
Why no one should think of pursuing a master degree in Ghana

Tue, 23 Sep 2014 Source: Adumoa, Sam

It is very depressing to see lecturers in our universities always pursuing government for the payment of one allowance or the other. Whiles these same lecturers are nippy to point accusing fingers at government for their inaction, they have failed to also tell us about the laziness and corrupt practices they are involved in the universities.

Speaking to many student in the three of our public universities, it is very perceptible that most of these student are not content about the way some lecturers have treated them and continue to treat them even after their programme in the University.

A number students I have spoken to complained of very little or no assistance given to them whiles writing their dissertation. In many instances the lecturers who are supposed to supervise these students only met them once or twice. These lecturers are always busy running around doing their own businesses during school hours and they are not answerable to anyone for whatever they do with their time.

A number of students who pursued their masters degrees in our three major public universities over a year ago are still waiting for their papers to be marked even though these students have paid the universities a fee for their papers to be marked in order to graduate on time and to move on with their lives. One may ask if this development is normal at all. This situation is rather unfortunate and it is affecting thousands of brilliant students who wanted to pursue a PHD degree in other universities. This development has put their life on hold and they have no one to complain to for fear of victimisation. Some of these lectures have turned themselves into business men and politicians and have very little or no time for their students. The only thing they are interested in is their salary and strike actions.

Many a times we turn to think that it is only the politicians who have failed the country, but some of these lecturers are even worse than the politicians. Some of them will not report to lectures when they are supposed to and will instead organise classes for their students over the weekend, because they use the university hours to do their personal businesses using university resources.

I am calling on the minister of Education to investigate the practice where lecturers failed to mark the dissertation of both Master and PHD students on time. This is not fair on the part of the student and this practice must be nip in the bud. These lecturers are a disgrace to our nation and they have no right to go on strike if they have not fulfilled their part of the contract they entered into with their universities.

A lot of students are waiting for their dissertation to be mark and to progress on the academic ladder but for the inaction of these greedy people who call themselves lecturers. Please madam minister of education I plead with you to investigate this matter and deal with those who have failed to perform the role to which they were employed.

I rest my case.


Adumoa Sam

Midlands UK

Columnist: Adumoa, Sam