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This shouldn't be a question; a pregnant lady should be allowed at cost to graduate. As long as the pregnant lady believes that she could take the exams, it shouldn't be anybody damn business to tell her what she should do or ...
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To me that law should be struck out as quick as possible. Being in teacher training mean you are matured know better. If a lady got pregnant while in school there is nothing wrong about it unless she can obtain her grade. So ...
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the FBI with the mexican police just arrest 1 of the most wanted men for having sex with little in the philipines
'Should pregnant women in teacher training schools be suspended?' The Answer is NO, Big No, not even jss pupil should be stopped from taking their exams when pregnant, if there is a law stoppiing pregnant school girls from ta ...
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women have been getting pregnant for thousands of years,,whats new about it,,We are not talking about doing hard labor or working in mental hospital where they will get hurt..You come to ghana and you see children sucking on ...
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And will gov repay or suspend the fees?
A pregnant woman is driving down the street and gets into a fender bender, and is out cold for a week. When she awakens, she realizes that she is no longer pregnant.
"What happened to my baby!" she frantically asks the doc ...
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This outmoded principle of disciplining teachers must stop with immediate effect!. why would a principle wants to control a matured citizen? she has the right to decide when and where to give birth. how many of the lecturers ...
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Amazing! How my countrymen can blindly argue and ignorantly criticize genuine and protective statutes of our state. Are we calling for the flood gates to be opened for more pregnancies and pregnancy related activities is our ...
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How do they get pregnant? Is their priority on training or procreation? One at a time. For those who are advocating for them to be permitted... "Should sexual intercourse also be permitted among all Trainees?" How can pregnan ...
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Training emphasizes AFFECTIVE and PSYCOMOTOR development whiles general education focus more on COGNITIVE aspect. The pregnant trainees have already failed in their AFFECTIVE development by going contrary to training regulati ...
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Being pregnant is a 'life choice' by the students and they are aware of the consequencies so they should be barred from taking the exams if that is what the law says. If they (as future teachers) cannot be disciplined enough ...
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I am glad to realize that there are few brave conservatives in my country to help fight, defend and protect our state institutions (formal and informal) from the onslaught waged by self-destructors blindly swallowing western ...
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This is a simple case, that law was teacher training colleges and not for colleges of education which are now tertiary institutions.
That was what somebody did thinking by merely changing names other things will also change. Whether tertiary or quaternary institutions... Are the colleges of education no longer training teachers? The name is only generic... ...
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Expulsion from sitting exams just because a woman is pregnant is primitive, outmoded, outdated and a complete nonsense!! By the way, should the man who made the lady pregnant (who might well be a fellow student also taking th ...
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Those are some of the reasons why we find ourselves where we are after 56 yrs of independence as globe trotter beggar nation.B'cos we have a lot of academically qualified(degrees) CE/Officers and Heads of Institutions who re ...
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This isn't the first time. A trainee nurse in a public nursing training institution cannot get pregnant while in school because if you do, you will asked to defer your studies and only return after delivery whereas in some pr ...
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The writer have only scratched the surface of the matter. How will a pregnant Teacher trainee look like standing in front of a class? What role model will she serve to girls in the class who may be aspiring to become teachers ...
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If Teacher Training programs in Ghana are meant for students from high schools, these students are matured females. Some could be married and ready to start their families. How on earth can such a ridiculous clause exist in t ...
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