
You Must Stop Putting Negative Tags On Party Supporters

Sun, 4 May 2014 Source: Sangaparee, Clement

When evil men sit and plot in the middle of the night as to how to act like VAMPIRES and suck our innocent blood, we wake up in the middle of the night and call upon the Almighty God to keep our feet from hitting against ANY ROCK. It is the Lord who has been our strength and our sanctuary for we know who are for the NDC more than the few evil minds that are indirectly claiming to be die hard supporters of the NDC. Since March 2009 I was very much aware of all the evil and wicked machination that were going on all over the place to give me a negative tag but I was not and I am still not perturbed one bit. God knows that my agenda is to always to support every NDC President to succeed at all cost and I am fully supporting President John Dramani Mahama to also succeed at all cost. Change always comes with resistance. Those charlatans and latter day saints in the NDC who rather want to destroy the current President with their needless praise singing, sycophancy and backbiting would soon be exposed and made transparent for all NDC Members and well meaning Ghanaians to see one fine day. They always gang up and put negative tags on hard working NDC members in the various constituencies nation wide. These evil men and women always carry their evil messages from the various constituencies through the Regional level right up to the National level just to ensure that those innocent hard working party supporters are sacked from the NDC, now that it is in power. Let them carry on, a big Tsunami is on the way coming after the biometric registration in the NDC is completed. When these evil men travel as far as to the national level with the names of their targeted party supporters and their false allegations turns out to be FALSE. These evil men then put their tails in between their tights and return through their regional NDC Offices to their constituencies only to always bury their heads in shame. Let them continue to think they are preparing the gallows for the hardworking party supporters including this writer, they would rather find themselves with their necks in the gallows, with the nooses tightened around and hanged up. All those who are spending all their time fabricating stories and backbiting endlessly, that is their own cup of tea for it is just a matter of time. We all know that negative tags are always made in the camp of the NLM /NPP since 1951, the era of the National Liberation Movement up to date 2014. Now the era of the Narcotic Peddlers Party-NPP. They are experts in packaging negative tags which they put on innocent hard working NPP supporters leading to their total destruction because of political power and extreme greed and sheer arrogance. After the untimely death of the late President Mills of blessed memory-some elements within the NDC have bought these NEGATIVE TAGS from the camp of the NPP and have been putting these tags on several hard working NDC activists including this writer only to be exposed and made transparent for all to see when they put their negative tags on me in Obuasi. That case went straight to the office of the National Security where the former MCE for Obuasi who helped to put that negative tag on me had to flee with his tail in between his legs back to Obuasi with shame.


My offence was that I filed to contest the NDC Parliamentary Primaries with him when he first showed interest in the year 2007 and I later withdrew and allowed him to go un-opposed-He lost the seat to the NPP, that was where he put the negative tag on me and organized his ignorant Constituency Executives to support him and they did. Not satisfied, he told Cadres of the United Cadres Front that if I should remain their Leader, he will never give them any money all in bid to get me out of the NDC but he failed woefully. I told him point blank that I saw him coming into the NDC as common sympathizer without even an NDC Membership Card in 2007 and I have been the Election Committee Chairman since 1992 in the Obuasi Constituency until 2009 and was the one who vetted the current Executives into office in 2005. They moved Heaven and Earth to destroy me as well as my political career but they failed woefully. After all, who born dog? It is always better to be honest, truthful and principled in whatever you do, the evil doers and enemies would always fall before you in disgrace when they gang up against you, as it happen LIVE in Accra and Obuasi in the year 2010. When they failed they again complained bitterly about the articles I have been writing and that also failed as I called their bluff. Let us not give all our ears to the strange new stomach direction voices of today-Let us pay a lot of attention to the committed Old Voices of yesterday.

Is anybody littering? I shall return when the need arise. I am done ‘Jaanbie Iwaii” Alluta Continua!


Clement Sangaparee

United Cadres Front



All Media Houses


E-mail clementsang@yahoo.comm

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement