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Prez Mahama ‘Thank You’ Tour Is Justified

Tue, 28 Aug 2012 Source: Moadow, Samuel Amadu Wuni

Considering the African society for that matter Ghana, ‘Thank You’ is a major value of every traditional setting and therefore cannot be relegated to the background. To me, ‘Thank You’ is one of the most important, wonderful, beautiful and incredibly sweet to say. Thank You is a positive comment that can make the world go around. As a young adult growing up, I have been consistently thankful to people showing my appreciation for their support and concern but being aware of its customary implication. I got a shock down my spine when an elder in our society who should have known better is against the ‘Thank You’ tour by President John Mahama. My question is that, should we the youth take the lead in implementing the customary values of society whiles our elders sit unconcern?

I write in relation to Lawyer Augustine Arvoh Mensah a prominent legal practitioner in Takoradi after speaking to DAILY GUIDE in an interview and also posted on Modernghana.com on the 24th August,2012 slammed President Mahama over his nationwide ‘Thank You’ tour appreciating Ghanaians for showing sympathy when President Mills passed away.

According to the Lawyer President Mahama by custom was not the head of the family of the late president and therefore had no mandate to thank the people. In my opinion the late President was not a President for his family alone but for the entire nation. I do not think the President is a wolf in sheep clothes to make political fortune from the misfortune of Ghanaians as the Lawyer thinks.

He also stated that, the President ‘Thank You’ message to Ghanaians through the national broadcast was enough. It will interest you to know that after his national broadcast a 12 year old boy with whom I watched the broadcast made an exclamation “ Ohoooo you only sit on TV and thanked us. Why? The boy asked. Come and thank we those in Walewale, we are also important.” If a child at this stage could pass such a comment what then should we expect from the elderly.

The NEC of NDC also showed a good gesture by thanking other political parties since the late president got the position of the presidency as a result of belonging to the NDC fraternity. Again the Lawyer had it wrong for condemning the NEC of the NDC for thanking other political parties.

Furthermore, the Lawyer stated that by custom, bereaved family members do not go round to thank themselves for fulfilling an obligation bestowed on them. The Lawyer should not forget that Ghana consist of multiplicity of ethnic groups and some families gather to appreciate and thank each other for supporting in organizing a befitting funeral. Again, will it be right for a child not to thank his father for providing his needs just because it is the father’s responsibility to provide? Obviously no.

In my view, the ‘Thank You’ tour by the President is justified by the fact that Ghanaians cherish the tradition

of recognition when you show appreciation by coming to their door steps.

Samuel Amadu Wuni Moadow



Columnist: Moadow, Samuel Amadu Wuni