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Homosexuality, lesbianism, transgender is demonic and evil. What does it profit a man(Ghanaians) if you gain all the world(Dollars) and you lose your soul(youth) in the future just by accepting LGBT activities in your society ...
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Homosexuality, lesbianism, transgender is demonic and evil. What does it profit a man(Ghanaians) if you gain all the world(Dollars) and you lose your soul(youth) in the future just by accepting LGBT activities in your society. LGBT will do the country no good; Ghanaians love GOD and the youth love GOD. Keep it like that and the youth will prosper in the future to come. They will travel the world including America and make Ghana proud. GOD is a patient and long suffering GOD but his promises are sure. It will come a time when this same America will see the evil and bad consequences of giving right to LGBT and they will see how GOD has prospered Ghana for rejecting LGBT right and will be force to become friends of Ghana. America is a nice country with good people both black and white but please reject anything that is evil and wrong like LGBT. Note not all black Americans or whites who come to Africa are Gays or lesbians, some a married people or Christians so test all the Spirit and reject any LGBT spirit. Test the spirit because once you have sexual connections with this LGBT people they can manipulate you spiritually. The demon they use is a very strong demon that never gives up, it will destroy the nation. Once the President gives them the right to practice their demonic act, then spiritually it will give that demon the right to start doing it work on the souls of individuals especially the youth. Reject it Ghanaians and trust in the Almighty GOD, the creator of the heavens and the Earth.
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