
Your vote, your future!

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Mon, 28 Nov 2016 Source: Daily Guide

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims…. but accomplices” —George Orwell.

Nine days hence, Dr Kwame Okro’s Asomdwekrom would be going to the polls to choose a leader and government to run the affairs of state for the next four years. Many of my compatriots have waited patiently for this day. Thanks to the Bearded Old Man above, the day is almost here with us.

It is worth noting that the party or candidate we vote for could make or mar our future and that of generations unborn. It is the reason we should all reflect carefully before finally thumb-printing for a party or candidate.

The word ‘vote’ originates from the Latin word ‘votum’, which means ‘a vow or wish’. The party or candidate you vote for is the one you believe can make your wish become a reality. A vote is thus a covenant between you and the party or candidate of your choice. It is also giving your power to someone or a group to control the country’s resources on your behalf.

I, therefore, need to ask myself some pertinent questions before I decide who to vote for. Did the Zu-za government reduce fuel prices drastically as it promised? Did it deliver the one-time health insurance premium it promised? Did it deliver a better Asomdwekrom? Did it manage the country’s resources well? Is my TIER-TWO PENSION CONTRIBUTION safe with this government? If the answer to all the questions is NO, then it would be foolhardy on my part to renew the mandate of such an incompetent and corrupt government.

Many friends and family members, both nuclear and extended, have called to ask who or which party they should vote for on December 7. I tell all of them the same thing: Answer the above questions truthfully and you would make a very positive choice.

I know my vote can make or mar my future that is why I will vote for my values and beliefs. By that I mean I will not vote for a president who is corrupt. Neither will I vote for one who will condone corruption of any form or magnitude. I will never vote for a president who will buy an aircraft at an inflated price and line his pocket with the difference at the expense of the state. I will not vote for a party which has the shameful record of using state cowries to buy “chinchinga” and pampers. I will not vote for a party which believes in using state cowries to drink tea; for doing so will give it the opportunity to continue splashing state cowries on cronies in the name of judgement debt. Not in my wildest dreams will I vote for a party with such despicable corrupt tendencies.

In other words, I will vote for an incorruptible leader whose eight-year record as Attorney-General and Foreign Minister is unblemished. I will give my vote to a party which promised oil and delivered; not a party which manufactured 1.7 million jobs in the comfort of its bedroom. I will thumbprint for a man who will judiciously use the state purse and distribute it equitably for the benefit of all and sundry. And which policy can better ensure the equitable distribution of the country’s oil proceeds than Nana Addo’s free SHS? I will vote for a party that can guarantee jobs for the citizenry with the implementation of the one district, one factory policy.

As Pastor Mensa Otabil said in his sermon last Saturday, “A nation becomes what its citizens vote for.” So whatever you vote for is what you want this country to become. You have the opportunity to show what you think about SADA, SUBAH, Woyome and all the create, loot and share schemes by the Ogwanfunu government.

Certainly, there comes a time in a man’s life when he is faced with the difficulty of choosing among many alternatives. Whatever choice he makes has its advantages and disadvantages. In making his choice, he should be prepared to live with the consequences of his action; for every action, good or bad, has consequences.

Today, Asomdwekrom is at crossroads. We have the opportunity to choose between a corruptible and incorruptible leader. We have a choice between respect for religious leaders and disdain for them. We have to choose between prosperity for all and prosperity for few. Blessed we shall be if we make a good choice; and misery becomes our lot if our choice is the wrong one.

As you ponder over which choice to make, do remember that the greatest insult to your intelligence is to put your vote on autopilot.

See you next week for another interesting konkonsa, Deo volente!

Columnist: Daily Guide