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Isaac Osei,The “Disunifier”As The Next NPP Leader?

Wed, 4 Aug 2010 Source: Quannawu

“Hon. Isaac Osei is humble, God-fearing, affable, charismatic, competent and above all without any controversies whatsoever”. This is according to Richard Ntim Frimpong of Subin. (He was obviously paid few millions to talk)

This means that he does not know the man. He is charismatic, I give him that but surely not God fearing. Any God fearing person is compassionate, forgiving and objective, but this man is certainly NOT forgiving, not compassionate and therefore not God Fearing. No God fearing person will move in the company of a ritualist and Voodoo practitioner not unless they are serving a different god other than God Almighty.

Ladies and gentlemen, I read with sadness the news that some quarters and backers of Nana Akufu Addo and Alan Kyeremateng are thinking of switching allegiance to Isaac Osei because of the perceived rift between the two of them. I wonder what on this earth for? May I draw your attention to the fact that these two gentlemen have legitimate right to contest for the flag bearer ship of the UP tradition but I ask you, where from Isaac Osei to even consider leading the UP tradition as a flag bearer? Is it because his father’s grandson, Kofi Diawuo is still paying a colonial debt to the detriment of all UP followers? If he has any sense of decency he should not have entertained this stupid idea of challenging any established member of the UP tradition. How on this earth should Isaac Osei challenge any of these gentlemen for anything within the domain of the NPP?

To begin with, Isaac Osei is the son of the former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank under the Nkrumah regime, E.K. Osei who almost bankrupted the nation even in the initial stages of our independence just to build houses and amassing other assets for only his children whiles other families suffer. Secondly, as the first son of his father Isaac followed the CPP tradition and was the Chairman of the CPP at Legon branch when he was a student there, right through the Lima administration. In addition to all this, throughout the P/NDC administration Osei had a private company at Koforidua and was in a ‘tet a tet’ with the NDC , being in charge of most of their international contracts. It was during the formation of the NPP that due to his family’s relationship with then candidate Kuffour and the fact that he had almost fallen out with his pay masters in the NDC he decided to edge towards the NPP to ensure Kuffour paid his colonial debt owed to Osei’s father. He was probably not aware that Kuffour had his own agenda of finding a replacement and as dubious as he is, almost fell out with the man when in 1994 backed Mr. Kwame Pianim for the leadership of the party instead of Kuffour.

AS High Commissioner, Osei’s presence did not help the NPP’s cause in any form or shape. Because of his contribution of £10000 at a time when Kuffour was completely broke and he bailed him out, he came with his own agenda and did not intend to push the NPP’s ideology and is quoted as saying that he didn’t come to London because of NPP but rather had his own agenda. Today we all have seen what he meant by that. Osei came to the UK to market himself as future president of Ghana but I am still baffled as to why he did not consider the fact that he will need the very people he snubbed constantly to back him, After all there is a saying that,” It pays to be nice to people you meet on your way up, as they are the same people you meet when you are coming down”. Osei’s tour of duty could only be described as eventful not because he did anything spectacular but because any idiot could see that he was planning something and had people to do the donkey work whiles he took the credit, by fraternising with any group whiles “pising” on the very people serving him the purpose of his plan. Wherever he goes, he leaves behind a trail of disappointment , pain and bitterness in the hearts and mind of the staff. Can this man even unifier twins?

The High Commission Refurbishment would fail any accountability audit as the due process of the National Procurement Act was not followed. In the first place the contract was awarded to Isaac Osei’s friend, Kobby Mensah Kuma, who though has the right qualification and experience for the job, being and Environmental Architect and Designer. However the cost was inflated at £1,750,000 to bring the Highgate office up to standard. This figure could have built us completely new offices not refurbish an existing property. Isaac Osei understandably needed money for his campaign but not at the expense of the majority of Ghanaians. It is this same Kobby who was called upon to refurbish the CocoaBod shed at the Tema Harbour, see my point? Osei’s percentage was paid into a London Bank Account which I will publish soon. It is into this same accounts that Nana Otuo Acheampong travelled in and out of London on bi-weekly basis to pay Osei’s share of transporting Cocoa into Tema habour, a contract which should have gone into competitive tendering but did NOT because Osei was CEO. During his tenure as High Commissioner all contracts went to his brothers and relatives and the same thing happened during CocoaBod 50th anniversary. All contract for the importation of memorabilia went to Osei’s sister and the rest of the contracts went to friends and other relatives. Can this man unify any divided group? At CocoBod today people(apart from his cronies) are really angry at the kind management style he practiced and were happy the job was not not given to him for a longer period.

His relationship with the UK & Ireland branch of the very party he is seeking to lead now wasn’t any better and is reputed to have had problems with, first the then chairman, Kwaku Ampratwum Sarpong and Second Vice Chairman, Noble Boachie, who I understand was initially accused of going out with a former girl friend of Nana Otuo Acheampong who is Osei’s friend, and later that he prevented Nana Otuo Acheampong from being appointed as the IRS Commissioner by saying that he is an NDC sympathiser (a fact everyone knew in London). This story is so infantile that it is claimed that Osei blocked all appointments meant for Mr. Boachie, a staunch supporter and dedicated worker of the party. Mr Osei told people that so long as he rides high in political circles, Mr Boachie is finishednot only politically but wherever he hears of him he will be there to destroy him.

Everybody would have thought that a man of Isaac Osei’s calibre would at least listen to both sides of an argument before objectively decide on his next course of action rather than presume the guilt of the other party and went on to punish all because he felt he was in position of authority. Indeed Mr. Boachie has been finished as due to this problem the man is no longer active in the party as he used to be, which was Isaac Osei’s plan. Ironically, Mr. Boachie was given the stick at general meetings for licking Isaaac Osei’s booth, little did we know that he could not stand Mr. Boachie. Mr Osei had problems with so many of the executives without explanation but the grudge between him and the chairman could not be explained till now. Because he knew people would talk about his distance from the branch party, any executive member who did not lick his booths was perceived to be against him. However he was on good terms with the first Vice Chairman, Adamu Daramani. It was no surprise that when Isaac Osei was campaigning for Subin he was the one he called to speak in support of his bid for a fee as Mr. Adamu Daramani badly needed money for his own campaign at Bawku Central.

Throughout Isaac Osei’s tour of duty in the UK he was at the NPP branch party meetings only three times and the number of times he was at the meeting was only when ministers were around and he had to, as a matter of cause, accompany them there. The most worrying instance was that at the victory party in 2004, he was conspicuously absent even though his invitation card was personally delivered by the Second Vice Chairman, Mr. Boachie. Yet due to his rift with top branch executives he chose to absent himself. Hon. Osei has been recorded as having warned members at functions to refrain from mentioning NPP, as it often offended certain invitees present at a function organised by an NPP High Commissioner?. Anytime during his tour of duty that Osei was invited, he preferred attending any other invitation but an NPP function. I therefore ask again whether this is the right man to lead the NPP in any period in our life time or be given the nod ahead of established names?.

Hon. Osei hated the branch party so much so that there were some local staff employed at the High Commission who were sympathetic to the party who incurred his were sacked for simply contributing to the party during fund raising or buying ticket for NPP functions. Annoyingly their positions were filled by Osei’s girlfriends (Victoria Mensah) and other people who supported CPP and NDC with no work permits, the same reason Osei gave for sacking these people. Is this man a unifier as he preaches in his campaign?. In order to increase his popularity and project himself Osei run a number of charity project in which Mr. Boachie was very prominent. There was the “Five Pounds No Balance” a project he introduced to raise monies from the Ghanaian public to finance some purchases for the Ghana Police and “The £10 to Save A Child” to raise money for Chorlebu Children Hospital. Osei’s main reason for these charities was firstly to campaign for support on the Police Council to secure for himself the Minister of Interior, which failed and secondly to ensure the approval of his company’s (Intravenous) contract application at Chorlebu Hospital for the supply of Drips. These two projects brought him close to the IGP, Nana Owusu Nsiah and Prof Frimpong Boateng (today his rival for the same flag). He used so many people to achieve the ends of these project and later insulted them and dumped them, notable among them was the then Second Vice Chairman of NPP, Mr. Agyei Boachie who was vey pivotal in all these projects. At the end of the day he received no thank you but rather accusations and attacks from the very person he has been serving, a unifier indeed. Osei preferred being in the arms of Nana Kyerewaa Amponsah than to be at an NPP function.

H e is the greatest beneficiary under the Kuffour administration and has the effrontery to contest for the top position against established members of the tradition. He enjoyed in all fronts whether it is Abena Adjei (Daughter of Alex Adjei at the office of then President Kuffour) who he sent to the Ministry Of Education after she completed her course at the London School of Economics or “Obroni” his secretary at Cocobod and many others I will enumerate in my next article.

His Election for the Subin Seat was not clean either. There were three contestants for the seat “purchased” from Hon Sampson Kwaku Boafo who was forced to vacate the seat in return for financial incentive and to continue to be a minister (otherwise he was going to be dropped at Kuffour’s last reshuffle). For his acceptance, he was made Minister of Chieftaincy Affairs which apart from the Land Cruiser and the trimmings was a demotion and meant nothing in comparative terms, but come to think of it, SK liked mingling with chiefs, collecting plots here and there. The whole thing was calculated in such a way that the third candidate, Ayisi Boateng was paid and financed to divide the votes so as to keep the rightful person, Eugene Antwi out as his face did not fit the agenda on the ground. In Feb 2005 at the castle a plan was hatched to project Allan Kyeremateng as Kufour’s replacement and failing that they needed an exit plan if he messed up, someone must be ready to replace him so it was agreed that Isaac Osei be brought back home to head CocoBod and to market himself in the cocoa growing areas. What Kuffour did not know was that Osei was one step ahead of him and had already done so for years in London. Osei began by talking to and convincing the wives of the executives by giving them capital to start businesses and contracts to their husbands to buy their loyalty, between 10m and 25m cedis. So he managed to convinced 56 out of the over 120 delegates of hungry mases whiles Ayisi Boateng was taking the other group and spoiling them with money from Osei, leaving poor Eugene to suffer. Some of the delegates did not genuinely believed in him as the right person but judging by the economic climate, they were prepared to sell their birthrights. It was no secret that Ayisi Boateng sold his birth rights and had no intention of becoming the MP of Subin as he is one of Osei’s pals and will not possibly compete against him, he received 1billion old cides. This is the country in which we live and expect to do so until we are called by God, does the truth stand a chance?

Isaac Osei’s Destruction of Mr. Noble Boachie was planned with precision and with the help of Nana Otuo Acheampong supported by Kwaku Ampratwum Sarpong. In 2004 the £5 No Balance came to an end and the committee had to make a presentation at the Ghana Police HQ and the committee mandated Mr. Boachie as the Publicity Officer to do that in Accra with ticket from the then Astrues Airline. According to Mr. Boachie, he got to Accra and on the day of the presentation started running around fro 6am trying to get the last bit of the consignment from the port. Mr. Boachie brought his report from the function that in spite of all his effort to get he function going, when the High Commissioner got hold of the microphone to introduce his team he had completely forgotten Mr. Boachie’s name but rather could remember his two other members, Mr. Michael Ansah and Nana Otuo Acheampong who were not part of the committee and relegated him to the far end of the seat. This report was in fact backed by video evidence so the committee chairman was asked to speak to the High Commissioner about it. This angered Isaac Osei so much so that he vowed to deal with Mr. Boachie as to why he should challenge his authority and instantly ordered that Mr. Boachie’s name be removed from any article going out of the High Commission and even if he took part of any project and was the pivot around which everything revolves, HE SHOULD NOT be mentioned. To Isaac Osei, Mr Boachie became a “Persona Non Grata” from that point. Even when the time came to be publishing the police presentation on Ghana Web the staff at the High Commission Information Departmentwere ordered to rewrite the whole article removing any reference to Noble Boachie. So it happened that the next function was at a Hall in Wood Green which Mr. Boachie was to be the MC but the High Commission staff was asked to ask Mr. Kobby Mensah Kumah to be the MC and prevent Mr. Boachie from even touching the microphone. Ironically Isaac Osei tells people that Mr Boachie had a problem with Nana Otuo Acheampong and he, Mr Boachie thinks because Osei is a friend to Nana Otuo he, Osei has taken sides. But I think that on balance of probability his problem is with Isaac Osei.

The Ampratwum Sarpong administration was coming to an end in Sept 2005 and prospective members were getting ready to step into the chairman’s seat and not surprisingly, Mr Boachie was among the leading members vying for the position of chairman having been 2nd Vice Chairman for 3years and before then he was the branch Auditor for 10years and Mr Adamu Daramani was on his way to contest for the Bawku Central seat. Every indication was that Mr Boachie stood a chance but there too Isaac Osei and his cronies made sure that he went out of the race as him becoming the chairman of the branch meant that he would be in a position to influence issues at branch level against Osei. Ambassador D.K. Osei, the then Secretary to President Kuffour was a classmate of Isaac Osei at the Achimota School and this gave Osei enormous power and influence at the presidency and instead of using it to help people, he used it to backstab and destroy people who slightly showed opposing views to his, but what goes around comes around and they will hunt him till he dies. Just as the days day of the election was drawing close Isaac Osei through his contact at the Castle called Mr Boachie to come for an interview at the Castle for an appointment which obviously meant that he had to withdraw from the chairmanship race even though Isaac Osei had made sure that all appointments for which Mr Boachie had been put forward were withdrawn. Mr Osei is quoted to have said that he instructed Ambassador D.K. Osei to either shred Mr Boachie’s CV or hide it somewhere no one would find because he had offended his best friend, Nana Otuo Acheampong. Mr Boachie withdrew from the election on the day and headed for the supposed interview only to be told that the appointment had already been made. By this action, Isaac Osei has proven to be very wicked, vindictive, cunning, cantankerous, and destructive, certainly not a unifier he claims to be. One thing that baffles me is the fact that Mr Boachie has been very silent without saying anything but I believe he can tell this story better than I have done so if you are reading please back me up and prevent Isaac Osei from ever becoming the leader of NPP because him as leader means the end of you not only politically but as he has shown you in 2007, in all walks of life. For him to make amends he has to make a public apology and pay you compensation because he has virtually destroyed your life and prevented you from living. Mrs Marian Osei if you happen to read this article, let me ask if you would like it for any of your children in London to be given such treatment. The sad thing is that Isaac might ask one of his dogs like Ken Amankwaah to reply to this article without any remorse and not even bothering to find out anything resembling the truth. Isaac Osei put Ken Amankwaah onto the Ghana @ 50 Secretariat and made him in charge of contracts so he also fed alright and is prepared to bark and ready to bite each time he hears his master’s name. But I entreat him to exercise restraint this time and ensure that he at least, read the whole article before starting to bark. Please Ken inform your boss that his vow to deal with the current UK branch executives for asking him questions he did not like when he met them early this year to inform them of his intention to become a flag bearer, has been noted but I know God is not asleep and for what he would do if he wins, his aspirations will never be realised in Jesus Name, Amen. He managed to buy Subin Constituency but not the 115000 delegates.


Uk & Ireland Branch

Columnist: Quannawu