
Will NPP Katakyie Kwame Opoku Learn a Lesson?

Sun, 14 Sep 2014 Source: Adofo, Rockson

The demonstration of excessive sentimental fanaticism, infantile of course, by one Katakyie Kwame Agyemang Opoku, should not be allowed to continue unchecked. He appears to have completely lost his mind in pursuit of his most devilish deeds. In pursuance of an agenda purported to culminate in the defeat of Nana Akufo Addo in Election 2016, this young man, has been churning out pure balderdash on the internet; complete assault on the image of Nana Akufo Addo.

He is persistently publishing recycled articles directed at damaging the reputation of Nana Akufo Addo in attempt to project his paymaster, Mr Alan John Kwadwo Kyeremateng. Notoriously verbose with his annoyingly repetitive reputation-tarnishing attacks on Nana Addo, the biblical “David or Joseph” of our time, Katakyie Kwame Opoku must be made aware of the no-win fight he has engaged himself in. No amount of his intentional wantonly destructive publications he puts out in the media, Nana Addo will forever remain unblemished and unperturbed.

Nana is not corrupt. He has never in his lifetime been corrupt and he shall never be. He is dynamic, honest, sincere, very dedicated to the cause of being of service to his country and people. Additionally, he is competent, knowledgeable and farsighted.

A country is never successfully governed by one’s appearance; tall height and beauty but by the enumerated qualities above of which Nana Akufo Addo possesses them in abundance.

In order not to spend needless time trying to educate Katakyie Kwame, an obstinate young man with feeling of animus towards Nana Addo for all silly reasons, I shall discuss two or three of his arguments why people are not to vote for Nana.

He says Nana is very old (70 years) to be a credible President. His age will be an obstruction to his performance as president, Katakyie Kwame Agyemang Opoku argues. Sorry, this young man who has never worked in his life does not know anything about administration and delegation of powers. Those of us working in supervisory, managerial and other such positions understand, and are aware of, the requirements and effectiveness of working as a team under what is, a chain of command.

When the leader or head of the team or chain is strict, following procedural regulations and laws, certainly, his subordinates will act in conformity with orders issued by the leader as in line with the regulations. All the members of the team will behave themselves responsibly, full of respect for the laws and orders as may be issued by their leader. They will not behave untowardly. Nana can be seventy years, but because he is honest and not corrupt, his deputy will also not behave corruptibly. Nana will see to that happening. He will ensure laws work and justice operatives holistically, but not selectively.

Take President Mahama for example. He is much younger, a youth he calls himself, born after Gold Coast gaining political independence to become Ghana. Look how he has messed up, and continue to mess up, Ghana’s economy. It is only a fool from another planet that may not know how this young man has ruined Ghana by his acts of incompetence, mismanagement, inability to control his appointees who are overflowing with acts of corruption. Do we need further younger inexperienced, corrupt and rude persons to rule Ghana?

Again, Kwame accuses Nana Addo of losing general elections three or more times. Was it not this same Katakyie Kwame who after the declaration of the disdainful verdict by the Supreme Court on election 2012 petition said, William Atuguba and his panel of Supreme Court Judges have pronounced the most stupid court judgment ever in the annals of Ghana legal system? Why was the judgment not credible in his eyes if the Court had not helped John Mahama rig the election in his favour, by pronouncing the most ridiculous verdict that contrasts facts and evidence adduced?

Now, this same Katakyie is saying Nana woefully lost the election but it was not rigged? I think Kwame has eyes but he cannot see. He has ears but he cannot hear. Did he not have the opportunity to watch or follow the live telecast of the Supreme Court proceedings on election 2012 petition? Or, he has forgotten everything so soon, being economical with the truth?

He goes on to display his total ignorance. He says Nana Addo cannot win only two regions and expect to become the president of Ghana. I have already written extensively on how Ghana president is elected. He is elected by the number of popular votes garnered (50% + 1 vote) of the total votes cast but not by the number of regions won. How does an educated person like Katakyie, probably conversant with Ghana’s 1992 Constitution reconcile his absurd supposition with the reality as enshrined in the Constitution?

Finally, he claims that most delegates who voted for Nana Akufo Addo during the just ended NPP Super Delegate’s Congress taken place on Sunday, 31st August 2014, were offered bribes of GHc2, 000 per delegate. How did he come by this figure and who were those that were bribed and who bribed them? Does he know that the offering and taking bribe is a criminal offence in Ghana as enshrined in the Ghana Criminal Act of 1960 as amended in 2003? He should get a copy of the Act and read from paragraphs 239 to 250.

If anyone offered or accepted bribe, the person must be reported to the police and be charged to court. Kwame, I know you are working to justify to your paymaster why he should still maintain you in that single room he has rented for you in Kumasi. Was it Nana Addo who advised the UK Immigration Services to deport you to Ghana after the completion of your University course in London? No! Why then your meaningless animosity towards him?

Be it known to you, he who God has anointed, man cannot curse him. Certainly, you will live to regret your stomach politicking. You are walking with your stomach hence displaying your unexplained hatred and utter insanity towards Nana Akufo Addo, Ghana’s president-in-waiting.

I call on all discerning Ghanaians to treat Katakyie Kwame Agyemang Opoku and Hilda with the contempt that their actions deserve. They are with the intent not only to destroy Nana, but to prop the position of the NDC. Their paymaster is already sprawled on the floor following the 31st August 2014 NPP Super Delegate’s Congress.


Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson