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Stop the baseless comparisons of Bawumia and others!

21731860 Vice-President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia

Wed, 19 Apr 2023 Source: Suleman Baako

Over the past few days, I have read on various social media platforms (Facebook, WhatsApp and others) a particular conversation churned out by commentators of a particular flagbearer candidate of our party.

It sounds infantile how some of our party people are making trivial comparisons between Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and Alan in the build-up to our party's flagbearership. While on a normal day, those baseless comparisons would have been ignored, I feel obliged to respond to them, given the extent of their groundlessness and the irreparable damage they can potentially cause the party.

There are some who argued whether Bawumia can win the party the needed Christian votes against JM than Alan. This is unfortunate! Since when has politics in Ghana become a scheme of religious interplay? Even so, it is undeniable that Dr. Bawumia has developed and cemented a very good relationship with the Christian community of this country – this is a verifiable fact. But if I may ask, was Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria a Muslim before he won as President?

They further argued whether Dr. Bawumia can win the party the needed Akan votes more than Alan. This is even more dangerous a comparison key! Why are we still mentioning tribes in our today's flourishing democratic dispensation? Was JM an Akan when he defeated us in the 2012 elections? Certainly not!

Our Ghanaian democracy has grown beyond matters of religion and ethnicity. And Ghanaians are discerning.

Dr. Bawumia has earned the treasured reputation of a UNIFIER, he never discriminates. He has come with clean hands and equity shall gladly embrace him.

Yet again, there are some who still argue whether Dr. Bawumia can help the party win more Ashanti Region votes than Alan can. At a time when we are building our frontiers to break the 8, comments of this nature should not be heard, they are precarious. Even if this holds at all, how come Alan never defeated Akufo-Addo in their primaries in the Ashanti Region?

They further contend if Dr. Bawumia can win the party women's votes than Alan. I dare say Dr. Bawumia is more endeared to Ghanaian women than any of his contenders inside and outside the bracket. I challenge those making the comparison to any reliable and objective poll.

Can Dr. Bawumia win the party the unemployed youth votes than Alan, they asked dewy-eyed. If there is any one person who has strongly championed the development of youth in this country, no doubt, it is Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia – from education to digitization and technological innovation employment opportunities, and a plethora of others. These are bare facts.

The track record of Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia is unmatched, and his goodwill with the people of Ghana is unassailable. He is not just the right choice, but the best to lead and win us the general elections.

I call on fellow party people to stop making perilous comments that could damage the party. We need to be united than ever to decisively #breakthe8.


Yours In the service of the party.

Columnist: Suleman Baako