
Words of admonition to Ghanaians

Mon, 25 Aug 2014 Source: Kwawukume, Solomon

The whole human society and intellect, narrowing it down to Ghana, has become infested with influences of evil of Luciferic proportions at all levels of governance. These have manifested into intellectual and political deceits, dishonesty, corruption, greed, selfishness, arrogance, bigotry and intrigues over the years that have brought us to where we are now; bringing down Ghana to her knees.

We have behaved over the decades like ostriches and pretended as if nothing was happening and accepted the situation as Ghanaians. The realities are beginning to dawn on us and we are complaining and crying, but we have not learnt any lessons yet. It is business as usual which is reflected in the way and manner our leaders are handling our new found wealth in the oil and gas resources, which is undesirable and detrimental to the majority of the masses of the people of Ghana.

No amount of Economic Forums and Declarations would change and reverse the abyss we are falling into, unless there is complete exorcising of all these evils and a launching of a moral crusade to change attitudes and perceptions about high political and administrative positions and offices as means of amassing wealth, rather than service to humanity and enfoldment and growth of one’s soul.

“Ghana would rise to fame, but would crash like Ancient Ghana. The seed for the manifestation of the process are being planted today”. It was like a revelation, handed down to me by the Cosmic Masters, when I first started in September 2009 the advocacy on the best policies Ghana should adopt in handling the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry. But one does not need have the ability to read the stars, nor be a Nobel Laureate in Economics to bear witness to the fact that we are on a perilous path to socio-economic damnation, and eventually political instability.

The dark clouds swelling around Ghana under the Crystal Ball, the Crystal Ball gazers say, are frightening and alarming. Individuals are meditating and praying ceaselessly every day to avert this calamity. Or, if it should happen the effects must be less devastating. Some of us are working on the physical plane to prevent that crash, advocating for the correct policies to be adopted in handling our Upstream Oil Industry. “Oil can be a curse or a blessing”. It depends upon how you handle it from the beginning.

In my quest for the good of Ghanaians, through my contacts and interactions in respect of the Upstream Oil Industry, I discovered that matters of state are not being handled transparently and selflessly, but with the mind-set of what benefits one from one’s decisions as a person appears foremost. Some people in high positions forget that they are mortals and are not repository of all knowledge irrespective of their level of education. The level of intellectual and political dishonesty and deceit coming from both sides of the political divide is alarming and it would do this country no good. The Truth is always being suppressed, forgetting that the absence of Truth breeds instability and disorder in society. The moral fabric of the society is fast being eroded. It is rather unfortunate I cannot disclose to all revelations about the destiny of this country but the signs and writings are on the wall for those who have eyes to see.

May we put on sack clothes, pour ashes on ourselves and unite in invocation if it will help?

Omnipotent, Omniscience and Omnipresent God, infuse the Minds and Beings of our leaders to discern the Truth and to see the Light, to enable them make sound judgments and decisions affecting the Destiny of Ghana for the manifestation of Peace, Stability and Harmony.

So Mote it Be.

By: Solomon Kwawukume

Columnist: Kwawukume, Solomon