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America to Help Ghana?

Sun, 12 Sep 2010 Source: Boamah, Ebenezer

America, the super-economic, super-political, and the super-military giant ardently loved, and believed on by the bulk of the world; but deeply hated by very few, the so-called terrorists is at another cross road in her history, and more importantly that of the rest of the world. In a world where the majority, the popular, the affluent and influential make the count, many are the nations and individual who look up to America for their socio-economic and political emancipation. Thus Ghana and the bulk of her African sisters are no exception to this craze of the century. Those who love America either have every possible justification to love her, personal or public; or are just swept away by her glamour or through the axiomatic so-good public image of the all-round giant of the century. The core for the love and the subsequent flirtation by the world toward America is mostly generated by the hip TV-media grandeur of the seemingly unlimited freedom; prosperity; and justice that America vainly promises. This hip is sown out by the secret real McCoy rulers America, who have the quest to rule the rest of the world, and mainly disseminated by Hollywood America and the likes of CNN, coordinated by secret service agencies.

The Illusions of Ghana

Ghana like the rest of the bulk of the world could not help but be swept away by the fantasies of good uncle America. Like the rest of Africa, and the poverty stricken world, Ghana is one of the naïve nations that looks up to the West, and who ever cares for a quick unlabored fix to her economic woes – a fix that she would not even care to know how to maintain. Thus the flashy overtures of America are even too overdone to attract naïve and lazy Ghana. Already Ghana has bitten many of the baits offered by America, and her likes. Ghana has become the intelligent centre of the America second-tier effort to totally control the wealth of the whole of Africa, even as other frontiers become unreliable to the American eco-military effort because of either dwindling resources or stiff violent resistance. Ghana has been given otherwise enslaving promises by America for her betterment. This unfortunate but avoidable situation though not peculiar to Ghana, it is imperative that she sits up having always been a strategic sister nation to the rest of Africa, especially the sub-saharan. Thus the good or the bad of the continent significantly rests on the leadership of the motherland.

Already, the disillusioned and clueless present (NDC) government is chucking out oil monies that are not even in the hand yet to window dress its unsystematically piece meal, and unsustainably hypocritical policies just to hang on to power. Such is the character of many other African governments which are so vulnerable to anything that makes do for the day, thus so susceptible to the well calculated deceit of America.

The True America

I myself have great course to love America as a political system, and a civil citizenry, like many do, had it not been the privileged enlightenment given me by the spirit of God. Now, like the old and new Babylon, Egypt, Assyria, and the Roman and Greek empires, and the likes, America has been an empire but with the most organized and vicious machinery to control the world, surpassing the tenacity and cruelty of Assyria. Though there are nations which have benefited very well or sporadically by the American policy; yet the good is just a drop in the ocean compared to the evil that the world has suffered – even as such good are and have been part of the tools of the selfish American policy.

End of America!

Now, Ghana and the rest of the world must wise up to the fact that America even in her prime was detrimental, but more so, her decline has been worst and will continue to be a big pain in the neck of those who rely on the falling monster. America, since her ascent to superdom has always seen the rest of the world as expendables to her selfish policy. Now, in accordance with the Word of God (prophetic and mysterious), America in reality has been fallen for over a decade now (the root is off the ground). She is just riding on her past glory, even though clear and enough signs have been showing of her crash, people and nations like Ghana fail to recognize this, and wean themselves of American fantasies and dependencies. America has been a divisive and devastating to many nations that have allowed her destiny to be dictated by her, whether voluntary or otherwise. Such nations are thorn apart or oppress their own citizenry to please America. Any sober person would recognize the seed of evil sown by America in places like Vietnam; Korean Peninsula; China; on the entire continent of Africa; Iran; Iraq; Pakistan; Afghanistan; Japan; Eastern Europe and the likes. Do not get me wrong that any nation is righteous, not even some of the nations that I have mentioned. This is the reason why no one nation should be hypocritical like America to interfere in another, covertly or otherwise. The sin of America is that she has lived to covet and suppress since her rise; and this she will pay dearly for it. Her prophets and shepherds have failed to rebuke her that not even her selfish tithing to Israel would save her from the judgment of the just God. They would have done well to tell her to live righteously even as she gives to charity. However, for a ticket to sin, the ministers encourage her to pay tithe on her loot of the weak nations to Israel as a buffer to divine judgment. Not all the superficial righteousness; the trillion dollar economic interventions; the vicious military slaughters and adventures; plus ‘all-is-well’ chorus of her blind prophets would save America from her fall, and just divine judgment. She better listen to the warning of the few of her not so popular but true prophets. America will leave Iraq and Afghanistan with her tail between her thighs. America better admit, and apologize to the world and to specific atrocities and make amends where possible to lessen her judgment.

The Pain of America’s Death

Like any dying monster, people and nations in the wake of America’s final breath as a superpower would and has been suffering great pain. America is and would be so desperate that she would do anything that comes to mind to survive, even to no avail. This mean unprecedented economic and military maneuvers which would wreck great havoc in the lives of some nations and peoples. America will never recover economically; and her military decline would come by a tumultuous face in the history of the world as she tries to use her military might to solve her economic problems, and salvage her deflated pride. Her pride as a nation would be so wounded that she would defy her own covert tactics she has employed over the years and do day light armed robberies. Organizations and individual American citizenry will do crazy things even as their pride is wounded by the fall to a great disorientation. This is the reason why Ghana and the rest of Africa must steer clear of America’s fallen tray else they would be crashed with the great Tree. As America catches her last breath as a great empire, so would many unprotected lives of her own and numerous abroad see great devastation.

Wake Up Ghana!

Ghana has been sleeping since the overthrow of Nkrumah, engineered by this same dangerous America that Ghana and many of her likes cling to for life. It is about time that those that God has groomed for the upliftment of Ghana and the rest of Africa took the mantle and lead Africa to her true and total emancipation – spiritual, economic, political and military destiny. There are many who are humble in the eye of the world yet called of God to lead Africa. You might be one of them irrespective of your background, and how the world sees you. If you have the edge wake up and seek for wisdom and guidance from the good LORD and move to gear accordingly. God bless Ghana, God bless Africa!

Ebenezer Boamah

Email: ebenbo@yahoo.com

(The author is a man of God, whose mandate is to national interest of all spheres, for ‘the spirit is not void of the flesh’).

Columnist: Boamah, Ebenezer