Ghana's first Prime Minister and President ,Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nrumah
In Ghana, you can be a president but not all Ghanaian leaders have equal wisdom. Some of the leaders used their intelligence to make Ghana a great nation, while others brought untold hardships and suffering to the common people.
Jesus once said, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home."
That is true, Kwame Nkrumah might be considered a hero at his birthplace or home, Nkroful but his achievements as one of Ghana’s greatest political figures have caused jealousy among an empire of deceitful politicians that have tried to taint the works of this great man.
In the political history of Ghana, there hasn't been any Ghanaian leader that is loyal to his country and the entire African continent at the same time, as the former nationalist, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
Even though some Ghanaians might have been inspired by Nkrumah’s ideologies and philosophy, they still lacked the heroism which made Kwame Nkrumah, the kind of leader feared most by the governments of Western Europe and the United States of America.
Whereby today, there hasn't been any Ghanaian or African leader to question the colonial masters and the US government about the strange diseases, such as HIV, Aids, tuberculosis, Burkett’s lymphoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, Lassa fever, and Ebola, (apart from malaria), that suddenly or miraculously appeared on the continent of Africa, Nkrumah spoke against these issues to protect the continent because he knows what the foreign powers can do.
Since Kwame Nkrumah wasn’t ready to let Africa suffer after independence, he became a stumbling block on the paths of the governments of Western Europe and the United States of America because of their diabolical-clandestine agenda to take possession of Africa’s rich resources.
With the collaboration of America's CIA, the Nkrumah regime was overthrown. Years later, apart from malaria, came many diseases on the continent of Africa, causing a major setback to the development of the continent.
Today, African leaders accept money from foreign governments to support HIV-Aids and Ebola projects in Africa, instead of rejecting them because all the money ends up in their pockets.
Western European and American leaders do bad things politically and economically to Africa, yet they don't want any nation on earth will do the same thing against them. After that, they turn on African leaders to call them ‘corrupt,’ and the African continent a ‘Shit-hole.’
How do you expect Ghana or any African country to progress when African leaders kowtow in front of foreign leaders after committing horrible crimes in Africa, exchange the souls of their dead citizens killed by biological weapons for money?
History has repeated itself with a new biological weapon called coronavirus. Even though as usual, Africa is not responsible for any biological weapon, COVID 19 is gradually rounding Africa's ailing economy to a halt.
Already, it has been reported that the money given to support the coronavirus project in Ghana is completely exhausted. (Sika nu ashi, asah.) Within the shortest period, the money was given to Ghana, nobody knows what exactly it was used for.
Even though there is no Ghanaian or African leader, prepared to die or face any harsh treatment of foreign governments, yet, till today, many Ghanaians hate Kwame Nkrumah. However, the truth is if many African leaders are brave and powerful enough like Nkrumah, Africa will not end up in such a disaster, despite the continent’s rich resources.
I can still hear the “Voice From Afar,” of Kwame Nkrumah, a tribute to K. B. Asante, speaking, warning, and reminding Ghanaians and other African leaders with these powerful words.
“Even the cinema stories of fabulous Hollywood are loaded. One has only to listen to the cheers of an African audience as Hollywood’s heroes slaughter red Indians or Asiatics to understand the effectiveness of this weapon. For, in the developing continents, where the colonialist heritage has left a vast majority still illiterate, even the smallest child gets the message contained in the blood and thunder stories emanating from California.”
“ And along with murder and the Wild West goes an incessant a barrage of anti-socialist propaganda, in which the trade union man, the revolutionary or the man of dark skin is generally cast as the villain, while the policeman, the gum-shoe, the Federal agent — in a word, the CIA — type spy is ever the hero.”
“Here, truly, is the ideological under-belly of those political murders which so often use local people as their instruments. While Hollywood takes care of fiction, the enormous monopoly press, together with the outflow of slick, clever, expensive magazines, attends to what it chooses to call ‘news.”
“ Within separate countries, one or two news agencies control the news handouts, so that a deadly uniformity is achieved, regardless of the number of separate newspapers or magazines; while internationally, the financial preponderance of the United States is felt more and more through its foreign correspondents and offices abroad, as well as through its influence over inter-national capitalist journalism.”
“Under this guise, a flood of anti-liberation propaganda emanates from the capital cities of the West, directed against China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Algeria, Ghana, and all countries which hack out their own independent path to freedom. Prejudice is rife. For example, wherever there is armed struggle against the forces of reaction, the nationalists are referred to as rebels, terrorists, or frequently ‘communist terrorists'!”? Kwame Nkrumah
He that has ears, let them hear. Ghana or the entire African continent needs strong and powerful leaders, like Nkrumah to feed, educate, provide jobs, improve the health sectors in the country and protect the continent from foreign subversive activities affecting the development of the continent.
If African leaders are not prepared to stand and fight for their country, the continent of Africa will always remain a 'shithole,' with poor economies, malnourished children, diseases, while Europe and America capitalize on our resources to build their economies much stronger.