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NPP please Elect "The General"

Mon, 6 Aug 2007 Source: Dakwa, Kwame Dwamena

The National Executive Council of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has officially drawn the lines. The filing fee for presidential aspirants has been fixed at GH 25,000 (250 million cedis). Nominations will be opened on September 22 for all those who will contend to file their application. It has also been decided that come December 22, 2008, the flag bearer will be chosen to lead the NPP into victory.

It is with this crucial information being released by the National Executive Council that I would like to reiterate the need for the NPP’s National Congress to come out with a winning candidate for the party. Within the next five months, it is the ardent hope of all Ghanaians that a peaceful and friendly campaign will prevail amongst all aspirants. Each has their reasons for believing that they are the best material to lead Ghana further into the 21st century. Most of these noble individuals are well-qualified and experienced in their chosen professions. Considering the economic situation prevailing when President Kuffuor and is team came to power, a lot has been achieved. As we venture into the 21st century, Ghana needs a leader who represents majority of the population, THE YOUTH. This is not to say that the experience and wisdom of our fathers and elders is not desired. With Ghana being an agricultural based economy, this analogy will easily catch on: In order for a bountiful harvest for the season, whom would we want to send to tender our farms? And whom would we want to retain at home and give needed advice when the occasion arises? The young able-bodied gushing with enthusiasm, vim and vigor? Or the matured able-bodied reticent elders?

Ghanaians are fortunate that “The General” has stepped up to the plate. Mr. Daniel Kwaku Botwe is the youthful leader that can and will lead Ghana further into the 21st century. It is the belief of many in Ghana and the Diaspora that Mr. Botwe has represented the party prominently and when given the consent will do a wonderful job. Again here are some salient reasons why we believe the election of The General as the NPP presidential candidate will be in the best interest of all:

1. The elected flag bearer must be known to most Ghanaians and does not need any extensive marketing across the length and breadth of the country in order to have the peoples vote. As the General Secretary for NPP Mr. Botwe toured the entire nation, with the assistance of the numerous cadres in the constituencies he helped NPP win both in 2000, and 2004.

2. He has those important qualities any commander in chief must possess. Humility, charisma, great listener/orator. If elected in 2008 General Daniel Botwe will make an exceptionally good commander in chief. Considering his past achievements, there should be no doubt about his capacity to perform the duties of the commander in chief.

3. What is the appeal of the party today within its ranks and among the generality of Ghanaians? There is a considerable disillusionment within the ranks and file of the party. The one person who seems strategically placed to bring oneness into the party is no other than Mr. Daniel Kwaku Botwe.

4. The top of our list of reasons for believing Botwe can and will do this most difficult of jobs is that he has the requisite sympathy for the “FOOT- SOLDIERS” men and women who give up many of their rights, time and money as citizens in order to defend our nation. My confidence also comes from knowing that he knows what it’s like to have served under leaders who lacked the moral clarity or political backbone to sustain an effort from beginning to end.

5. He also understands from personal experience and practice that strong and determined diplomacy that will enable Ghana enjoy continued worldwide acclamations and not have to send our sons and daughters to seek greener pastures in the Diaspora.

6. Evidence backs up my claim in each of these areas. Botwe has demonstrated time and again his superior intellect at and winning elections. Nothing teaches you how to be a good leader better that having the opportunity to follow. Botwe has had this experience. He knows from personal experience how dependent you are on the person in charge and how essential it is for that person to speak clearly, forcefully and with moral conviction.

7. General, the youth of Ghana appreciates your concern. We know you truly care; we thank you for making yourself available for the high office of the land at the expense of your loved ones. We acknowledge your sacrifice. It is for this reason that we will move heaven and earth to ensure that you are elected the flag bearer of the NPP. As you always say, “It’s the people's welfare that comes first. That's what good government does.” Thank you for stepping up. May God be with you.

Kwame Dwamena Dakwa
Nkwatia, Kwawu

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Columnist: Dakwa, Kwame Dwamena