or she was born as. In essence gay and lesbian people by choosing to live like that say the male and female relationship is not right for them. But isn't the gay or lesbian lifestyle just hypocrisy when they eventually are ending up in a relationship where one of them is acting as male and the other female. How different is it then from the male-female relationship?

If you are gay or are a lesbian stop living a lie. The God who made humanity male and female is very clear. He does not approve of men and women sharing same sex relation.

And what is the due penalty for homosexuality, what will God do to those who are this sexually immoral?: Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi of the ISNA said: "Homosexuality is a moral disorder. It is a moral disease, a sin and corruption... No person is born homosexual, just like no one is born a thief, a liar or murderer. People acquire these evil habits due to a lack of proper guidance and education.""

"There are many reasons why it is forbidden in Islam. Homosexuality is dangerous for the health of the individuals and for the society. It is a main cause of one of the most harmful and fatal diseases. It is disgraceful for both men and women. It degrades a person. Islam teaches that men should be men and women should be women. Homosexuality deprives a man of his manhood and a woman of her womanhood. It is the most un-natural way of life. Homosexuality leads to the destruction of family life." In more than one place in the Holy Quran, Allah recounts to us the story of Lot's people, and how He destroyed them for their wicked practice. There is consensus among both Muslims and the followers of all other religions that sodomy is an enormity. It is even viler and uglier than adultery.

Allah Most High says: "Do you approach the males of humanity, leaving the wives that Allah has created for you? But you are a people who transgress" Quran (26:165-66)

(1) The Prophet (saw) said: (1) "Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets if be done to him." (Tirmidhi, a sahih (authentic) Hadith)

(2) "May Allah curse him who does that Lot's people did." (Ibn Hibban, sahih (authentic))

(3) "Lesbianism by women is adultery between them." (Tabarani, sahih)"

There are a lot more Hadiths on the issue, and the issue of what is to be done with one who commits sodomy or lesbianism. I will not deal with these now in this post. All I wanted to do was to show that the position of Islam on this issue is that it is an enormity, and therefore, forbidden, (haram). May Allah (The Exalted) protect us. Ibrahim Hardi email; contact,0208235615

Columnist: Hardi, Ibrahim