
Will Alhaji Stephen Atubiga Be The Next Mp For Bawku

Thu, 25 Nov 2010 Source: Kusi, Kwabena

Will Alhaji Stephen Atubiga (Alex Acholatse) Be The Next Mp For Bawku Or Binduri?

Growing SPECULATIONS: Is he mobilizing People and resources for the cause? Some have often described him as the “Young Ndebugi” and for others, a young “Clitus Avorka” for his style and animated manner of presenting his political views. His seasoned commitment to uplifting and upholding the cultural values of his native Kusassi people and his commitment to promoting peace and tranquility in the Bawku area has thrust the prospects for his candidacy for political position into an arena of deep and mounting speculation. The underlying big question remains: Will he contest for one of the constituent seats in the Bawku area: the Binduri or Bawku parliamentary seats.? Will he run on the NDC ticket or possibly as an Independent candidate?

Alhaji Stephen Atubiga, also known to many as Alex Acolatse: a Kusassi, raised in the Bawku area in the Upper east region of Ghana is: Founder and President of Eagle Express Shipping, Eagle General Construction, Tip Toe Eagle Banquet Hall and President of the Kusasi Youth Association in Virginia USA. Most of us became more intrigued with his immense knowledge and historical perspective on the Kusasi-Mamprusi conflict and suggestions for peace in the area, which he passionately expressed through a series of articles on Ghanaweb and in other media in 2009 and later. These articles, his speeches and presentations and representations at various forums and platforms continue to give great insight and create a sense of awareness to the history and development of the conflict offering better prospects for an ultimate resolution to tensions in the area. There is every reason why his possible candidacy for either the Binduri or Bawku seats both of which he has a vested interest to contest for keeps generating great enthusiasm in politics in the area especially with names like honorable Ayariga, spokesperson for NDC and Deputy Minister for trade, lingering in the background. Juggling between a run for the Bawku and Binduri Seats promises to be very interesting.

But what else do we know about Alhaji Stephen Atubiga AKA Alex Acholatse. My investigations reveal that, Mr. Atubiga, a product of Navrongo Secondary School is no novice to political life. He received much of his political schooling from his father, Honorable Fortune Atubiga 1992-2000 former Member of Parliament for the Binduri Constituency and his uncle Mathias Atubiga PNC MP 1980. Between his father, Uncle and several notable political heavyweights in the area he grew around, there is no doubt he is cut for public position in the region. But is his time up yet?

Listening to him for the past 12 months on Highlife radio (, a radio program on the internet on Saturdays from 11:00 to 2:30pm, Alhaji Naba as he is sometimes called has been the official mouth piece for the NDC Party on the show articulating NDC political views on pertinent national issues on Ghana especially issues centering on the Bawku area. According to the program producers, his sponsorship and contributions have generated much interest in political and economic issues in Ghana on the show. As the patron for the NDC here in Northern Virginia, he enjoys a cozy relationship with the regional NDC chairman and most of the NDC High officials, most of whom it is believed, have pledged to support his candidacy should he decide to run.

In addition to his tight business schedule, political presentations on the air, and other platforms Steve, who is fluent in the Kusassi, Frafra, Twi , Ga, Hausa, Mamprushi, Dagarti, and Dagbani languages to mention but a few, enjoys great respect and is highly revered and acknowledged by the Ghanaian community in the Washington DC area. He is often spotted at various social engagements during the weekends in most cases representing Kusasi cultural values on such occasions in the Northern Virginia area and in other states.

There is definitely no doubt in the minds of many people I have spoken to, that his family background, upbringing and ties, his entrepreneurial accomplishments in the diaspora and his commitment to the advancement of the socio-economic values of the Kusasi people will present him as a great candidate and ultimate member of parliament who promises to introduce a new political wave of change in the Bawku area. But will he run for the position?

Amidst mounting speculations, some of which even suggest he is mobilizing support and resources for the course, an official word is not yet out on his position or comment on the issue, however, a spokesperson from his public relations office recently declared that Mr. Atubiga is aware of the soaring interest in his candidacy and he will come with a response soon.

Kwabena Kusi

Columnist: Kusi, Kwabena