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A stupid so-called poem from a stupid woman who cannot write feature articles. Just get lost. I know you will come and insult me for insulting you. You are the only person who write on the web and comment on your own poems ju ...
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I think you envy or hate Akadu. This is one poem that addresses the problems facing Ghana. By the way, Akadu's articles or essays are one of the best on Ghanaweb.
I knew you will comment on what I said using a different name. Who rated your stupid poems as one of the best? You can run but cannot hide. You are nothing but an empty headed PhD holder. I still maintain that you get lost.
You sound bitter!
What are you? You don't know kobo about me so don't vomit over what you read here! Yes, I use several pen names so what! Who rated my stupid poems? You the wise human did! Relax no one is out to get you. Take a shower and you ...
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Kpegahlized Akadu and you will generate a man, professor in Pennsylvania call Kurang Parry. There is no woman with phd in Maryland or pesnyilvania call akadu Mensema. but for years these impersonators led us to believ so.. Th ...
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Call me everyman/everywoman! I write for the fun of it. You seek people's identities while hiding your names and using Akan ones! Cowards!
BRAVO...Akadu TSINA,you've really examined your small head filled with stupidity,you've scored a point here today with this poem...BRAVO but don't forget your medical is giving a sign that your foolishness ...
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Ihave always enjoyed the wisdom and the wit in Akadu's writing. I wish more Ghanaians would write about what is happening in our dear country instead of saying nasty things about those who do. Please contribute,don't tear dow ...
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Continue with thy holiness!! Sometimes you hate yourself just like your other self.
Do you publish in any peer journal? I will like ot read your publications,
Continue with thy holiness!! Sometimes you hate yourself just like your other self.
Fool and Idiot
What is stupid about this poem? You a re retard if you call this poem stupid!
Some of you come here to make permanent enemies because you disagree with what others write. Get a ilfe! Why don't you post your picture, address, credentials and all here for all to see! Your accusation is nothing new. There ...
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No Akadu, the truth is that you continue to ooze your ego with these PHD, Denkyira beauty - and all those nonsense. That is where the trouble lies. If only you called yourself a pig, then all could be fine; for your attitude, ...
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You just hate my boldness that speaks to wht you people do! Most of you who attack me daily are Ewes. The greatest among you Ama Obenewa, Pryce, Andy-K and you with London-Suffix for a name are all Ewes! Why only Ewes attack ...
read full comment i read self pity here?
please get yourself a good PR TO SORT OUT YOUR PROBLEMS.
you have devalued your writings with THE INFESTATION OF insults
this is very sad BECAUSE U R A PHD HOLDER
Put on your thinking cap and think clearly. Did you find any insults at the beginning or end of the poem? That one called kofi bruce and hammer insulted me. Tell them to read before they post. Tell them that they don't have t ...
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How foolish are you, sounds like a Nazi propaganda.
Always coming after one ethnicity to explain national problem.
As a historian you should know better.
How can you be an objective intellectual? We know you from Y ...
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Surely this is no hatred or Ewe business. Somehow, I do not have any problems with your current poem as your ideas appear to reflect reality. My problem is that you need to have a grip on your attitude and get yourself a dece ...
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Kwabena listen to HAMMER and change your attitude otherwise you and Okwampa are of the same stock. I find him transparent as he uses his name unlike the COWARD you are since childhood. I remember when you used to hide betwee ...
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I find no need to reveal your true identity!
You are a bloody fool and EWES don't sing praises to bloody fools like you DZIMAKLA/GBEMELA/AHOOVI/BUSUTOR/SAKABOVI/ADZAATOR/KABLA...
You are the bloody idiot!
What's your problem? Which part of London do you live? Get the ghetto out of your mind and be a real man.
I can understand your concern but that does not change my conception of what PHD is fine and which is really questionable. And, if you are that obscene AHOOOOFE OKWAMPA then I am not surprised to hear from you.
I don't have a PhD. I used to earn my living as a professional musician.
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This is not a stupid article as you claim.Your name Bruce is foreign and so may be your intellect and education.I don't seek to blame you because in the fantasy world where you're well cocooned all is just and right .That's n ...
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The catalogue and sheer scale of corruption in Ghana is hardly surprising. Corruption is endemic because Ghanaians have an attitude of acceptance and tolerance of thievery and bribery! Corruption has become part of our cultur ...
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Kwabena Akurang-Parry, so you like to teach and hide behind strange name to sow seed of discord.
Using the pen to wreck your motherland?
The poet is telling us clear problems and you aew saying he is wrecking the motherland!
This is a masterpiece Akadu. A wonderful piece of prose. Thank you. Should be published. Its just brilliant.
Fantastic piece! It sums up the bane of our underdevelopment! It is all over Africa, mis-educated thieves armed with pen and paper, most can't even touch computers. Just imagine the Supreme Court of Ghana refusing PPt present ...
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I'm surprised some people are seething with rage over a beautiful poem.Akadu Mensema surely ruffled some feathers with her style of writing.What was supposed to be a civil debate turned out into a debate reaching vitriolic le ...
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Hei Folks,
Where exactly did Akadu go wrong, apart from lacing a national tragedy with a bit of humour, to lighten it for Ghanaians who care about Mother Ghana?
Parliament? Over the past twenty years, the Auditor-general ...
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Perfectly reasonable comments for Ghanaians to ponder over!
Kobena, Akadu is being castigated for his PAST wrongs on this forum. Read carefully all those who are against Akadu and you will see that they are all referring to Akadu's past wrongs - his tribalism against Ewes, in the fir ...
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Well said. Kwabena Parry has short memory and illogical analysis, his PAST ARTICLES WERE MINIMIZING AND SOWING SEED OF DISCORD. AKADU, will you be proud to show these articles to the President of Shippenberg University?
Dare me and I will post your name, phone number and workplace here! You see I find need for that1
Go back and read about 400 of the poems that Akadu has written. It is all about attacking our problems!
What problems? You inglorious, ignorant and ignoble twit
Good you are truly a Ghanaian who cares!
Thank you Kobina for your patriotic
and wonderful contribution. This is what we need to shame and force these crooks out of office or do something for the people they are suppossed to serve.Ghana deserves better than this.
Some of us are struck by the absence of the "stealers" grouped under political parties. If Akadu mentions the NDC, he will be forced to mention NPP too. It seems he doesn't want to do this. And when he mentions several tribes ...
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No sense! Did she or he mention any political party!
Is this Akadu a male or female PhD?
Abu answer the same question!
No HE is just a cheap and despicable racist
Ghanaians hate the truth and will insult anyone who tells them that!
Kwadwo Dee, you've missed the point.
People are talking against Akadu, not against the message. There's a difference. Akadu knows that himself!!!
It is not that people hate the truth. They love the truth - the truth ab ...
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You are pissed because Akadu speaks about tribalism, domination, corruption, etc, that some of you beneficiaries would rather not hear!
i did not want to get in this dicussion.
but akadu is her/his own worst enemy.
what is destroying her message is the insults!!!
i am npp. i fought alongside arthur k against the coup in the 1980's but whenever i read her/ ...
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Brilliant Akuapem posing as a Denkyira
Anyway, it is just a pen
She is a tribalistic piece of ---.