
Woyome is Relevant and Fair Game

Wed, 29 Feb 2012 Source: Arthur, Godfried Ebo

In the wake of the Woyomegate, the construction pioneers revelation, and other scandals of gargantuan scales cropping up all over the place about this National “Den of Crooks” (NDC), is it therefore any wonder that they would resort to the same old tired character assassination of Nana Akufo-Addo?

The recent unfounded fondling charge leveled against our Presidential candidate is yet another absurdity from these clueless administrators. Except for those, I call the usual suspects; I think it is all too clear to most Ghanaians that the current administration have no clue of what they are doing. Dr. Hannah Louisa Bissiw and Kojo Twum- Boafo are such a disgrace to their party (which is no surprise), but most unfortunately to the Nation. Some of us are certainly not going to allow such gibberish statements from these folks to go unanswered this time around. We shall not let them parry the focus on their ineptitude to issues of no consequence. In fact, we shall rebuff such buffoonery from officials of state in the strongest terms.

Ghanaians just heard the President give what could easily be considered our version of the “malaise speech”. A boring speech devoid of vision and big ideas. I am sure most Ghanaian of good conscience listening to the President would agree with me that the problems facing the country are of such magnitude that, they deserve the appropriate intelligent debate and dialogue. The anxiety and uncertainty that Ghanaians are suffering through should not be reduced to such stupidity. Therefore, the electorate would reject such nonsense designed to obfuscate the real issues facing Ghanaians. I am not in any way diminishing the issue of personal character regarding public officials or those who aspire to higher offices, far from it. However, to constantly conjure up any stupid issue to pin on our Presidential candidate no matter how contrived it is at the exclusion of everything else is rather revealing. It is a testament of how these folks are bereft of ideas about Governance. Moreover, which and whose character are we talking about here anyway? A party that has blood on its hands as far as some of us are concerned or the party that gleefully doles out States’ money to its patrons without asking any questions. Give me a break. We shall not allow the likes of Dr. Bissiw to ascribe their skewed notion of morality on us.

I do not know what the motivation is, but either by conceit or by delusional derangement; this seeming fetish with Nana Addo’s character by some of the disciple of the NDC to me is based on nothing but prejudiced ignorance and stupidity. They are afflicted by an irrational, emotional attachment to Nana Addo’s character that they cannot break. This episode is another outlandish tale of mendacity, with lie upon lie being told. Who are these people to preach to us about character, morals and values? Hell know. We are definitely not going to cede the moral and character argument to a Party, founded on abductions and killings. Dr. Bissiw of all people must be careful of her wishes.

Nana Akufo-Addo is no novice in the Ghanaian political landscape. He served as a ranking minority Member of Parliament for years. He also served as the State’s Attorney General and The Foreign Minister in the able and capable NPP administration headed by Former President J. A Kufour. However, I am yet to see or hear the NDC and their minions engage or attack our Presidential candidate on policy. Neither can they dare encroach on or least attempt to debate; his widely publicized and articulated vision for the country. This kind of foolishness will backfire this time around. I mean, only in the twisted and deranged minds of Dr. Bissiw and Twum-Boafo could what transpired at the Television studio be considered fondling. Of course, with the kind of mess they have gotten the country into, their only resolve now is to throw mud into the watchful eyes of Ghanaians. This sort of chicanery will not fly this time around.

You would think that with Woyomegate et al, some of these scoundrels would be humble with the power entrusted them. There are even some elected officials, for example Hon. Haruna Iddrisu who thinks that his constituents do not know or care about this Woyome debacle of gargantuan scale. To hear an elected member of parliament insinuating that Ghanaians do not care about Woyomegate is rather insulting to the intelligence of Ghanaians. Of course, “integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful” to quote Samuel Johnson. The things some of these people talk about clearly show their lack of respect for Ghanaians. However, if the NDC thinks they can finagle electoral victory out of Ghanaians this time around, then they must be living in fool’s paradise.

Like it or not, the elections this year are going to be a referendum on President John Atta Mills and his ruling NDC period. The question facing the electorate in this campaign and at the ballot box come Election Day is just simple. “Are you better off today than you were four years ago”? This question with its obvious answer has sent folks like Dr. Bissiw and her ilk into such panic mode. Hence, their illogical and irrational thinking are starting to rear its ugly head once again.

Dr. Godfried Ebo Arthur

Columnist: Arthur, Godfried Ebo