
Tackling The Problem Of Strike Actions In The Country

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  • Sankofa 11 years ago

    Osei-Poku, I share your sentiments.

    We need to make it more difficult to take strike action. We must set up an independent arbitration body which must be the first stop to settling industrial disputes.

    There must be a ...
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  • charles opoku 0242356924 11 years ago

    Sleep today and you will wake up tomorrow to hear that your role models have embarked on a nationwide strike action. Approach the good educationist or medical doctor and he will inform you that t ...
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  • Yussif 11 years ago

    It is not that the teachers and the doctors are not patriotic. But is due to the reckless nature that the politicians are handling the nation resources.
    The government employing people to fill in the place of striking worker ...
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  • nii 11 years ago

    My friend you don't mnow what you are sayin

  • maame 11 years ago

    U are a politician in the making dat is why u talk like dat.

  • Egbeze 11 years ago

    Why do you talk as though you are not a Ghanaian?. If workers give a set date to go on strike if their needs are not addressed, and yet the government ignores them, is it their fault or the government's??
    If you are a Health ...
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  • Egbeze 11 years ago

    And about employing people to fill in the gap, am sure you know the implication of using the wrong tool for the right Job. Yes indeed, alot of people are unemployed, but a proffessionals work can only be handled by a proffes ...
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  • Peace 11 years ago

    This writer might be NDC member. Am sorry for Legon to had enrolled you on a course at all.
    Would you have been smiling if you have not been paid since 2011 to 2013?
    Don't be silly next time to put out such a sick article b ...
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  • TerriblY Spe cifiC 11 years ago

    This NDC chimp is looking for a position desperately.My friend, sycophancy will lure you away from the realities of life.

  • Sefam 11 years ago

    Hi Emma,
    This is an issue of leadership and management. Leadership by example must be the order of the day. It appears as well that the institution mandated e for resolving such issues are not upto the task or h i are no t a ...
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  • jabs 11 years ago

    you are probably a student and do not know labour dynamics.A country is doomed when you do not put the right people in their rightful places. You reasoning is the bane of ghana problems. Can you imagine the cost implications ...
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  • LUPEE 11 years ago

    Is the president not a human being? M.Ps are not human beings? Ministers are not human beings why should they be giving huge amount for their rent without taxation and you what you dont know.FOOLISH.