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Kofi Jumah, A Dishonuorable Amoung Honurables

Fri, 19 Nov 2010 Source: Tutu, Osei

Leaders whose moral compass does not point to the right direction must not be allowed to lead –Michael Manley (former Jamaican President). According to the great political scientist ant philosopher, if such leaders are made to lead, the whole society becomes directionless which consequently suffer all the ills of society. If there is /are any substances in the observations of Manley then no body would be surprised as you read on that Ghana a nation of huge natural and human resources moves backwards every second. An unknown philosopher state that any time one opens his or her mouth the person exposes his/ her brain end of quote; this postulation also gives society the yardstick to measure or assess and pass judgment if an individual is intelligent or otherwise. Simply put the actions or inactions of one determine who he / she is. Pardon me dear reader for the long sermon before the substantial issue on board. It is only to prepare our minds and find appropriate ways of engaging in effective discourse on the effusion of a personality whom otherwise should serve as a positive role model in society. The people of Ghana particularly those in the elephant family had a shock of their lives which nearly sent them into the political grave when a child they themselves (NPP) unduly prepared to insult outsiders (other political opponents) began the charity this time, from home. Implications and straight interpretation of Kofi Jumah’s Fox Fm interview last Wednesday 10 th November 2010 unambiguously tells the world that the only female Kumasi Mayer ascended to that post by opening her thighs wide before the appointing power then (Mr. Kuffour). It is a common knowledge in Africa that when mentioning is made of a woman using her buttocks to gain some thing no other interpretation is given but sexual favour. The statement made by the man NPP (members) call firebrands is not only idiotic but that which reduces womanhood to the gutters. The denigration of womanhood by a man who should be seen or seen proposing bills, arguing in parliament on socio- economic and development issues and or better still undertaking social intervention programs to save lives has transcended its summit. There is a saying in the Asante Twi which literally means that if you give birth to a bad child, you smell the bad odour of your private part. Indeed the elders of this country in general and those in NPP in particular who tuned deaf ears and eyes to the ill public pronouncements by public officials particularly Kofi Jumah are smelling the odour if their reproductive cavity. “ ye ma yen sere ene gyimee ena enam” to wit “ act and leys laugh comes along with foolishness “ is also a wise council left by our elders to guide posterity in their actions especially their utterances. I must be honest to point out that I was not least surprised to hear they call honourable make such a scurrilous effusion, for I have heard him lead insult crusades. I knew someday, one day, he was going to hit wall where he will definitely have inescapable window. How on earth Jumah a representative of thousand of people and a law maker fathom the idea of running such an incurable verbal diarrhea. But somehow try not to blame him but all those who encouraged him to develop dexterity in assassinating people’s character while given him top – notch appointments. (enye hwee, se woto adu bone a ebi ka wano). Simply put if you add a poisonous chemical to food you may end up tasting it. Enough of the blame of our elders. I hear Mr. Kofi Jumah, the verbal suicide bomber could this time around not hide because he bite more than his big cheeks could hold and made a U- turn by apologizing.

Question what did he apologize for? Is it for saying the issue publicly or that what he alleged about Madam Appiagyei is false? I do not get kofi Jumahs apology. He must come clear. This time around the law, our traditions, customs and all moral correctional measures must be applied. The whip must be cracked:

We must note the following about the horrible, scurrilous, disparaging and shameful statement from the NPP over pampered boy.

(A) He implies appointment under the Kuffour s regimes were not on merit; probably that is why he was both KMA boss and a deputy minister.

B) He generally tells the world all the woman appointees under his own close president – friend used their (buttocks) to rise to (their competence and education do not matter).

(C)That Patricia Appiagyei committed extra marital affair and she is liable to be divorced by her husband.

(D)Not only the above, the loud mouthed has also sunk the image of the family of Madam Appiagyei into an endless pit of disrepute, which if he is not made to face the music, can never be redeemed.

(D) Not only the image of the family of the noble lady but that of Mr. J. A. Kuffour.

(F) Lastly Kuffour best friend, Jumah has jeopardized the hard won international reputation of the man who is now creating brand for Ghana abroad. The above are food for thought. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s further analyze the “stupid” allegation by the official assassinator of character(s). Can he swear that he never flirted while in office? Or is it a case that Kofi Jumah used the buttocks of women and gave them favours that is why he feels any woman who gets position is through that methodology?

To me Kofi Jumah is an indictment on parliament and if there are any laws to that effect he must be made to resign to save the august house of black sheep’s. Also the NPP must take steps to call him out of their representatives because it is the party that sent him there though the people of Asokwa.

Shame to negative role models.


E- MAIL Fadaot2007@yahoo.com

Columnist: Tutu, Osei