
This is the person the NPP delegates should select

Fri, 22 Dec 2006 Source: Kwaning, Martin

There is every indication to point to a tough NPP Presidential race considering the number of personalities whose names have been bounded around in the media as prospective candidates. While some have openly declared their intentions others are letting their spokesmen do the talking for them.

I will never fault those who have branded the number of perceived aspirants as a sign of arrogance while others have backed the idea as a sign of true democracy where you can not stop people from declaring their interest in running for a position in the party.

Frankly, it does not make a wise political decision to have those many people vying for a single position and numerous people are yet to be convinced by the supporters of the multiplicity of candidates bounded around as prospective candidates in the NPP.There is no evidence to suggest that these people are incompetent, certainly not, but politics is about taking the right decision that will convince the electorate that you are wise and when given the Keys of the Nation, you will be capable of taking the difficult decisions that confront the Nation.

It is greatly a worry that many of these people have failed to do a proper market research about their suitability for the job, you may be good and ready but circumstances prevailing in the country will not be conducive for your candidature hence the need to asses situation before declaring your interest in the Presidential race. In a constitutional rule, having being a former or present Minister or a Public officer do not necessarily mean you can be a President of this Nation.

It is hard to find answers while the National Executives seems to have kept quite on this issue preferring rather to state that since nomination has not be opened yet, all names bounded in the media are a mere speculation, well said, but there are ample evidence to suggest that many have declared their intention and campaigning and even some constituencies are prematurely rooting publicly for particular candidates, a sensible political strategy could have been advising the dozens of members declaring their intention to the race that their actions are unhealthy for the party’s image and cohesion.

I must echo the displeasure of many supporters whom have repeatedly condemned the dozens of names that are making rounds in the media for not taking the wisest decision to get out of the race. For me, there is no reason to back their stand to run for the Presidency, I totally cannot understand those respected personalities in the NPP their motives for vying for the Presidential race. Few Executives have assured worried members and sympathisers that by the time nomination and vetting starts, many of the names would have been vanished, good argument, but by then the harm would have already been done thereby losing many sympathisers that may otherwise would have voted for the party.

I am at a lost as to why some of these personalities will delude themselves in believing that they will get the mandate of the NPP delegates. The argument that, that has been the tradition of the NPP is clearly flaw, your thinking when in Opposition has to be completely different when in Government, hence what was allowable in Opposition can not be suitable whilst in Government.

One significant aspect, which is very disturbing, is the fact that if as a member you can not look through people’s mind and be convinced that you can not fit into current circumstances in the country as a President, then I wonder how you will perform or had performed as a Minister. I really shiver when I read and hear the personalities and their speeches in the media. The argument that it is the platform to showcase your ministerial security and also a period to be used to catapult yourself for the 2012 race is to me an elementary calculation.

It will definitely be kindergarten knowledge to suggest that those multi- presidential hopefuls are not knowledgably, certainly they are competent, but to declare yourself ready for the delegates to nominate you, you must have done a comprehensive assessment about yourself. I will not mince words, their actions are totally out of tune with reality and completely disconnected to our current conditions. Make no mistake, the Presidential Race is not a comic venture, today Mr. A tomorrow Mr.Z

It is unbelievable that Politicians are not watching Global trends in Politics, make mistakes and you will be voted out of office. It is a fact that it was internal bickering that caused the People’s Party in Spain to lose the 2004 elections when senior members in the party were jostling to grab the leadership in the party. Our democracy is too young to accommodate the multiplicity of candidates in a Presidential Race.

One message I have for these people: your actions are dislocating the unity of the party.

The foundation on which politics was built - the transformation of people lives and sacrificing to alleviate the suffering of our people- has sadly turned into an arena where people harbour the devilish attitude of grabbing all the State resources, leaving nothing for the dying people. It is a fact that some past and present politicians have genuinely gained for being in government or as state official but concurrently the emancipation of the down- trodden greatly occupies his or her thinking. The desire to make a name rather than make money at the expense of the nation is the agenda that feel his or her heart. It is not a matter of being religious person but it is based on the conviction that it is your Divine duty to feel the pains that Ghanaians go through daily.

Visit the villages, hospitals etc and if you are a true Human Being, the pains and torment the ordinary Ghanaian is going through will touched you and will not mess about believing that you have the panacea for the country’s woes.

Too little has been done over many years and we dare not destroy our country, for the generation unborn will never forgive us.

It is based on this premise that I will urge the numerous names that have been bounded around in the media to be humble enough and withdraw from the speculation list and rally behind the party to have a smooth transition. The good works done by President Kufour will surely be destroyed if they failed to buried their personal ego and let a couple or three names stand for the Presidential race. For far too long, some politicians have allowed their academic titles, position, youthful exuberance, and wealth dictates their thinking, which is very unfortunate.

Some are claming that their supporters are clamouring for them to stand, which supporters? Regardless, it is your duty as a Politician that you claim to be, to explain to your so-called supporters that the current and the anticipated future developments in the country do not merit your candidature. It is not a matter of dashing money to delegates that will convince them to nominate you but based on their understanding that candidate A or B will be able to continue with the development agenda of the party and the previous Party (NDC)

There are too many problems facing the country and the characteristics of the ideal person who there are every assurance that will led a New Team which will acceralate the emancipation agenda will be mentioned in my subsequent articles.

There comes a time when a sincere politician needs to sit down soberly and reflect on the difficulties bedevilling the country, invoke a divine wisdom, academic experience and if possible ancestral guidance to provide leaders to lead this Country.



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Columnist: Kwaning, Martin